
Saturday, August 15, 2015

Bright Smiles and Pearly Whites from Smile Brilliant!

Press Sample (Unaffiliated Links)

As coffee and tea drinkers know all-too-well, drinking these beloved caffeinated beverages takes a distinct toll on your pearly whites by transforming them into not-so-pearly yellows. However, the days of having to spend up to $1,000.00 with your dentist to whiten your teeth– which isn't covered by insurance– are long gone. Furthermore, there are many new to the market teeth-whitening systems that are more like the systems used by dentists than the traditional whitening strips available.

Smile Brilliant! is a teeth whitening system that creates custom molded dental impressions taken from your teeth so that the fit is perfect.

However, before you actually take impressions of your teeth you need to make sure that they are clean and flossed. 
Once you have cleaned and flossed your teeth, you are ready to make your impressions. You simply mix the Catalyst Paste with the Base Paste and place the mixed putty into the impression tray.
Then you make impressions of your upper teeth, and repeat the entire process for your lower teeth. Afterward, you let your impressions sit for 10 minutes and then rinse them in cool water. Finally, place them in the pre-paid package and mail them back to Smile Brilliant!
Smile Brilliant casts your impressions, and from them they are able to create your custom dental trays for whitening. They are housed in a nice plastic case in which to store them.
 Here are my custom impressions.
Once you are ready to whiten your teeth, you need to begin the process by placing a string of the Desensitizing Gel to the inner surface of your trays and then place the trays on your teeth. Leave on for 20-60 minutes. I have very sensitive teeth, so I left them on for an hour.
Once you have completely the first step with the desensitizing gel, then you need to rinse and dry the trays to remove any excess desensitizing gel. You will also lightly brush your teeth in order to prepare for the final step of actually whitening your teeth. 
In this final step, you simply apply a string of the Whitening Gel into your clean trays and then place them over your teeth. The suggested duration of time is between 20 minutes to 3 hours, depending on your sensitivity. If you do not have sensitive teeth, then you will see excellent results in the whitening of your teeth very quickly. However, if you are like me and have extremely sensitive teeth, then you probably will need to do no more than 20 minute cycles at a time. My teeth are so sensitive that I can only use them for about 10-15 minutes, and I have to wait several weeks before doing it again. Therefore, my results are much more gradual than yours will likely be.

Overall Assessment: This is the real deal in teeth-whitening, and an effective and affordable alternative to having your teeth whitened by your dentist. If you don't have sensitive teeth you will see results quickly, but if you have very sensitive teeth it will be much more gradual since you won't likely leave them on for more than 15-20 minutes at a time.

Special Price $119.95 (Regularly $179.95) from Smile Brilliant! (Unaffiliated Links).
Best Teeth Whitening Press Sample. All views expressed are categorically my own.
Copyright © 2015 All Rights Reserved.


  1. I found your review very helpful to me, Helen. I also have very sensitive teeth and I have had a hard time using whitening strips (though they work) for the entire whitening period - I always have to give up before the strips are all used. I was asked to try out Smile Brilliant, but I wasn't able to fit the trays into my mouth. So, Jeff is testing it out instead. He doesn't have any sensitivity problems at all, and he is finding it easy to use.

    1. Jeff is lucky that he doesn't have the sensitivity problems that we share! It definitely makes using whitening systems such a challenge for us. It takes so much longer to get the desired results, and if you drink coffee, tea or red wine with any regularity one really needs to whiten those teeth!

  2. This looks like a great kit! Thanks for sharing. :)

  3. Thank you for posting your review, keeping in mind that with your sensitive teeth, your experience will be different than others' experiences. I also have fairly sensitive teeth, so I definitely appreciate how you wrote your review!

    1. Hi Jessica, Thank you. I definitely thought that it was worthy to note that the results will be much slower if you have sensitive teeth since one can't leave these on as long as people without such sensitivities. I'm very glad that you found this helpful.

  4. I keep hearing great things about Smile Brilliant!

  5. My husband has VERY sensitive teeth and wants to have them whitened. This may be an option for him since you have the same issue. Thanks for sharing!

    1. This definitely could be a really good option for your husband. He just needs to have realistic expectations that it will take longer to achieve the desired results because of the sensitivity. It really does work well though!

  6. My teeth were pretty sensitive from this as well but I got decent results. I love the custom trays!

    1. Hi Kristina,

      I agree with you about the custom trays– they really are awesome. Your review was excellent, and you definitely saw results despite the fact that you also have sensitive teeth. :-)

  7. Looks like a great whitening kit!

  8. Looks pretty great! I have decently sensitive teeth, but I'd love to try it one day! :)

    1. Then this might be a good product choice for you,but i definitely wouldn't leave them on for a very long period of time until you know how your teeth will react. <3

  9. Wow, this seems a little intense! But definitely interesting!

    1. It's a really good system, but definitely more intense if you have sensitive teeth!

  10. I have this too and have only used it once. I can't wait to use it more to see results soon!!

  11. I used Crest before with great success, these also sound amazing!

    1. Crest makes some great and effective whitening products. This one works really well, and the custom trays are absolutely fantastic!

  12. I can't whiten my teeth because I have two crowns up front, and replacing them would be SO expensive so my coffee stained teeth stay :( but I also have crazy sensitive teeth, I can't even use crest white strips, so I'm always weary of kits like this. I wish my teeth were so sensitive (and I wish I didn't have crowns lol)

  13. I have a gag reflex so it's hard for me to use trays like this. I like the idea of being able to use it for 15-20 minutes though rather than a long time.

    1. Then this system definitely might be a challenge for you. However, the trays offer a very snug fit around your teeth and are quite small and flexible since they are an exact match. This feels much less invasive than other trays that I have seen or tried. That said, if it still feels like too much in your mouth– then something like whitening strips might be preferable.These only downside to using them for a shooter duration is the fact that it takes that much longer to get the results that one wants.

  14. I have quite sensitive teeth but I think I can tolerate this procedure/product well

    1. If your teeth are sensitive like mine, then you probably can, but just for shorter durations at a time.

  15. I've used the older system they had (you just brushed on a gel and used an led light to activate it) and liked the results. I love the idea of having the custom impressions.

    1. I haven't tried their older version, but I have one with the LED light to activate. I agree with you about the custom impressions– it really is a great feature!

  16. It's awesome that this can so easily be done at home!

    1. I agree Brooke! It's a super convenient and effective system.

  17. I haven't heard of this whitening kit before. Thanks for the review!

    1. My pleasure! It's a nice whitening kit, Kristen!

  18. I have used smile brilliant before - their older version, and like it. I like how they have upgraded.

    1. I haven't tried the older version, but I definitely like this one, Honey!


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