
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Henry the Great

Henry is such a remarkable fish, so much so that I always go out of my way to visit with him. He knows my voice and recognizes me, and the second that he sees or hears me he swims over very fast to greet me. He is the most social creature, and whenever I sit at his pond to read he always stays in very close proximity to me. What an extraordinary fish he is!


  1. Animals are amazing and are capable of showing a level of communication which we often ignore. I like to visit the turtles in Calabasas. There is one in particular that likes to feed the fish. That's right, she feeds the fish. She climbs up on a rock and the fish swim over to her. She pushes kernels of corn, one at a time, into the water for them. After awhile she glides off the rock and into the water where the fish nuzzle her. It's adorable! Thanks for sharing the sociable Henry with us :-)

    1. I agree, Eileen!I have never visited the turtles in Calabasas-- I definitely need to that. Wow, that is an amazing story! Now I definitely need to go-- that is unbelievably touching, and what an amazing thing to witness! Henry is such a special Koi!

  2. So very sweet :-) Koi are such cool fish.

  3. awwwww! he's beautiful, too!

    1. He's such an amazing fish-- and he's HUGE! :-)

  4. Dearest H,
    What a wonderful life you have, full of beauty and lovely animals. Henry is a charmer ;)
    I am sending you many greetings from the very end of the world. I am bakc in my country for a few months to enjoy my friends and family.
    Have a wonderful summer

    1. Henry is definitely quite the charmer! Have a lovely visit with your family and friends! I want to hear all about your summer! You have a fantastic time!! xoxoxox


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