
Friday, November 1, 2013

The Vampy Lip Trifecta Perfecta: Surratt Automatique Lip Crayon in Mahogany, Tom Ford Lip Color in Bruised Plum and Le Métier de Beauté Sheer Brilliance Lip Gloss in Uma Paro

Purchased by me (Affiliate links)
Since 'tis the season for the vampy lip, I decided to come up with a combination that I loved so much that I was left weak in the knees in the face of its beauty. This is actually a fairly tame and wearable vampy lip, but if you want to pull out the stops simply add an extra pass or two of the lipstick, or switch it out for something like Tom Ford's Black Orchid.
The three colors that I chose just fit together so perfectly that looking at them together filled me with glee!
Each of these shades are just stunning, but together they are utterly gorgeous. Their union creates a complexity and dimensionality that truly enhances the inherent beauty in the individual products.
Bottom to top: Le Métier de Beauté Sheer Brilliance Lip Gloss in Uma Paro (reviewed here), Tom Ford Lip Color in Bruised Plum (reviewed here) & Surratt Automatique Lip Crayon in Mahogany (reviewed here).
Bottom to top: Surratt Automatique Lip Crayon in Mahogany, Tom Ford Lip Color in Bruised Plum, Le Métier de Beauté Sheer Brilliance Lip Gloss in Uma Paro, and all three layered.
Such gorgeous glistening goodness!
Are you taken by such colors?
Overall assessment: Truly, madly, deeply in vampy love. 

Surratt Automatique Lip Crayon in Mahogany $34.00 from Barneys New York.
Tom Ford Lip Color in Bruised Plum $49.00 from Nordstrom.
Le Métier de Beauté Sheer Brilliance Lip Gloss in Uma Paro $32.00 from Nordstrom.

Copyright © 2013 All Rights Reserved.


  1. Absolutely wonderful! That TF lipstick is a total beauty, even the name "bruised plum" is enticing and a bit imperfect and dark. I love the trifecta perfecta!
    Have a gorgeous weekend Helen.
    ps: I cannot believe is November already; what happened to the rest of the year?

    1. I'm so glad that you liked it, wefadetogray!! Yes, I am thoroughly smitten with Bruised Plum-- and the name seems like a bit of a Memento Mori since rotting or imperfect fruit is often used to suggest that "like this fruit, so too will your beauty fade"-- a topos such as this is so common in Early Modern Art (for instance: Caravaggio's Boy Basket with a of Fruit juxtaposes a youthful sitter to fruit passed its prime).

      I thought that the trifecta perfecta was funny-- I'm glad that you liked it!

      ps: I agree with you completely-- I can't believe it is November either-- it actually really freaks me out since I have SO much work to do between now and the end of the year!

      Have a lovely weekend as well! xoxoxox

  2. I love your Caravaggio example! I am doing all in my power to prevent this fruit from rotting all too fast ;)
    By the way, the Koh Gen Do cream is absolutely amazing. Truly moisturizing! It feels divine and, somehow, it also feels good for my skin, as if I were absorbing something essential and much needed, although long forgotten. I am delighted with my new skin care regime! alas, the fleeting time! I cannot wait for a better year though so maybe it is alright 2013 went so fast :/
    talk soon! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. Wow, my scrambled painting title reflects my currently scrambled brain!! I means to Say Caravaggio's Boy with a Basket of Fruit! I'm glad that you liked my example despite the fact that it was more bruised than the fruit itself!

      I am SO THRILLED to hear that you are loving the KGD cream!! Which one did you choose? I actually am not even sure which one she used on me during my facial-- I was too relaxed to care! I am really so pleased that you are delighted with your new skincare products! Hopefully the effects surpass all expectations! I know what you mean about 2013-- it was a rather stressful year, and for that reason I welcome 2014. That said, I have a great deal to accomplish between now and then (trying to keep the stress in check!). I hope you have a really nice weekend! xoxoxox

  3. Gorgeous! I have Uma Paro and adore it but always where it alone.

    1. Hi Christa, The three do work quite well together! Uma Paro is one of my very favorite glosses all by itself-- it is just so stunning!

