Sunday, March 27, 2016


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You read the headline right! Sephora has the gorgeous TOM FORD Beauty Soleil Collection 2016, and it is available online on April 1 and in-store on April 15, 2016.

Remote private islands where summer lasts all year and one day seamlessly blends into the next inspire the TOM FORD Soleil Collection, a sensuous series of bronzers, highlighters, and skin care designed to illuminate summer.

TOM FORD Lip Color Sheer ($52.00), TOM FORD Bronzing Powders ($68.00), TOM FORD Bronzing Primer ($74.00) and TOM FORD Cream and Powder Eye Color ($60.00)
TOM FORD Cream Cheek Color ($68.00), TOM FORD Large Bronzing Powder ($98.00), TOM FORD Moisturecore Lip Color ($55.00) and TOM FORD Sheer Cheek Duo ($78.00)
TOM FORD Skin Illuminator ($72.00), TOM FORD Soleil Contouring Compact ($108.00) and
TOM FORD Ultra-Rich Lip Color ($52.00) Affiliate Links.

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  1. Oh my, I hope Sephora Canada will carry this and his other collections. No department stores here carry Tom Ford's cosmetics line, and Nordstrom was unable to ship the lipsticks I had my eye on to Canada.

    My bad if this is a double comment. I'm uncertain if the first one went through.

    1. I hope so too, Iris! That is so ridiculous! I can think of no logical reason that TOM FORD Beauty wouldn't be available in Canada! I hope the you are able to get the pieces the you want, and without having to pay exorbitant shipping costs!

    2. Hi Iris!

      Tom Ford Beauty is actually available at Holt Renfrew on the website for online shopping - the physical counter is in the Calgary store.

      Also there are CAD prices for this so I'm hoping it will be released here too!

    3. Hi Justine! Thank you so much for letting Iris know!!!!! :-)

    4. Thank you very much for letting me know, Justine!

    5. I'm so glad that Justine weighed in for you, Iris!

  2. The only physical counter for me is at Neiman and it's inconvenient with all the road work going on. I wonder though if the Sephora near me will carry the line. I was surprised to hear that this is going into Sephora.

    1. It would definitely be worth calling your Sephora to see. It will be available online April 1 and in-store on April 15. My bet is that the most popular pieces will sell out online quickly.

  3. Wow, there's the eye shadow I was looking for! If I remember correctly, Sephora had a VIB coupon event in the spring. I hope I can pick it up then if it's not already sold out. Fingers crossed!

    1. It is the eye shadow that you have been wanting! Let's hope that their is a VIB coupon to make this even more tempting! Fingers crossed, indeed!

  4. That's very interesting. I guess Estée Lauder (parent company) decided people had gotten over the sticker shock of TF products and so they'd take a chance and see how well the collection would fare at a mass retailer like Sephora. TF counters are few and far in between and not many people want to buy blind at his price points. Putting the collection in Sephora would definitely broaden the customer base. In addition, many department store cosmetic brands are making a concerted effort to bring customers back into the brick and mortar stores where they're more likely to try other products and make additional purchases. Putting a luxury collection like TF in a Sephora would certainly bring people in.

    I'm sorry to say this but I can't help but wondering if putting TF's summer collection in Sephora isn't a way fornEL to get rid of products. TF's summer collection was met with a resounding, collective "Ho-hum!" by those of us who are TF loyalists. After all, so many of the products are repromotes and most of us already have them so there isn't much about which we can get excited. Even the model promo picture is a repromote! It was like TF was bored but had to come up with a collection and so he brought back hugely successful products like Fire Lust rather than come up with a new story line.

    1. It is a very interesting choice, and I definitely found it to be quite interesting. I know what you mean though, there is something about the decision to launch a very exclusive kind of luxury line at Sephora that will definitely widen the customer base, but at the same time it makes it feel a little less luxurious when it doesn't get the same level of luxury presentation that you would find at Neiman's, for instance.

      You definitely pose an interesting question, Eileen! It's interesting that that is the only portion of the makeup line available, but they have also greatly expanded the TF fragrances as well. The summer collection was an interesting choice, but the sheer number of repromotes definitely will, and has, raised an eye brow for those among us who are loyalists like you and me. I can understand that to an extent, but recycling that promote picture of Gigi Hadid does not inspire much interest since it hasn't changed in the least bit! I am all for reprobating something like Fire Lust, but you are right– create a new campaign with a new picture that captures the spirit of the season and the collections! Are you planning on buying anything from the collection, or passing altogether?

    2. All I bought was a new Pink Sand cream blush because I could see the pan peeking through on the one I bought last summer. Its luscious pink-coral with golden pearl made this my go-to blush last year. The way it would glide on and blend seamlessly made this an all time fave.

    3. I missed out on Pink Sad last year, and was actually thinking about buying it this year, It is such a gorgeous shade!

    4. I think the model is Daphne Groeneveld, not Gigi Hadid.

    5. @LCanemone You are absolutely right! :-)

  5. I haven't been buying anything from Sephora but good to know they're stocking up on Tom Ford now!

    1. At least they have this collection. It will be interesting to see whether they begin stocking the core makeup collection! That certainly will be good our wallets during the VIB season!

  6. I want a couple of those lip colours - I also want the Honeymoon quad from the previous collection but it is always sold out :(

    1. Which of the lip colors are you planning on getting! Yes, Honeymoon really does seem to have been quite a smashing hit!

  7. Replies
    1. I know! I hope that you are on the mend!!!!!! <3

  8. I'm surprised to see TF at Sephora!

  9. Ooh, that blush duo is calling my name!

  10. Oh yeah. I need the creme shadow and a lippie. Or two. For research purposes. And because my TF Moodlight is lonely.

    1. Of course, you have to do your research, and you wouldn't want Moonlight to be lonely!

  11. Dang. I'm not a Sephora shopper! These are super pretty for spring!

  12. The cream powder eye color is gorgeous!!

  13. Oh my goodness, these look incredible! I am drooling over the eye cream, blush, and lipsticks!


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