
Tuesday, September 1, 2015

TOM FORD Beauty 16 New Permanent Lip Colors Fall 2015 | Information and Swatches Galore

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Among the current Tom Ford Beauty Releases for Fall 2015 is the stupendous addition of 16 new Lip Colors to the permanent core line. Of the 16 new shades, there are 8 repromotes from Tom Ford Lips & Boys Collection, 3 repromotes that were previously Asia Exclusives and 5 new shades.

TOM FORD Lip Color ($52.00 for 0.1 oz. from Neiman MarcusBergdorf GoodmanNordstromSaks Fifth Avenue and Bloomingdale's):

According to Tom Ford Beauty,

To Tom Ford, there is no more dramatic accessory than a perfect lip. It is the focus of the face and it has the power to define a woman's whole look. Each Lip Color is Tom Ford's modern ideal of an essential makeup shade. 

Rare and exotic ingredients including soja seed extract, Brazilian murumuru butter and chamomilla flower oil create an ultra-creamy texture with an incredibly smooth application. Specially treated color pigments are blended to deliver pure color with just the right balance of luminosity. 

1) Dark and Stormy No. 34 (Repromote of Pavlos from Lips and Boys)
2) Sweet Mystery No. 35 (Repromote of Peter from Lips & Boys)
3) Casino No. 38 (Repromote of Blake from Lips & Boys)
4) Seventh Sin No. 37 (Repromote of Omar from Lips & Boys)
5) Virgin Rose No. 48 (New Shade)
6) Lilac Nymph No. 47 (New Shade)
7) Forbidden Pink No. 22 (Repromote of an Asia Exclusive)
8) Naked Coral No. 21 (Repromote of an Asia Exclusive)
9) Sunset Blvd. No. 44 (Repromote of Tomas from Lips & Boys)
10) Something Wild No. 46 (New Shade)
11) Bare Peach No. 23 (Repromote of Asia Exclusive)
12) Guilty Pleasure No. 36 (Repromote of William from Lips & Boys)
13) Flash of Pink No. 39 (Repromote of John from Lips & Boys)
14) Showgirl No. 45 (Repromote of Francesco from Lips & Boys)
15) Misbehaved (New Shade)
16) So Vain (New Shade)
Dark and Stormy (Repromote of Pavlos from Lips and Boys) is a rich and intense red brown.
Sweet Mystery (Repromote of Peter from Lips & Boys) is a rose gold beige shimmer.
Casino (Repromote of Blake from Lips & Boys) is a complex reddened copper with a rich pearl finish.
Seventh Sin (Repromote of Omar from Lips & Boys) is a rich rusty copper with pearl.
Virgin Rose (New Shade) is a stunning mid-tone rosy pink.
Lilac Nymph (New Shade) is a gorgeous blue-based pink with a hint of lilac.
Forbidden Pink (Repromote of an Asia Exclusive) is a lovely pink kissed coral.
Naked Coral (Repromote of an Asia Exclusive) is a true coral.
Sunset Blvd. (Repromote of Tomas from Lips & Boys) is a stunning vibrant orange red with pearl.
Something Wild (New Shade) is an orange kissed red.
Bare Peach (Repromote of Asia Exclusive) is the perfect peach.
Guilty Pleasure (Repromote of William from Lips & Boys) is a warm peachy pearlized nude.
Flash of Pink (Repromote of John from Lips & Boys) is a blue-based hot pink with pearl.
Showgirl (Repromote of Francesco from Lips & Boys) is an ultra pigmented bright magenta.
Misbehaved (New Shade) is a vibrant orange with a hint of coral.
So Vain (New Shade) is a stunning muted plum with traces of subtle shimmer.

Overall Assessment: So far I only have So Vain, but these are so gorgeous that I am currently plotting my next purchase! Fortunately these are now part of the permanent collection so you don't have to act fast or lose out!

All views expressed are categorically my own (Affiliate Links).
Copyright © 2015 All Rights Reserved.


  1. Oh yum, Forbidden Pink and Naked Coral have my name written all over them! Thanks for the swatches and info, Helen! I'm hoping these will be available here soon!

    1. Those are definitely the two colors that I would have picked for you, Sunny! You are very welcome for the swatches and info! I hope that you receive them soon! <3

  2. Oooh I need Forbidden Pink and Virgin Rose. Loving all the swatches!

    1. Both stunning beauties, no doubt! They would look amazing on you!

  3. Casino is AWESOME! Ugh.... I'll have to add that to my shopping list!

  4. Seventh Sin needs to get on my lips NOW! <3

  5. Flash of Pink and Showgirl need to be mine. I think I passed out halfway through the photos they are so beautiful!

    1. Aren't those two insanely gorgeous! I'm so touches that you find the swatches so beautiful!

  6. Thank you sooo much for posting the swatches! I've been looking for them everywhere!

    1. You are very welcome, Bella! I'm so glad that you are finding them so helpful!

  7. My favorite lipsticks. It's hard for me to resist these. I've got to check the names of my Boys & Men to see what I have. Thank you for indulging me!!

