
Thursday, August 29, 2019

Milo's Recovery

First I want to convey my heartfelt thanks to you for your emails and comments wishing Milo a speedy recovery– it means the world to me that you care that much about the health, and recovery, of my sweet kitty. He has been home for several days, and he is definitely on the mend. He is still on antibiotics for the pneumonia, but there are no signs to suggest that he won't make a full recovery. While he is less-than-thrilled by the medications that he must take, we are elated that the medical attention, and medications, have saved his life. At one point it really could have gone either way, but thankfully there are no signs to suggest that he might relapse.


  1. I am ecstatic for Milo and you! This is great! Go Milo! Live long and prosper!

    1. Thank you, Velvetwhip– it means the world to me that you feel this way! Spock approved!

  2. He's a beautiful boy. I hope that he continues his recovery. Our fur babies are so important to our well being.

    1. He really is a beautiful boy, and he has the sweetest soul! Thank you for your well-wishes they are much appreciated, and I wholeheartedly agree with you about how important our 4-legged family members are to our wellbeing!

  3. So happy that Milo is recovering. He is an absolutely stunning cat. Those blue eyes! Hope he is completely well soon 👍🏻😺🤞🏻

    1. Thank you, Allison! H it a beauty, that is for sure. He unflinchingly stares deeps into your eyes and retains the gaze for very long periods of time– it is very touching! I hope that he is completely well soon, too– so far, so good!


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