
Thursday, July 11, 2019


 (Affiliate Links)

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale  begins July 12! Early Access from July 12-18. Public Access from July 19- August 4. Nordy Cardmembers: Spend $150.00 and Receive $30.00 off. Spend $250.00 and receive $$60.00 off. Spend $400.00 and receive $100.00 off. Current Sales by Department: Beauty SalesWomen's SaleMen's SaleTrend SaleKid's Sale & Home Sale! 



  1. I am SO cynical now when it comes to this sale due to overwhelming greed-fest this has become on YouTube and "influencers". For the past week and for the next month I disconnect from social media due to the constant "look what I bought and you have to buy it to so click on my link so I can make money off of you!" crap. It wasn't always this way but sadly, it's the norm. I follow hardly anyone and instead, enjoy blogs (like yours, Lola) who cover it and then move on without the obvious money grab being forced down the throat of subscribers. What truly gals me is knowing that many buy this stuff and then return it, still cashing in on the links (remember, EVERYTHING you click on after that one item, they make a commission off of it) when people click to see the item on the Nordstrom site. Between this and the Walmart collaborations, it's disgusting; it's disappointing.

    1. Hi DivaMum, Do I ever understand what you mean! I find the overly commodified and monetized posts found online to be disingenuous, disconcerting, manipulative and often lacking in transparency. I ignore those websites altogether, and only read the few blogs that I do read that have real content.

      I still shop the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale, and have always liked this event a lot, but my spending habits are FAR different than they used to be. I no longer buy things on a whim, and only select the things that I know that I will use, or that are repurchases of tried and true items/products. What I no longer do is buy things simply because so many people are raving about them, or because they are over hypes by people trying to sell us on it.

      Here is an article that I wrote dealing with over-purchasing:

      Thank you so much for your kind words about my blog, I am glad that you perceive my position as you do. I see my role as providing information– along with reviews of products that I like, but I in no way have any interest in making people feel pressured into buying a thing. I do not like it when I feel that is the goal when I read blogs, and certainly don't want anyone to fee that way here. I also have a big problem with the term "influencers" because it presupposes that their role is to influence people who are easily influenced. I celebrate the independence of the people who read this blog, and never want them to feel as though I am selling them. Since I do not use hard sell tactics, which is of no interest to me, that means I only make a very small commission if, and when, someone does opt to click through an affiliated link, but many of the products that I feature do not include affiliated links, and therefore I make nothing whether or not purchases are made. I have a full time career outside of this blog, and I work hard for the money that I make from those long hours spent at work, and I am very careful in the purchases that I make as a result (and I know that is the same for the readers of this blog!). Thank you again for your very thoughtful comment, and I can tell you that I receive lots of emails from people who say that they have unsubscribed to most of the blogs that they once read because of the concerns that you have raised!


I love reading all of your comments and interacting with you- so please do not hesitate to share your thoughts, and to ask questions. Remember that what you have to say is of interest to all of us! Always feel free to email me directly as well. SPAM and advertising links will not be published.