  4. I need to write postdoc proposals and apply to jobs--all that very stressing anxiety ridden writing that has no immediate fulfillment or satisfaction. The job market is bleak to say the least! I am not sure how it goes for Art History departments but literature is just like an empty basket with one bruised plum in it ;)
    I got the oriental plants emollient cream and emollient it is; you need the most minute amount of it to have a stress free, elastic, supple complexion. I know you have many many face serums and probably do not need to add anything else to your collection but I absolutely recommend it. My cheeks are happier :)

    1. ARGHHHH, that doesn't sound like much fun. It really does seem as though every step of process from the Ph.D. to finding a job is fraught with great stress and anxiety. I think that the job market in academia is rather bleak, in general. However, I think that it is always a bit worse in the Arts & Humanities. In Art History it seems harder and harder to get tenure track positions- even as senior professors retire- it seems as though many of gaps in the departments are filled with Lecturers. It's such an inexpensive way for universities to have their classes taught by experienced Ph.Ds, but barely offers the lecturer enough to pay their bills. There is a definite crisis in education!! An empty basket with one bruised plum in it is a very poetic way of viewing it! Maybe you will get a job here- then we can go shopping between our classes!! :-) I am so thrilled that the the oriental plants emollient cream is working so wonderfully for you! I definitely don't need to buy another cream right now, but this one will definitely go on my list! Happy cheeks are a very good thing, indeed! Have a lovely weekend-- and try not to let the stress eat you up inside. Put on one of your very favorite perfumes-- and let that set the mood for the task at hand! xoxox

    2. Awww you are so sweet Helen. The thing is, I am not a young girl, you know? So it pains me to have to go through this process at my age. PTL's are cheap labor for sure and as you very well said it, the arts and humanities are getting less and less money so tenure track openings at least in my area are only a few. Oh how much I'd love to be in LA! We will go shopping everyday for sure. There's a postdoc at USC, I believe. But it is a veeery long shot. I will apply and let you know ;)
      You have a great weekend too!

    3. I hear you, I do!! You just have to ignore those feelings and carry on. I know a professor who taught high school and community college while she was raising her kids-- when they were grown she went back to get her Ph.D. and entered the job market for tenure track positions at research institutions in her mid 50s-- she has made quite a mark in her field ever since. You will find something, and maybe USC isn't the long shot that you think it is. Plus you studied with a leading authority/scholar in the field- and between that and your own abilities and teaching experience-- something good will happen. It's such a shame that it isn't easier for us to secure great tenure track positions in this day and age. It was so different when my dad finished his Ph.D.-- it was as though tenure track jobs were lining up and waiting for him to file!!! Such a different time! The PTL gigs are definitely cheap labor-- it's a system founded on uncertainty, stress, no benefits and low pay!

      Ah yes, shopping between classes sounds like a great deal of fun! Enjoy your weekend! xoxox

  5. Well that doesn't work. I don't have ANY of these. Need to fix that, stat.

    1. All three would be utterly stunning on you! IF you still have Black Orchid you could easily use it in lieu of Bruised Plum though!

  6. I swatched Bruised Plum and kinda sorta wanted it, but I didn't want to make a rush decision. I think it looks nicer on you, that or I was looking at it with the light in a dutyfree store ;)

    1. I would think that Bruised Plum would be AMAZING on you, Sunny. Next time you are at the duty free store swatch it on your arm and/or fingertip (to hold it up to your face/mouth) and run outside in the natural light-- I suspect that you will be surprised by how beautiful it will look on you!!!!!!!!

  7. They are all great variants of a vampy berry, they work so well together, I'm sure I have that Le Metier gloss so will have to dig it out :)

    1. I agree, Clare! Vamp berry shades are so luscious! I seem t remember you reviewing Uma Paro-- you must dig it out and enjoy it! :)

  8. as a vampy lip hoe .. I approve of this pairing ! hehe
    love the lip colors

    1. Vampy lips are sooooooo awesome! I am thrilled that you approve of this paring. The Vampy Lip Hoe Seal of Approval is very important!!!!!!!!! xoxox

  9. Wow!!! GORGEOUS. That is all!!! :-) Ok, seriously…these are so beautiful together!!!

    1. Aren't they just lovely together?!!!!!!! I have really been loving this combination!

  10. I have the lipstick and gloss. I put them together and WOW!! I am getting married this Thursday and when I saw this combination together, I knew it was the lips for the big day! Thanks so much!

    1. Hi Susan!!! I am so thrilled that this post encouraged you to try this winning combination-- it's especially amazing that you had 2 out of the 3! Any small part that I could have played in making your special day even a little better is all the gratification that I could EVER hope for!!!!!!!! Congratulations!! Wishing you an unbelievably wonderful wedding!!!! xoxox


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