
Saturday, April 22, 2017

Beautyhabit 20% Off Natural & Organic Beauty

(Affiliate Links)
In honor of Earth Day, Beautyhabit is offering 20% Off Natural & Organic Beauty. Offer expires April 23, 2017 at MIDNIGHT PST. Use Code: EARTHDAYTREAT


  1. did you get the email about 75% off on vincent logo makeup? i wanted their lip gloss kit for a long time/$75 was too much for me--i already have a ton of lipsticks---so with this dealt cost me $19.50----no tax, no s/h. the best deal i have ever seen.

    1. Hi Judy, I don't remember seeing that email! I am sure that I probably received it, but my inbox has been so overstuffed that I may not have paid close enough attention! What a GREAT deal! You really scored! I am so happy for you. :-)


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