
Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Please Send Your Love and Positive Thoughts to Milo

Please send your love and positive thoughts to Milo– he is quite sick. Last night he started making a noise like he was trying to hack up fur, but the noise quickly transformed into a rattling weird sound. Given that it was about 9:30PM we had no option to see our regular vet– so we had to take him to an emergency hospital instead.
The vet said that it appeared that he had pneumonia and had to keep him overnight. There was absolutely no sign of it whatsoever– which is quite odd, but because Milo is on medication to treat his IBD it served to simultaneously treat what was going on in his lungs enough that nothing appeared to be wrong.
We are anxiously awaiting word from the vet to hear how sweet Milo did through the night, but quite frankly we are still in shock that anything– let alone something serious– is wrong with him. We pay such close attention to the health of our feline and canine family members, and I pride myself on being able to tell when even the very slightest thing is wrong, and yet in this case we were both completely broadsided because he was asymptomatic. 
As you may remember, Lola and Milo– seen together above– are brother and sister, and they have been incredibly close their entire lives. Therefore, I am worried about her as well– because the strength of their lifelong bond makes his absence, even just overnight, a concern about her as well. Please send your good thoughts to my sweet boy! xoxo, Helen & Lola


  1. I’m so sorry your sweet Milo is sick! I hope he will be well enough to come home today ♥️🤞🏻😺 Keep us posted on his progress

    1. Thank you, Allison! He is improving, but he had to spend another night at the hospital because he still needed the oxygen therapy and IV antibiotics. Hopefully he will have stabilized enough to come home today!

  2. I wish you and yours the best. All the best goes out to Milo. <3

    1. Thank you so much, Iris! I hope that you are doing well! <3

  3. Sending lots and lots of healing vibes to your baby. We've been watching our dog so carefully since he's not as healthy as before and I know how much it hurts.

    1. Thank you so much, Marcia! I really appreciate it a lot! I hope that your dog is okay. It is always so traumatic when out canine and feline friends have health issues. It's so hard to deal with!

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you, Cindy. Fortunately the treatments are working, but ew had hoped that the could take him home yesterday night, and he still needed his oxygen therapy and IV antibiotics. Hopefully he will be released today.

  5. You must be very worried about Milo at this moment. Sending my love to him. Hope he gets well soon.

    1. We definitely have been quite worried about him, but the good news is that he is responding to treatment! Hopefully he will be able to come home today! Thank you so much for your love and support! <3

  6. Sending love and positive thoughts your way.

    1. Thank you so much, Courtney! I am sending you lots of love and positive thoughts about Phaedra! Milo is being released from the hospital today, and his prognosis for a full recovery is excellent. He will remain on antibiotics for a while, but he should ultimately be okay!


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