    1. Mine too, as you already know! It's definitely hard to resist them! Definitely worth checking out what you have! You are so welcome!!!!

  8. Thank you for this, super helpful! I have my eye on so vain and bare peach x

    1. You are so welcome, Clare! I am very happy that this is super helpful to you! So Vain is the only one that I have purchased so far, and I consider it a must-have! Bare Peach and So Vain would both be absolutely stunning on you!

  9. I got 3 from this collection, can't wait to wear 'em all!!!

    1. Which three colors did you get, twinsy?! I can't wait to hear what you think!

  10. I think Casino is absolutely gorgeous. :D

    1. Agreed, Honey! Casino would be so stunning on you!

  11. Ooh, Casino and Virgin Rose are totally calling my name!

    1. Crazy beautiful, aren't they?! Both would be absolutely stunning on you!

  12. Oh my, I can hear my bank account cracking. Naked Coral, Forbidden Pink, Showgirl, Something Wild, Virgin Rose, Casino....any recommendations as to where I should start with these or the other new 2015 Fall lipcolors from TF? I have blond hair, green eyes and light/fair skin. Thank you! Love the swatches.

    1. I know, mine too! Well, let's see– while different in hue, Forbidden Pink and Naked Coral are close enough that I would choose one rather than both. Forbidden Pink, as the name suggests, has a touch of pink undertone so it is more of a coral pink. Naked Coral is more of a true coral. For my skin tone, I would choose Forbidden Pink because it has enough pink in it that it doesn't wash me out. Showgirl is an OUTSTANDING bright magenta/fuchsia, and if you wear bold lipsticks this is about as gorgeous as it gets! Something Wild is a stunning yellow-based red with a definite orange undercurrent. It is all kinds of beautiful, no question. Virgin Rose is a very flattering, and easy to wear, mid-tone rosy pink. It is a touch more neutral than a true blue-based pink, and you can really see this when you look at it swatched next to Lilac Nymph which is decidedly blue-based. Casino, is definitely one of the most unique shades in this collection, and its complexity is startlingly beautiful. I am going to try it on my lips next time I go to the Tom Ford Counter because I think that it is a must-have for anyone who has a penchant for Tom Ford Lipsticks, and who can wear this color.It's a reddened copper with a rich pearl finish but it has enough coolness for cool-toned complexions to wear, and likewise enough warmth for warm-toned complexions to wear.

      If I had to pick my personal favorite shades (that I can wear) I would pick So Vain, Casino, Dark and Stormy, Virgin Rose, Forbidden Pink, Flash of Pink and Showgirl. I can't really prioritize them in terms of preferred shade because I choose what to wear based upon my mood. Objectively speaking, however, I am super drawn to So Vain and Casino because they are such unique shades.

      Blond hair, green eyes and fair skin– you gorgeous woman, you! Is your complexion cool or warm? That will really help narrow down the selection. What colts of lipstick are you the most comfortable wearing? Let's see if we can narrow down your selection so that you don't go broke buying these decadent lipsticks! You are so very welcome! I am so very happy that you love my swatches!

  13. If you don't mind, please give me your top 5 or 10 recommendations (for me) in order. I have Misbehaved and So Vain. Argh, Tom Ford Beauty is going to be the death of me. :-)

    1. Hi Kimberly! Wow, that's a tough question because they are all so gorgeous, and the quality is superb on all of them. Do you want me to tell you my favorite colors from the list, or would you prefer that I help you pick out the ones that are the most suitable for your complexion? If it is the latter, then what colors do you tend to wear and are you warm or cool-toned? You definitely purchased two of my favorites! So Vain is my favorite shade, and so far the only one that I have purchased (though that is likely to change). You and me both! I can resist most lines, but Tom Ford Beauty gets me every single time! :-)

    2. I'd love your advice on which ones for me given my coloring. I already have colors from Pink Dusk to Violet Fatale so I'll wear whatever. While I might love the colors in the tube or swatch, I'm just not sure which actually complement my coloring. I've been told I have both cool and warm undertones so who knows. :-/

      Is it crazy to consider donating blood or plasma to pay for my Tom Ford lip color obsession?

    3. LOL! You are definitely bitten by the Tom Ford Beauty bug, like me! I'm trying to blow your thumbnail picture up enough to really check out your coloring. The peachy blush and lipstick look really lovely on you, but I am having trouble (given how tiny the picture is) determining whether you are warm or cool toned.

