Sunday, January 19, 2025

The Amazing Upside Down Eating Fox Squirrel

I take tremendous pleasure watching the comings and goings of the birds and squirrels in my backyard, and watching the inventive ways in which the squirrels access the bird feeders can be truly laugh out loud hilarious. My Gold Medallion Tree is a favorite for the squirrels because not only does it house a bird feeder, but it also has lots of seed-filled pods that they happily devour. This particular squirrel has devised a clever method of collecting and eating birdseed: he hangs upside down and swings from the branch to the feeder, and then eats upside down. Many of the other squirrels sit upright and eat their birdseed, but this little guy is something of an efficiency expert since skipping the sitting upright step means that he is able to eat more food in a shorter amount of time. It is so entertaining to witness, and it always puts smiles on our faces!


  1. Have you named this cutie?

    1. This cute little boy doesn't yet have a name. There are so many of them now, and it's hard to tell a lot of them apart! The first female that started coming to our bird feeders was called Gemma.


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