
Sunday, May 24, 2020


Memorial Day, while originally intended to honor the fallen Union Soldiers from the American Civil War, became more notably a day to commemorate all fallen soldiers serving in the United States Armed Services. We honor those we have lost, have barbecues to commemorate them, and generally take pause to reflect upon what their collective sacrifice meant.

More recently still, this holiday has come to symbolize a day where we embark on more personal expressions of memory about those departed loved ones who we dearly miss. Many of these people engaged in battles of a different kind-  brave bodies nobly fighting terminal diseases until they can no longer battle their pernicious house guests, and in some cases the weakening effects of the curative medications themselves. For me, this day is a reminder of having lost my dad a few short years ago (who was a veteran of the US Army), and it reminds me of everyone who I have loved who is no longer here.

Today, as we face the Coronavirus pandemic together, I think that we need to reflect upon those souls who have lost their lives to this devastating disease. We must celebrate, and give profound thanks to the doctors and nurses who bravely care for those infected, and all of the essential workers who so bravely make personal sacrifices to keep all of us safe. 

Join me in lifting a glass to honor the memory of all of the beloved people that we have lost, and all of those essential workers who bravely place themselves in harm's way to protect the rest of us. 

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