
Friday, July 18, 2014

Pharmaca Friends and Family Facial and Makeover Event at the Pacific Palisades Location

Press Release (Unaffiliated Links)

If you are lucky enough to live near a Pharmaca then you already know that it is a truly wondrous place. Not only does Pharmaca stock a formidable selection of natural makeup and skincare products (click here to peruse the brands they stock), but it also boasts an amazing selection of vitamins and supplements, homeopathic remedies and herbs as well as a full pharmacy. Furthermore, Pharmaca is an ethical company with an abiding commitment to sustainability. It is for these reasons coupled with their amazingly helpful, well-informed, and very friendly Team Members that has made me a very happy customer for many years.
Pharmaca is hosting a very fun Friends & Family Event at their Pacific Palisades location, and you don't want to miss it!

Pharmaca Integrative Pharmacy, your one-stop shop for integrative healthcare services, is delighted to announce a complimentary “Friends & Family” event in July! Enjoy a day at your local Pharmaca with free 10-minute chair massages, mini-facials by licensed aestheticians and makeovers, product samples and huge savings on event day!

The event is free and open to the public, but the mini-facials and makeovers require a reservation and $10 service fee, and guests will receive a $10 Pharmaca gift coupon at time of service.

What: Friends & Family Event featuring mini-facials, makeovers, and chair massages

Where: Pharmaca Integrative Pharmacy 15150 Sunset Blvd Pacific Palisades, CA. 90272

When: Saturday July 19, 2014 from 12 – 4 p.m.

R.S.V.P: (310) 454.1345 Call to book a facial or makeover

For more information, please visit:

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