  14. I'm loving Naked Coral, Forbidden Pink, Showgirl, Something Wild and these too but I'm not sure about: Bare Peach, Virgin Rose, Sweet Mystery, Casino. It's so hard to choose and your swatches are gorgeous and very helpful.

    1. Given how lovely the makeup is in your picture, I think that Forbidden Pink and Naked Coral would both be very flattering. If Misbehaved looks great on you, I imagine that those will too. Despite the fact that I am having difficulty determining whether you have a warm or cool-toned complexion, my guess is that you look better in more clear, true and vibrant colors, rather than those that are too muted. In that way I would think that Naked Coral, Forbidden Pink, Showgirl, Flash of Pink and Something Wild would be exquisite choices for you. The others that you mention may be a touch too muted since my guess is that you can pull off the more vibrant colors beautifully. I am sure that you could wear any of them, but the trick is tower them, and not feel like they wear you, if you know what I mean. If they work with our skin-tone, then wearing them seems effortless. I'm thrilled that my swatches are so helpful! Since these are all part of the permanent line, you don't have to rush out and buy all of them, you can, instead, collect the ones that you really want over a period of time.

    2. I just saw your email. What a beauty you are, Kimberly! Your love of Tom Ford Lip Colors is clearly right on par with mine! It may be better for your wallet that you don't have super easy access to a Tom Ford Counter because it might get you into a lot more trouble!

      Judging by the pictures that you sent, it is my guess that you have cooler toned fair skin. The cool colored lipsticks, blush and eyeshadows are tremendously flattering on you. Based upon those pictures, I think that Forbidden Pink, Showgirl, Flash of Pink, Something Wild, Virgin Pink and Lilac Nymph would be lovely with your complexion. I also think that given your ability to wear the peachy corals that you wore in that thumbnail picture, that you could wear Naked Coral as well. While I think that Sweet Mystery is a lovely color, I feel that the shade itself may be too flat and muted for you despite the fact that the shimmer adds some dimension and interest to the texture of this particular shade.

      I imagine that So Vain is an infinitely flattering shade on you, and have a funny feeling that Casino might be a real winner on you. I think that it is such a nice balance between warm and cool, and it is just so unique. However, if you feel that it is too muted compared to the colors that you prefer to wear, then I would skip it.

      My swatches are true to color, and I think that a great many of these shades would be gorgeous on you. Which color is your gut telling you to try? :-)

  15. Sorry about all of the redundant/overlapping posts. I didn't realize there was a delay in them being published. 😳

    Yes, the thumbnail pic is tiny. I could email you my pic if that would help and if it doesn't sound too creepy?!? I can't swatch them anywhere close to where I now live.

    1. OMG, you are hilarious! No, it doesn't sound in the least bit creepy if you send me a picture! People do it all of the time! No worries about the overlapping posts! Send me any pictures that give me a good idea of what your complexion actually looks like in real life so that I can try to help you figure this out! At this price point you certainly want to be reasonable certain so that you don't buy something that you won't wear. Are you equally comfortable wearing So Vain and Misbehaved? What is your go-to Tom Ford Lipstick that you wear more than any other one. For me, despite the face that I have cool-tone skin (an have a ridiculous number of Tom Ford Lip Colors) I reach for Nude Vanilla the most!

    2. Thank you so much for all of your help with this! I bought Something Wild, Virgin Rose, Forbidden Pink, Naked Coral and Casino. I already had Misbehaved and So Vain. While Casino hasn't yet arrived, Something Wild is perhaps the most TF lipcolor I've ever seen. This might be "my" color for life.

      I'm so glad I found your blog! You were the only one I found that had swatches them in addition to in depth descriptions.

      (now, off to the blood bank!) 😄

    3. Hi Kimberly!

      Sorry that I haven't responded to your email yet (I will today) I was out of town for work.

      Your purchases are fantastic, and I am certain that you will love using all of the gorgeous colors that you selected! I am THRILLED that Something Wild is perfection, and your new color for life! I cannot wait to hear what you think of Casino– please keep me posted! I imagine it looking gorgeous on you!

      I'm so glad that you found my blog as well, and look forward to "talking" with you! I'm so thrilled that my swatches and descriptions have been so useful to you!


    4. I forgot to say that it was absolutely my pleasure helping you narrow down your choices! Cheers from one Tom Ford Beauty obsessed woman to another! <3

  16. I left out a key word in my description above...Something Wild is GORGEOUS!!! Absolutely breathtaking.

    Thanks again. Have a terrific day!

    1. I agree with you completely, Kimberly! It really is a GORGEOUS color!

      My pleasure! You have a fantastic day as well! :-)


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