
Thursday, October 9, 2014

Lola in Self-Imposed Exile

Lola often seeks refuge from the Oliver's poor behavior and aggressive alpha-male posturing, but other times she simply finds odd places to hold court. While sitting beneath a stool seems far from comfortable to me-- it has become one of Lola's new haunts from which she surveys the lowlands of her kingdom.

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  1. Hahaha so you know I got that cat crib hammock thing? It'll be a nice spot for Lola!

    1. I remember that super cool cat hammock that you got-- I really need to get something like that for that stool-- great idea, Sunny! That said, I think that I would need to get more than one since there would probably be more than a few interested parties here! :-)

  2. awwwww Lola and her eyes! I want her to survey my kingdom too please. She is adorable!
    Sending you hugs for this Thursday my darling.

    1. She's a sweet girl! I will send her right over for a visit :-) Big hugs to you too! xoxox

  3. How funny...I forgot to bring a chair in from our front porch last night, and this morning when I went out to feed our feral, he was sitting just exactly like that, among the legs of the chair.

    He pays homage to the lovely Lola, by the way!


    1. Hi Tamar! Wow, that's so sweet! Does he ever go in your house-- or is he completely feral? You are such a good soul for taking care of him! :-) Helen

  4. i don't think cats have the same definition of comfort as we do... after all, none of us humans fight to sleep on the laptop :P or maybe it's a security issue? kind of how animals like to sleep with their backs up against something?

    1. Well, that's definitely true- who else could be comfortable sleeping in contorted positions other than a cat! My cats seem to be of an especially weird variety though, and Lola is among the least weird! :-)

  5. which one is the most?

    1. Unquestionably Zeus! He let's his freak flag fly all of the time. Plus he's a kitty contortionist-- many of his poses make it appear that he has no bones! Having lived with cats my whole life-- I have to say that he is by far the weirdest cat that I have ever known!!


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