
Thursday, August 22, 2019

Milo's Health Update

(Taken a few weeks ago)
First, I want to thank all of you for your outpouring of love and support for Milo. The good news is that he is responding favorably to the IV antibiotics and the Oxygen Chamber therapy. The bad news is that the vet felt both were indicated longer, and therefore Milo had to spend a second night in the hospital. His breathing is improving, and they were going to wean him off of the oxygen beginning last night at about 8:00PM, and the hope is that today he will be ready for oral antibiotics. If all goes as planned, then he will be able to come home today, but he will still have a long road to full recovery. While he still looks and behaves like the kitten that we brought home 15 years ago– he is a senior cat, and therefore he's a bit less resilient than he once was. Pneumonia in cats is no small thing to contend with, but he has been receiving excellent medical care. Please keep your good vibes coming! xo, Helen & Lola


  1. Me and my 16 years young pup send our best to Milo and you!

    1. Thank you, Velvetwhip– we really appreciate it! He's coming home today, and his prognosis for a full recovery is excellent! <3

    2. I could not be more thrilled to hear that!

    3. Thank you so much, Velvetwhip! We are elated that he is back home, and continuing to recover! This was a very scary ordeal! <3

  2. My good wishes are going out to you all <3

    1. Thank you, Iris! You good wishes are very much appreciated! Milo is coming home today, and his prognosis for a full recovery is excellent!

  3. Lots of vibes. There's nothing quite like our love for our pets. I hope Milo can bounce back.

    1. Thank you so much, Marcia! I really appreciate your good vibes! The vet is releasing Milo today, and his prognosis for a full recovery is excellent! He will still be on oral antibiotics for a while, but he is doing well (all things considered). I am sure that he will be so relieved to be back home!


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