
Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Happiness is Lola's Secret Garden

Little makes me happier than having the time to lounge in my backyard when things are in bloom. However, it is my majestic Crepe Myrtle in the perfect shade of fuchsia that really thrills me every time that I look at it. It is a truly magnificent thing to behold, and when the petals fall onto the lawn it creates the most perfect pink polka dot pattern against a green ground-- it is nothing short of spectacular!


  1. So pretty! Can I just come sit there for a while?
    I love the new page header/banner too! :)

    1. I'm so glad that you like my garden-- I will make some lemonade or your visit! :-) I'm thrilled that you love my new header! <3

  2. Beautiful...I miss having an outdoor space sometimes. :-)

    1. Thank you, Kimmy! It is definitely nice to be able to have a little space to lounge about outside. :-)

  3. I love that color! Our's is going to be about 8 to 10 feet tall when it stops growing! I love crepe myrtles!

    1. Hi Barb! Me too, it makes me so happy whenever it's in bloom! What color is yours? I agree, I just love Crepe Myrtles so much. I wish I had room for another-- I love the lavender ones that I see around town! have a lovely weekend! :-)


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