
Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Project Make-A-Dent Volume II: Luscious Lips Edition Progress Check #2

 Project Make-A-Dent Volume II: The Luscious Lips Edition that launched March 3, 2014

I launched Project Make-A-Dent in October 2013 in an effort to use and finish some of my neglected makeup, and there is plenty of it! Here is what I had to say then:

In the midst of all of the current gifts with purchases, and our inherent desire to purchase even more makeup- I feel myself growing somewhat anxious given the sheer size of my stash, and my continued desire to consume more. This takes on a different level of urgency as the holiday collections are beginning to appear at counters, and the lust list continues to grow (worse still when they are limited edition).

In fact, I have been thinking about this a great deal lately, and decided that while not an ultimate solution to consumerism, that I needed to make a concerted effort to use some of the things that I have. Then it came to me in the middle of the night- rather than putting myself on a "no buy"- which to me is like a diet where you can never eat anything yummy again- that I would choose my purchases far more carefully and selectively, and create a new post series whereby I select several products to use with some regularity. The end goal is to use them up completely, but not at the exclusion of using other things. These items will be kept together in a place that is easily seen and accessed in order to encourage their use. Then at some point-- perhaps on a monthly basis-- another picture will be taken to reveal how much has been used.

A year later, and with a few Project-Make-A-Dents under my belt, I can say that while I feel the same that I have become a smarter consumer. By this I mean to say that I seldom make impulse purchases, and I think long and hard about the makeup that I already have before I purchase more. That said, I am not impervious to the charms of certain products (read: Tom Ford) so while I am a little wiser in my purchases I would hardly say that I abstain from buying what I really want.
As previously noted,

Each month following the initial reveal of my chosen items, I showed you my progress to keep me motivated-- and hopefully to motivate you to join me on this quest. This is what my initial post look like in October 2013, and what it looked like when I completed my first Project Make-A-Dent in February 2014. As you can see, I finished 5 out of the 9 items that I had selected! I then asked you whether you wanted me to pick all new products for Volume II of the project or add to the remaining products from Volume I. Between your comments and emails the overwhelming majority voted that I pick all new products-- so I did just that.

Project Make-A-Dent Volume II: The Luscious Lips Edition came about because I have so many lip products, many of which haven't seen the light of day in eons, that it seemed like the logical choice for Volume II. You will note that I chose a disproportionately large number of MAC lip products because they have been very neglected for a very long time. I have backups of a many of these items-- namely the Chanel Glossimer in Star, the Shu Lip Liner, the Kevyn Aucoin Liquid Pen in Peonine, MAC Evolution Revolution, MAC Lip Gelée in Amber Russe and the Revlon Lip Butter in Sugar Frosting-- therefore I wanted to use them up since I have more in-waiting.
My progress in October: In the many months since I posted my reveal for The Luscious Lips Edition, I have done a fairly poor job using some of the products featured. I actually did use everything, but some things with far less frequency than others. The greatest dent that I made was with the She Uemura Lip Liner because I actually finished it! The Revlon Lip Butter, which I carried in my purse and used with some regularity, is almost finished. I did use the MAC Lipglass enough to see a slight denting, as was the case with the MAC Lip Gelée in Sapilicious, and the Chanel Glossimer. The remaining products, while used periodically, were not reached for enough to show any real wear. In the spirit of full disclosure, I only reached for the Kevyn Aucoin lip gloss a couple of times.

I should also note that I caught a pernicious bug, that kept me down for two weeks, and from which I am only now beginning to emerge. Therefore, during this time I wore no makeup whatsoever-- further slowing down my progress.

This is not just for me, but it is also a challenge to you to join me in Project Make-A-Dent. Everybody is welcome to participate (and you do not have to be a blogger). If you are active in social media then let's use the hashtag:#projectmakeadent, but no worries if you aren't. My Twitter handle: @lolassecret
Check the #projectmakeadent hashtag to see who else has joined this project-- you should too!

Have you used up any of your makeup lately? Do you want to join us in this project? 

Copyright © 2014 All Rights Reserved.


  1. Good job Lola, I can definitely see a lot of progress on those lip glosses!

    1. Thank you, Monika! I definitely could have done a better job, but being sick definitely didn't help matters! You have been doing an amazing job on this project! :-)

  2. I am so going to do this. I have some things planned in terms of posts over the next few weeks but once those are done, I'm on this! :-)

    1. Hi Kimmy, It's definitely a fun way to remember to use some of your forgotten about, though loved, products that might be gathering dust in a drawer! I can't wait to see what you choose! :-)

  3. Ah, the occupational hazard of being a beauty blogger! We know that people who regularly read beauty blogs tend to get more excited about new products and collections and tend to buy more than they could ever use in a lifetime. That's to be expected. After all, if we didn't love beauty products, we wouldn't be reading beauty blogs. It's not rocket science :-) I imagine it works the same for the bloggers. You have an inherent love of beauty products and so you're always on the hunt for the best of the best. Testing and swatching your way through all the new products, bonding with sales associates and makeup artists, being invited to special events, etc. would undoubtedly lead to excessive purchasing. It just goes with the territory.

    I have a fairly substantial makeup collection, but nothing out of control or unreasonable. And, in the 55 years I've worn makeup on a regular basis, I can count on one hand the number of times I've used a product up. That's because I routinely toss old products (mascara 2-3 months, lipstick 18 months, etc.) and I donate those products that simply didn't work out for me but that are easily sterilized and in otherwise good condition.

