
Sunday, April 16, 2023

Spring Skincare Tips from Licensed Esthetician Emily Trampetti

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Emily Trampetti, founder of Skin Property, and an expert licensed esthetician, has these helpful spring skincare tips, as we transition to the warmer weather:

Warmer temps bring higher humidity: Skin needs moisture to be healthy, and the winter months are notoriously dry for most of us. So when spring hits, many of us may start to feel more naturally moisturized and less dehydrated. We may even notice our skin starts glowing more as this happens.

Lighter days bring reduced stress and Vitamin D: It’s no question that daylight savings time leaves us feeling more mentally upbeat when we can start seeing later and later sunsets. But more sun exposure typically also helps us create more vitamin D in our bodies, which is directly connected to our skin’s ability to heal, rejuvenate and protect itself from signs of premature aging. And the best part, sunscreen doesn’t inhibit this vitamin D synthesis.

Springtime Risks and Strategies: With all these benefits, it’s difficult to see any negative side effects of the spring season to our skin health. But like every season, there are both positive and negative effects. Because springtime is all about more light and outdoor activities, you won’t be surprised that the increased sun exposure we typically experience also has some inherent risks involved. 

More sun exposure leads to more UV damage and cancer risks: In the case of sun exposure, too much of a good thing is NOT a good thing. With all the wonderful qualities of sunshine, we must be cognizant of the dangerous ones as well. Sun exposure, especially unprotected, is the #1 leading cause of premature aging and fast growing skin cancer diagnoses. This is why it’s imperative that you apply your broad-spectrum SPF 30+ sunscreen daily, as well as reapplying every 2 hours*. This is true for all skin tones, especially lighter tones.

Cooler temps give a false sense of security: Springtime can seem like a roller coaster or weather patterns, mainly in the realm of temperature. Some days it seems like winter may be hanging on while others are straight up summer vibes. On the cooler days, it is still common for many people to think that sunscreen is less required. This is NOT true and can leave those susceptible to advanced sun damage and health risks. UVA rays, in particular, are rarely filtered adequately by temperature, clouds or precipitation, but carry similar if not worse effects than UVB rays. This is why I teach that it’s good practice to wear a broad-spectrum SPF 30+ sunscreen every day. Every. Single. Day. Even in winter. Even if you’re inside. If you are where a plant could survive, you should have your sunscreen on.

Outdoor living brings outdoor risk exposure: With being outside more in the spring and summertime months, skin is more exposed to outdoor pollutants that can lead to increased sensitivity, dehydration, and flares in certain skin conditions like acne, rosacea and hyperpigmentation disorders. The best way to combat this is to include proven topical antioxidants in your daily skincare routine like stabilized vitamin C, vitamin E, Vitamin A (retinoids), and well known skin barrier strengthening hydrators like glycerine, hyaluronic acid (long and short chain), and essential fatty acids (oils). Also, sunscreen daily.

*While it is generally accepted that sunscreen needs to be reapplied about every two hours, I live in Southern California and reapply mine about every 75 minutes. I also tend to prefer an SPF higher than 30 (Lola's Secret Beauty Blog). 

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