
Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Summer Skincare Tips

While there is a definite joie de vivre and abandon with which we navigate the fun summer months, this unusually hot weather means that one must exercise caution to avoid heat exhaustion, over-exposure to the sun and increased vulnerability.

1) Drink plenty of water. I know that this is painfully obvious, but it is something that I often don't do nearly enough of– particularly when I am on the go during the warmer months. Carrying around a good quality water bottle definitely helps remind you to drink water. It is easier than you think to become severely dehydrated, and this is can be very serious.

2) Be diligent in your use of a high SPF sunscreen (at least an SPF 30- though I use between an SPF 30-SPF 50 most of the time). The key is to remember to reapply sunscreen frequently. I often find myself applying my sunscreen in the morning and then forgetting to do so again throughout the day. That first and only application offers us a false sense of sun protection, but it does not last from morning until night. I carry sunscreen with me to reapply it, but of course this means that I need to reapply some foundation, tinted moisturizer, blush, or whatever I am wearing on my face that day. While this may not feel convenient it is necessary, and definitely worth the trouble. It should be applied to all exposed areas, and remember that the harmful rays also penetrate your clothing. Vulnerable areas like the ears, back of the neck, the drivers side of your face and body, the back of the hands, and feet are most often neglected. Avoid excessive sun exposure, and seek refuge in the shade. 

3) Wear a wide brim hat. I do this even when I am sitting under an umbrella.

4) Don't forget about your lips! Apply a moisturizing lip balm with an SPF underneath your lip gloss or lipstick to keep them protected. Reapplication throughout the day is the key to remaining protected.

5) Don't forget your hair and scalp! Not only can the sun wreak havoc on your hair, but the scalp is subject to sunburn as well. Use a deep conditioner on a weekly basis to keep your hair in good shape, and consider a good spray on SPF that is formulated for the hair.

6) A good pair of sunglasses won't just protect your eyes, but will also protect the vulnerable under eye area. Repeated sun exposure ages the skin, and subjects it to skin cancer.

7) Have your doctor carefully check your skin (including your scalp) for suspicious moles, spots, bumps or discoloration to determine whether you have cancerous or precancerous moles, spots or lesions. 

What are your favorite tips to get your skin through the hot summer months?
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