
Sunday, September 8, 2019

Things That I am Loving and Contemplating Lately

My friend Jen, from My Beauty Bunny, did this really interesting post the other day that highlights the things she is currently loving, doing and considering. It is based upon the "Taking Stock" templates bloggers often like to post, and it is a nice change of pace. She invited everyone to join in, and I thought that it was so interesting that I decided to do it as well.

Making: A new garden space in our backyard. We ripped out all of the overgrowth and are in the midst of designing a new space filled with indigenous, and Mediterranean, plants that are drought resistant and beautiful. We are taking out our lawn and creating distinct "rooms" and outdoor living spaces. It's back-breaking work, and we are doing it ourselves (at least at this point), but the rewards will be many.

Wishing: Summer wasn't ending!

Cooking: It's too hot for a lot of cooking, or eating hot food, therefore I am eating a lot of salads and fruit right now.

Drinking: Tall glasses of ice water– it is so refreshing in this hot Los Angeles heat. However, I also have been drinking some Matcha Green Tea Lattes when I want a little caffeine-fueled pick-me-up (Peet's Coffee makes a delicious version).

Reading: I am re-reading Roland Barthes Camera Lucida: Reflections on Photography. It is absolutely brilliant, as one would expect.

Wanting: For Milo to fully heal. He still is not feeling well, and we brought him to the vet for a followup appointment, and are awaiting test results.

Looking: I am staring into the nearly blank canvas that is my backyard, and trying to envision what it will look like when we are done.

Playing: With our dogs, Delilah and Lucy, in the backward– when it's not too hot.

Deciding: We are deciding on how to build a catio in the backyard. There are coyotes that cruise our area eating cats and small dogs– therefore letting the cats roam outdoors is not an option.

Enjoying: The peace and serenity of the early morning hours when the rest of LA is asleep.

Waiting: For the third box of our Thuma The Bed to be delivered so that we can put it together!

Liking: The idea of eliminating excess, and streamlining my whole life. That is precisely why I started to do such a large scale spring cleaning. It started with our garage, which had become a storage facility for everyone's stuff, and it has inspired me to scrutinize everything in my house.

Wondering: When the Game of Thrones prequel will be happening!

Loving: I am absolutely in love with our new Loom & Leaf Relaxed Firm Memory Foam Mattress. It is like sleeping on a supportive cloud, and I have never loved a bed more!

Pondering: The end of summer and going back to work soon.

Considering: Which projects to undertake while I am still on vacation! I realize that I also need some R&R though, because I have been working very hard on so many physically exhausting projects.

Watching: Big Dreams, Small Spaces on Netflix: It is a brilliant gardening show featuring Monty Don, and it has been giving me design ideas, and serious inspiration, for the backyard. While it features lots of tiny gardens in the UK I am adapting the ideas to an LA size backyard. I have also been binge-watching Succession (HBO) and Doctor Who (missed episodes).

Hoping: For a wonderful fall season. More importantly, I am hoping for a winter season without landslides, fires and other disasters that have crippled Southern California. I am very concerned about all of the people who have been directly impacted by Hurricane Dorian, and am hoping for the best. These disasters are utterly heart-wrenching.

Admiring: All of the rescue workers who are on the front-lines of disaster-relief. They are the true heroes.

Marvelling: At the wondrous natural world. Digging in the garden has not only had a grounding effect on me, but watching the birds, squirrels, lizards and insects up close has been nothing short of magnificent.

Needing: To go to the grocery store, but I am not in the mood to do it!

Smelling: I have been wearing Aftelier Cuir de Gardenia this summer, and absolutely LOVE it!

Wearing: Comfy cotton clothes to withstand the heat!

Following: My instincts, because they are usually right.

Noticing: The little things, and realizing just how important they are. It has made me more present, and in the moment, in all things. It is so easy to get consumed by what you have to do, and consciously being in the present adds such richness to one's life. This has been a difficult lesson because I make lists and am very organized about planning things out (for work and at home).

Knowing: Some of the greatest lessons, and experiences, in life come from the least expected places.

Thinking: I have been thinking a lot about a few writing projects that I am working on.

Feeling: Overheated! It has been so hot here in LA, and as a result we have been blasting the A/C for relief. However, we have been working outside so much, and the only relief is taking breaks in the shade with a huge glass of ice water.

Admiring: Selfless people who are motivated to do things for the greater good, and without the idea of personal gain. We need far more people like that in the world today!

Sorting: The contents of the garage, basement and closets. I am doing major spring cleaning to eliminate all cluttered spaces.

Buying: Low VOC paint for my bedroom. I am in full DIY mode right now, and have a very long list of projects that I am working on.

Getting: Work clothes for the fall, but I hate clothes shopping and will do it online!

Bookmarking: Actual books, rather than websites! Imagine that!

Disliking: Divisive politics and the way that it is dividing this country.

Opening: Forever opening up to new possibilities, new ideas that I hadn't previously held and talking to people with experiences vastly different from my own.

Giggling: Laughing with friends lately has been such a joy.

Snacking: On fresh fruit salad– it is so refreshing in this heat.

Coveting: Everything from African Botanics! This should come as no surprise since I absolutely love their products!

Helping: Milo, and frankly catering to his every need as he heals. I will do anything to help him on his road to recovery.

Hearing: The fountain in the backyard– it offers a serene backdrop when I am working.

Please share your thoughts, and answers, to any of the above! I would love to hear what you are loving and contemplating lately!


  1. What a beautifully written post. I loved reading other bloggers too. Yours sounds so hopeful and happy. Continue best wishes for Milo.

    1. Thank you, Marcia– that means a lot to me coming from you! I am so glad that you find mine hopeful and happy! Thank you for the well-wishes for Milo. He is having an ultrasound on Friday to determine if the mass on his lung is a cyst that needs to be drained. or a fast growing cancer :-(. Keep your fingers crossed!

  2. I loved seeing you do this! I did this too. It's so cool to get insight into you.

    1. Thanks, Courtney! I am so glad that you enjoyed it! I will go read yours now! xo

  3. I definitely need to do something with my backyard, I'd like a pergola. I hope Milo feels better soon!Great reminder to stay in the present! I also love hearing water, rain, fountains, lapping waves. Wasn't this a fun post to do??

    1. You would definitely get a to of pleasure and use out of a pergola! Thank you for your well-wishes for Milo! We need them right now! Yes, water features are so incredibly soothing and pleasant!


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