Sunday, December 7, 2014

Tom Ford Beauty Lips & Boys Limited Edition Lip Color | Pre-Sale Now & Launches December 26

(Affiliate Links)

Meet the boys today; they’ll be gone before you know it! Don’t miss your chance to shop this limited-edition collection featuring 50 new clutch-sized lip colors. The shades each bear the name of important men in Tom Ford’s life—friends, actors, editors, muses—who intrigue and inspire him. Who will be your favorites?

This decadent wardrobe of rich lip color shades delivers maximum impact. Rare and exotic ingredients including soja seed extract, Brazilian murumuru butter and chamomilla flower oil create an ultra-creamy texture with an incredibly smooth application. Specially treated color pigments are blended to deliver pure color with just the right balance of luminosity. 

Showcased in a sleek limited edition clutched sized lipstick case, each lip transforming shade, from James to Henry and Stavros to Francesco, amplifies a woman's individuality while generating an insatiable desire to try more than one. 
Tom Ford Beauty Gift with Purchase from Neiman Marcus: Yours with any purchase of 3 clutch sized Tom Ford lip colors. Receive this complimentary gift, yours with a purchase of three clutch sized Tom Ford lip colors. Gift includes: Luxe case container.

$32.00 each (0.07 oz./ 2g) Pre-Order Now from Neiman Marcus and Bergdorf Goodman. Launches December 26, 2014. Will also be available at Nordstrom, Selfridges and Bloomingdale's (Affiliate Links).

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  1. I like 4 boys:
    Alejandro, Gustavo, Leonardo, and Wes.
    Sadly, the rest are too purple to my liking. I look horrendous in purple.
    how was your weekend my gorgeous cosmic twin?

    1. Those are very pretty boys, indeed! You are a red-lip girl with exquisite taste! Still working on putting together all of the necessary paperwork for the TT app. Almost done, and will be happy when it's off of my desk.

      Are you feeling any better? I hope that the bug has moved on! Definitely cosmic twins, to be sure! How is everything going? xoxoxox

  2. My sister is working at Neiman this week and I hoped they'd have them so she could pick 2 up for me. Darn. I hope I can get them online.

    1. You can always have her look at them so that you can presell, or at least order online. Save for that one day that they sold them– I don't think that one can get them before the December 26 official launch :-(

  3. I managed to snag one on Cyber Monday and now I think I might need another. The which one part of that is going to be tough though.

    1. Nice job for grabbing one during Cyber Monday! I haven't purchased any yet, but have a list that I am considering! Which color did you get? Are you happy with it? :-)

    2. I got Cary, which I believe is also Casablanca in the permanent line? I LOVE it and have been wearing it almost non-stop since it arrived. The formula is excellent and now I understand why everyone raves about the line!

    3. Nice choice! I love Casablanca! I think that you are right that Cary is the same as Casablanca. There were about a dozen or so shades that are reprobate colors from the permanent collection. I'm so glad that you are loving the formula and color! Tom Ford Lipsticks are pretty hard to resist! What other colors are you considering? So far I am thinking about Flynn, Olivier, Ian and Peter, but we'll see what I think when I go and play with them this week!

    4. Flynn looks really pretty! Right now I'm thinking I might be a bit more bold and maybe pick from Alasdhair, Didier, Liam, and Guillermo. Haven't narrowed it down any further than that yet, but I think getting it down to four was a pretty good triumph to begin with! hahahahaha

    5. Gorgeous choices! I'm going to see them all tomorrow, and will try to get really accurate swatches to help you get your list narrowed down. I'm trying to get my "rational self" geared up so that I don't go crazy buying redundant shades! With any luck I will be triumphant, and only select the colors that I know I will wear regularly, or that are unique to my lipstick hoard! :-)

    6. I hope you have a wonderful time "meeting" all of them! I don't live close enough to anywhere to be able to see them in person. I get most of my beauty fix online and truly appreciate all you do!

    7. I will let you know! Thank you for saying that– I appreciate it! I will definitely get some good pictures! :-)

  4. These are so stunning, but at $32 a mini, I will be missing out. But I will enjoy seeing them on whoever has and reviews them!!

    1. They definitely are stunning! I am going to see and swatch them this week, and will see how I feel about the size and colors! I have a long slit of wants, but I'm trying to be very sensible about my purchases!

  5. I so badly want a Tom Ford lippie - the packaging is SO pretty!

  6. The sizes on these aren't actually that bad compared to the full versions. Actually, I think they work out to be cheaper per oz. And how many of us go through a full sized lipstick these days anyway? lol. Are they going to be online as well? xo

    1. That's an excellent point! You are so right about using up a whole lipstick! Yes, you can purchase them online as a presage right now through Neiman Marcus and Bergdorf Goodman. I suspect that the other stores will repost them online on the 26th. xoxo

    2. Hi Kimmy,

      I never seem to use an entire lipstick, either and so I love TF's concept of a clutch size (2 grams). They're bigger than a mini (1 gram) but smaller than a regular (3 grams) The clutch size comes in at $16 per gram whereas his regular comes in at $16.67. That's not a big difference in per gram cost but that's irrelevant to me because I never "use it up". I purge my stash regularly of products that are no longer in their prime or in which I've lost interest. So, I'd rather pay $32 and use all the product than pay $50 and toss about a third of it.

      Hi Helen,

      Yes, I did get some of the boys: Patrick, John, Michael, and Giacomo. There were other colors that interested me, but when I checked Beautyscene, I saw that they were renamed versions of what I already owned and so I safely skipped them. I'm really happy with the ones I bought. There is no difference in quality between the clutch size and the regular size. TF simply makes an awesome lipstick.

    3. Spot-on analysis about the value per ounce compared to the regular Lip Colors! You selected such gorgeous boys! I am definitely avoiding the repromoted colors as well since I have several of them already! I am still trying to narrow down my selection to about 4! I agree with you completely– TF makes amazing quality lipsticks! :-)

  7. I haven't tried Tom Ford. If they were cruelty free, I would :)

    1. I know what you mean, and there is no good scientific reason for any company to require animal testing for human product safety.

  8. I like Didier. I don't think most of those pinks would suit me but they'd look stunning on a bride :)

    1. Didier is really gorgeous! I can't wait to play with all of them!

  9. I love the shades! I'm interested to see what Olivier looks like.

    1. Hi Bailey! Olivier definitely caught my eye as well!

  10. My Tom Ford sissy-slash-enabler! I was looking at these y'day online but decided to hold off til I see all in person. I'm buying for sure!!!!

    1. We are DEFINITELY that! I know what you mean– I definitely need to see them in person as well! I don't want to buy colors that are dupes for other shades in my stash. I'm buying for sure as well. I would like to limit myself to 4 of them, but we'll see how well I do! :-)

  11. I've always wanted to try this brand!

    1. Hi Justina,

      THis would be a great time to try one of the TF lipsticks since they have so many colors to choose from!

  12. Tom Ford makes my heart go pit-a-patter!


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