
Wednesday, May 6, 2015

May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month | 5 Sunscreen Mistakes You Might Be Making

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May is Skin Cancer Awareness month. Now is the perfect time to educate ourselves about the possible mistakes we're making with our sunscreen. Here, Dr. Rachel Nazarian from Schweiger Dermatology Group breaks down the 5 biggest mistakes she sees her patients make with SPF:

Mistake #1: SPF still works if you use a little
In order to get the highest protection that your sunscreen advertises, and achieve that SPF number on the label, you need to apply a nice thick layer. Most people apply too little sunscreen, leaving skin unprotected, and achieving a sun-protection-factor far below the number written on the bottle. SPF should be applied at approximately 2 milligrams of lotion per square centimeter of skin, or about one ounce for your entire body. That’s roughly the amount in a shot glass. Be generous with your sunscreen and slather it on, otherwise you’ve got nothing but false sense of security.

Mistake #2: Sunscreens are all the same
Sunscreen is divided into two broad categories: Physical and chemical. Physical sunscreens are thought to be superior by some dermatologists in a few ways. Unlike chemical sunscreens, which absorb the sun’s rays and can create free radicals, physical sunscreen protects skin by deflecting the radiation. Classic physical blocker sunscreens include ingredients such as zinc oxide and titanium dioxide and are a better choice for people with sensitive skin, as they tend to be less irritating than their chemical sunscreen counterparts.

Mistake #3: SPF lasts, so I can throw it on and go
This is a very common misunderstanding--and a dangerous one! The correct way to approach sunscreen is to: Apply early, re-apply appropriately and replace often. Many sunscreens require 15 minutes, some even 30 minutes, before they are fully absorbed into the skin. Keep the application of sunscreen early in your daily regimen so by the time you’re heading out, your sun protection is already at work! You have to REAPPLY sunscreen often to keep the benefits going. At most, sunscreen remains effective for two hours, but if you’re sweating, swimming, or rubbing, you’ll need to reapply even sooner. And finally, remember the shelf-life. Using expired sunscreen is a common reason for sunburn. Most sunscreens have a shelf-life between two and three years, however due to its unstable nature, bottles open for longer than one year should be thrown out. Additionally, if the expiration date has been reached, or if the sunscreen was left outside room temperature, it’s less likely to adequately protect you.

Mistake #4: I can mix SPF with anything
Sunscreen is super sensitive, delicate, and unstable. Mixing your sunscreen with lotions, creams, or other skincare products can dilute the active ingredients and reduce the SPF below what the labeling reflects. To wear sunscreen along with other topical makeup, rub sunscreen into the skin until it’s fully absorbed, and then apply makeup or lotions after. And remember, that makeup and lotion with SPF 15 doesn’t cut it! You need a minimum SPF 30 applied in a nice solid layer. Makeup can be applied afterwards.

Mistake #5: I'm wearing SPF, now I'm safe! 
I consider this the BIGGEST mistake people make. Sunscreen is best utilized as a SINGLE part of your sun-safety habits, along with other protective behaviors. Many people mistakenly assume sunscreen affords them the ability to sit endlessly in the sun. Sunscreen is not impenetrable, and its protection, although valuable, has limits. Efforts should always be made to seek shade, avoid sun during peak hours, and to wear photoprotective clothing. It should never be used as an opportunity to tan or sunbathe.  THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A SAFE TAN. Every tan is a sign of damage to the skin. If you’re wearing sunscreen, and you’re still getting tan, you’re not being safe enough.


  1. I often am in a quandry when it comes to reapplying. As in - how to do that over a full face of makeup? I've used the powder sunscreens in the past for that purpose. Guess I should considering investing/using them on a more regular basis.

    1. Hi Kimmy,

      Actually Goldfaden MD Sun Visor is an amazing sunscreen that is in a mist spray that can be sprayed right over makeup without messing it up! Check out my review:

      This is a great solution! <3

  2. Well said, Helen! Too many women only apply it to the face and neck. They should also be slathering it on the back of the neck, tops of the shoulders, chest, arms--in short, every place that gets sun exposure. And, sunscreen is not just for summer. Make it a habit to apply sunscreen everyday, seven days a week, fifty-two weeks a year. It's the single best anti-aging product out there.

    1. I agree with you completely, Eileen! One really has to slather it on everywhere where one gets any sun exposure. As I was told by a noted Dermatologist at UCLA, "Do not ever walk out of the house without wearing at least an SPF30 to all exposed areas, and reapply it every two hours." It's no joke, and since sun damage is cumulative we constantly have to live with this bad sun exposure choices that we have made throughout our lives!

  3. Helen, I was just about to try mixing my sunscreen with CoverFX Drops, but your blogpost has informed me that it is a bad idea. Thank you so much! Also, I put on sunscreen and then forget or don't want to reapply. This is a great reminder

    1. You are so welcome, Allison! Pretty interesting information. There is so much misinformation out there about sunscreen application and longevity! It's good to get the facts!

  4. Sunscreen definitely needs to be worn year-round. I enjoy Cetaphil SPF 50 - works as a moisturizer and primer. :)

    1. It really does, indeed! I will have to check out this Cetaphil SPF 50! It sounds fantastic. I have used several of their products and think that they are excellent!

  5. Fantastic post! So many misconceptions about SPF. People take it way too lightly!

    1. Thanks, Brooke! There really are far too many misconceptions about SPF, and if people would take the time to get armed with the facts there would be far fewer cases of skin cancer each year!

  6. Oh Twinsy, great minds think alike. We ESP'd e/a other today, we posted the same skin ca awareness. I love it!!!!!

    1. It's so crazy that we did it on the same day! The more time that goes by, the clearer it becomes that we are truly twinsies, indeed! <3

  7. I'm guilty of not reapplying enough, but, I never forget to put it on, so that's something!

    1. I think that most of us are guilty of just that!

  8. I have a friend who has had several spots of skin cancer removed from her upper body, so we are all hyper aware! She's always a big reminder.

  9. Great tips. I find that so many people don't even use sunscreen as a daily part of their skincare routine... let alone covering up while in the sun.

    1. I think that you are quite right, Honey. I think that you and I are forced to be aware because of where we live. Since we have so many sunny days in Hawaii and Los Angeles the weather serves as a constant reminder that we need to slather on sunscreen, but even then it can be all too easy to forget to reapply it!

  10. I preach reapplying but I am guilty of not doing it to myself. My kids are always good though!

    1. I do too! It's good that you have taught your kids well at such an early age– that will stick with them and become a lifelong habit as a result!

  11. Such great tips! I'm guilty of not reapplying enough.

    1. I'm so glad that you found them useful! I'm guilty of the same thing!

  12. Thank you for the awesome information! It is good to protect your skin all year round! <3

    1. My pleasure! I agree, there is never a safe time to go without sunscreen!

  13. Great tips. I shared these on FB.

    1. I'm so glad that you found it useful, Iris! Thanks for sharing it on FB!


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