
Monday, March 30, 2015

When Monday Feels Like Monday Who Wouldn't Want the Life of a Cat

Sometimes Monday Mornings come too fast, and one can't help but envy the responsibility-free life of a cat. As I was getting ready to start my work week, I watched Oliver as he peacefully slept. Without a care in the world, he found a little bit of morning sun and promptly fell asleep. I started to imagine how I would spend my day, if I could just lounge about, and frankly I couldn't come up with an idea better than his. Happy Monday!

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  1. Oh, I always find it funny how with all that fur, they love sleeping in the sun! You'd think they'd be too hot, but my kitties just love that ray of sun streaming through blinds. It's their happy place.

    1. I know, I always think the same thing! Those spots of sun definitely are their happy places! :-)

  2. How do they do it? How do they sleep as if they have never ever belonged to this earth! Cat's are a gift. Thank you my sweet one. My Monday is still feeling like a Monday and it won't feel any different until Tuesday.
    Sending you much light,

    1. I completely agree! They are extraordinary creatures who occupy the here and now! I fear that my Tuesday may feel a bit like a Monday! First lecture of the quarter– s oI will have a full day, and by the time that I get home I will want to do precisely what Oliver is shown doing above! Sending you love!

  3. I totally want to be Oliver right now!


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