
Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Tom Ford Beauty New Permanent 2015 Lip Colors, Lip Color Mattes and Lip Color Shines | Swatches & Availability

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New Lipsticks from TOM FORD BEAUTY!!

These lipsticks were once retired, but now they are BACK and PERMANENT to the Tom Ford Lipstick Collection!

There is nothing more exciting than when extraordinary highly coveted limited edition beauty treasures get repromoted, and when Tom Ford Beauty does it the excitement is palpable! I nearly fainted when I saw that Tom Ford Lip Colors in Black OrchidMoroccan RougeSmoke RedPure PinkNegligeeTwist of Fate, and Tom Ford Lip Color Mattes in Black Dahlia and First Time became available again. I suggest that you don't wait if you want to miss out on the more rare among them. There are also new Tom Ford Lip Color Shines  in Lust and Sultry that have been added to the permanent line!
Tom Ford Lip Color
Warm Sable is available at Neiman MarcusBergdorf GoodmanNordstrom & Saks Fifth Avenue.

Pure Pink is currently only available at Neiman MarcusBergdorf GoodmanNordstrom & Saks Fifth Avenue.

Smoke Red is currently only available at Neiman MarcusBergdorf GoodmanNordstrom & Saks Fifth Avenue.

Moroccan Rouge is currently only available at Neiman MarcusBergdorf Goodman & Saks Fifth Avenue.

Tom Ford Lip Color Mattes
Black Orchid currently only appears to be available at Neiman Marcus and Bergdorf Goodman. Given how seldom this beauty is, I wouldn't wait too long if you have long coveted it! It is the ultimate vampy lipstick, and I am transfixed by mine!

Black Dahlia Lip Color Matte is available at NordstromNeiman MarcusBergdorf Goodman, Saks Fifth Avenue and Bloomingdale's & Harrods.

First Time Lip Color Matte is available at NordstromNeiman MarcusBergdorf Goodman, Saks Fifth AvenueBloomingdale's & Harrods.
New Tom Ford Lip Color Shines

Overall Assessment: I am so excited that these iconic shades are now part of the permanent collection, and am thrilled to see the Lip Color Shine range increasing!

$50.00 each Available NOW at the TOM FORD BEAUTY Counter.
Michelle Weinstein
Tom Ford Beauty
Neiman Marcus
Beverly Hills
310-550-5900 x2517
Copyright © 2015 All Rights Reserved.


  1. OOOO Pure Pink definitely caught my eye! I like the vampier ones as well, but I'll wear Pure Pink more in spring/summer and I'm a right now type of girl. Thanks for the swatches, Helen!

    1. Mine too! Pure Pink would be glorious on you, Sunny! It's definitely a perfect shade for spring and summer! You are very welcome!

  2. Tom Ford is just too incredible for words.

  3. Ahhh these are gorgeous! Especially First Time Matte, Twist of Fate and Sultry. Beautiful swatches!

    1. I agree with you completely. Those three are definitely stunning!

  4. I definitely want First Time! I've been seeing it a lot lately and it just looks perfect!

    1. First Time would be extraordinarily beautiful on you, Brooke!

  5. Such gorgeousness!! Such temptation!! So many great shades!! #iwantalltheTomFordlipsticks ;)

    1. I absolutely agree with you, Allison! He definitely makes truly amazing lipsticks! <3

  6. I am so happy about Negligee and Moroccan Rouge! I missed Negligee last fall, so bought Richard. I liked it so much, that I bought 3 (!) Negligee lipsticks in full size on ebay. Imagine my shock when i noticed Negligee on both neiman marcus and nordstrom recently available again:) I just wish TF stops this LE game already. It is really annoying. Not all LEs must be in a permanent line, but some of them really deserve it.

    1. Hi Jane! Me too! Richard/Negligee is gorgeous, and I am glad that you can now buy the full sized lipstick whenever you run low! Moroccan Rouge is a stunning shade, and it definitely deserves pride of place in the permanent collection. I definitely agree with you about certain LE colors being part of the permanent collection rather than being repromoted periodically and causing such a frenzy. Just leave them in the permanent collection already!

  7. Thank you, Lola! Called and ordered. Now wondering if I rushed in because who needs bruised plum and black orchid and moroccan rouge. But if i hadn't bought them, I'd regret and end up chasing them down on evil bay. Sigh ... sign of a true addict?

    1. My pleasure, Bella! I'm so glad that you ordered the ones that you have been wanting! Well, I do know wharf you mean, but I own Bruised Plum, Black Orchid and Black Dahlia, and Moroccan Rouge is calling my name! This is so much better than chasing them down on evil bay at over-inflated prices that seem criminal! I give the same sigh, and share your TF lipstick affliction!

  8. I am happy that my absolute fave matte is permanent....Black Dahlia!

    1. You and me both, twinsy! It really needed to be part of the permanent collection!

  9. First Time and Twist of Fate looks uh-maaaazing...

    1. They really are! They would both be gorgeous on you, Melissa!

  10. Black Dahlia is my favorite, but I adore vampy colors like that any time of year !

    1. Hi Jessica! Black Dahlia is truly sublime! I adore vampy colors all year long as well! TF really knows how to do vampy right!

  11. Replies
    1. Hi Kristin, Pure Pink is calling my name as well! GORGEOUS!

  12. It looks like Black Orchid is sold out before I can get hold of it, I wish I could check your blog earlier next time.

    1. Hi Little Submarine. Keep checking back– they sold out quickly because Black Orchid has been so sought after for so long. They will restock it since it is now part of the permanent range! You'll get your Black Orchid before you know it! :-)

  13. So much gorgeousness! I love First Time.

    1. I agree! First Time is really a stunning shade!

  14. Pure Pink was my very first TF lipstick (in the white packaging) and I was devastated when it was discontinued. So happy to see it back! Now I can use mine up and not fear being unable to replace it!

    1. Hi Justine! Pure Pink is such a gorgeous shade! I'm so glad that you no longer have to use yours sparingly!

  15. No way. Negligee is back? I need to get my mitts on it! Pure Pink looks so pretty as well. Thanks for these swatches!

    X Alice

    1. Hi Alice! Isn't that amazing news?!!!! I agree with you about Pure Pink! It's on my list! You are so welcome!!!!! :-)


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