    I'm sure there are many reasons why some women feel compelled to "Use it up". Perhaps it's misplaced guilt over what they perceive as wasteful extravagance. Or, perhaps it's the need to economize. Or, maybe they were raised in a waste not, want not environment. But, whatever the "Use it up" motivation is, no one should ever feel guilty about tossing a product no matter how much or how little of it has been used. It's only makeup. If it's old, toss it. If it was a trend that has passed, toss it. If it no longer suits you or your lifestyle, toss it. If you've replaced it with something better, toss it. If it was purchased only for a special occasion that has come and gone, toss it.

    As you can probably tell, I have zero hoarder tendencies. I also know from the popularity of "Make a Dent" and "Use It Up" types of posts that there are quite a few people who buy compulsively and then hoard. For those people, perhaps challenges such as the one you present serve as motivation to get their collections under control.

    Now, Helen, I hate to tell you this, but the new Tom Ford matte lipsticks are spectacular! I was in Beverly Hills the other day and picked up Plum Lush and Pink Tease. The colors are rich, the finish has a soft lustre, and they are not nearly as drying as I find mattes tend to be. Toss those oldies without a moment of remorse and help yourself to one (or more) of the newest and loveliest entries into the matte lipstick arena. I do have to moisturize my dry, old lips well and then use a good balm like Baume de Rose before applying the TF, but I think the lush colors are worth the extra effort.

    1. Indeed it is. I really like your method of purging what you no longer use! It's wonderful that you operate with such clarity in this manner! I definitely didn't start Project-Make-A-Dent as some sort punitive method of to dissuade waste. I think of it more as a way to add forgotten about things back into my makeup rotation. I just find that it becomes very easy to forget about what you have between purchases and press samples-- so this is a nice means of taking stock of what you have, and remembering to use some of the things that you like/love and don't often use.

      There is no question that I won't deny myself the things that I really want-- like Tom Ford products-- but I also try to limit myself to purchases of things that I really want (and will actually use). That said, I do think that projects such as this one can be good for people who read blogs and find themselves wanting to buy everything that their favorite bloggers love (or purport to love :).

      Ahh, yes-- the Tom Ford Mattes. I want at least 3 of them, and want one if not both of the eye shadow creams. I am only just now emerging from a nasty flu that had me knocked down for 2 weeks!! Pink Tease is definitely at the top of my list! I plan on texting Michelle at Neiman Marcus to have her pull some goodies for me, but I can't wait to see and feel them. Plum Lush is one of the colors that I want to look at as well! The way that you have described their texture makes me want to buy all of them! I don't have many mattes in my collection of lipsticks, but if anyone can get me to wear mattes again- it would definitely be our beloved Tom! :-) Thank you for your lovely assessment of his latest masterpiece lipsticks!

    2. The cream eyeshadows in Platinum and Spice are repromotes from 2012. Anyone who missed those LEs the first time around should definitely take a look. I love TF's cream eyeshadows and wish he'd do more. They apply more smoothly and more evenly than Chanel's and they blend effortlessly before setting. I like to use TF's blender brush to apply them.

    3. I am so glad that Platinum and Spice were repromoted since I didn't get either when they were initially released! The texture of his cream shadows is so lovely! I can't wait to get my paws on them! I agree with you-- I wish he would do more and have a nice selection as a part of the core line! Good tip about using the TF blender brush to apply them-- I LOVE that brush! But then again, I love all of his brushes! :-)

  4. I make no progress on my lip products since I switch too much. Items that live in my purse do get used more than ones that I have in the bathroom.
    I haven't worn anything other than balm on my lips since Aug. 18th when I fell so I really haven't made lip progress other than that.

    1. I can imagine, given what you have been going through, that your lipsticks and lip glosses have been getting little love. My 2 week long flu has definitely caused me not to reach for any of my makeup, and that's nothing compared to what you have been experiencing! I can't wait for your knee to be fully healed. I'd say that you deserve to buy any and all of your beauty lemmings! :-)

  5. I like the mission of your make a dent project. I have a lot of makeup, because let's face it -- it's like candy! Plus, there are so many wonderful releases of new items -- it's constant. I have rediscovered some items in my own arsenal, and I'm enjoying using them rather than finding the next new thing. It's all to easy for me to splurge on the newest shiny item!

    1. Thank you! I'm so glad that you like it. I agree with you-- makeup is like candy! I initially started this a year ago because I really felt as though I needed to remember to pay attention to some of the things that I had once loved so much, but then forgot about-- and I did so largely because I became distracted by all of the shiny new things that I wanted. I certainly wouldn't say that I deprive myself when I want something, but this does make me think twice about whether or not I really want something enough to justify its purchase. I also can feel a bit overwhelmed by the size of my collection-- so this assures me that I use more things that I already have. That said, this doesn't stop me from plotting purchases of things that I really want! :-) I will say, though, that I no longer just buy something because it's limited edition and surrounded by lots of buzz-- I have to really want it, and know that i will use it. :-) Keep me posted-- I would love to know how this works for you! :-)


I love reading all of your comments and interacting with you- so please do not hesitate to share your thoughts, and to ask questions. Remember that what you have to say is of interest to all of us! Always feel free to email me directly as well. SPAM and advertising links will not be published.