
Friday, November 15, 2013

Oliver & Jasper Bid You a Happy Friday!

Oliver loves to "share" his desk/daybed with me, and sometimes he even allows me a postage stamp sized bit of space from which to write. It does become somewhat complicated when I need piles of books, journal articles, and a laptop close at hand-- because he really doesn't quite understand the nature of shared desk real estate. Let it be stated for the record that this is a large desk, but Oliver has a proclivity for taking more than his fair share of everything- be it desk space, food, or anything else you can imagine. He is a frustrated alpha male, who is essentially a sloth, whose behavior is periodically punctuated by bouts of athleticism. That said, he prefers to exert his dominion (with me at least) by pushing my books off of the desk with his back feet, and by shredding only my most important (and hard to find) journal articles with his teeth. Less of a gentleman, more of a brute-- yet he is likewise a sweet and loving boy (though he is undoubtedly rather rough around the edges).
Jasper, on the other hand, is a supremely respectful and thoroughly sweet boy. When it comes to sharing the desk he believes in a democratic distribution of space. When left unattended, he will protect my most precious documents by sitting on them in an attempt to prevent his brother from shredding them with his teeth. When I return, he lovingly gazes at me to indicate not only his unmitigated devotion, but also as an indication that he protected my most precious papers against any and all peril that could befall them.
Jasper is the embodiment of the feline sensualist and hedonist, while Oliver often has hidden (and not so hidden) agendas. Oliver maintains his warrior disposition when he's not too lazy to exert his influence,  and comparatively Jasper is a love-seeking pacifist.
(Left to Right: Jasper and Oliver)
While these two boys, bonded by biology, couldn't be more different-- they maintain a fierce bond that formed in utero, but is maintained in their daily antics.

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  1. Oh my God, would you look at these two??? They're gorgeous (and hilarious)! I find that most cats can take up a disproportional amount of space, be it the desk, the chair, or the pillow. It's the attitude that matters, not the size (or ownership for that matter)!

    1. Hi Sunny, Aren't they a ridiculous pair?! What I didn't mention, is the fact that not only is Jasper unbelievably affectionate, but that when he really starts purring and head butting- he starts to drool profusely! It can become pretty gross! Cats definitely feel that they are entitled to whatever they want whenever they want it (but I suppose that I could have just as easily placed the period after "entitled"). Well, as one who lives with cats yourself-- you are no doubt aware that they allow us to live with them in our space, not the other way around- LOL!

  2. You, lucky person! How adorable and gorgeous are those two creatures that cohabit and dominate your desk. Feral and intellectual, your cats are just too beautiful. Jasper the guardian of knowledge and Oliver the destroyer of knowledge: you have almost a Hindu trinity there ;)

    1. They are gorgeous creatures, no doubt. That said, they are both mighty weird creatures. I think that has something to do with their breed-- being hybrids predisposes them to certain oddities that might not otherwise be found in cats that are just domestic felines. The presence of the jungle cat in their DNA makes them a little weirder, and in the case of Oliver a touch more feral.

      I love the notion of Jasper as the guardian of knowledge and Oliver as the destroyer of knowledge. Interesting that they almost embody the Hindu Trinity-- Maximus, who is their blood brother (though older) could round out the Hindu Trinity if he were designated the creator, but I'm not sure if that role fits him. He is a gentle giant, but is very powerful and strong. He's a rather soulful beast. :-)

    2. I didnt know they have some jungle in them. Are they territorial and jealous with you? My cat didnt let any man come close to me! So you have 4 cats and a dog? What a wonderful home you have, Helen, you are surrounded by beautiful things.
      Have a lovely Saturday,

    3. Yes, Chausie's are hybrids cats. They are Abyssinians bred with nondomestic Jungle Cats (Felis Chaus)-- they are definitely a touch more wild than regular domestic cats. However, they can be more or less wild dependent upon the ration of Aby to Jungle. We lack papers on Jasper, Oliver and Maximus-- but all three had been purchased from a breeder and then dumped in high kill shelters-- then scooped up by a rescue organization. We never intended to get all three of the brothers, and had only planned on adopting Jasper. However, when we went to meet Jasper we found him sick from the shelter and snuggled up in a little bed with Oliver (his blood brother with whom he was united by chance). Both had been dumped- presumably by people who were drawn to the exotic breed, but who either didn't understand how to deal with cats that are unlike other domestic felines. They should have returned them to the breeder, and not dumped them off at a high kill shelter knowing that they would more than likely be euthanized. We didn't have the heart to separate the two brothers-- so we said we will take them both.We went for one and left with two. While there we were introduced to Maximus-- who they estimated was their elder brother from an earlier litter (about 6 months or so older). He was one of the biggest cats that I had ever seen, and he literally jumped into my arms and wouldn't let me out him down. He too had been dumped, then adopted again, and returned again. He ended up spending most of his life living in a cage (though the last one was quite big). I kept checking to make sure that he had was adopted and that it stuck, and then one day he reappeared at the rescue organization. We felt so horrible that this lovely boy had been dumped again- and decided that he deserved a loving stable forever home. We already had five cats, but couldn't let those boys be without a loving home. Then my husband campaigned hard and long to get a playmate for Delilah since she was lonely for canine companionship- and then there were two. Fortunately our house is a good size- so that helps, but we definitely have a pride mentality in the feline population, and there is definitely some friction between some of them. xoxox

    4. Helen, you are so kind. What you just told me brought tears to my eyes. I admire your warm household. Some people have no respect for life and consider pets to be disposable toys and that breaks my heart.
      I can imagine that having so many jungle boys all together may bring some alpha confrontations and some noise but its part of the beauty ;) So seven creatures in total, wow! That's amazing, mother of cats (and dogs)!
      Have a wonderful week!

    5. That is very nice of you to say, wefadetogray. I actually cried and was so distressed when we drove away with Oliver and Jasper and left Maximus behind. However, we already had five felines at home and realized that we couldn't rescue all of the animals in need of a good home in the world. Max was such a soulful creature-- that I just couldn't stop thinking about him- and when he reappeared in foster care for the rescue organization- all my husband said was "call them asap and make the arrangements and I will wake up early to go get him-- it is completely unfair that he was dumped yet again." You are so right-- some people have no respect for life and consider animals disposable toys. We never intended to have this many cats, but each one was in great need of a loving forever home. Plus, it takes a different level of understanding and care to live with hybrid cats-- especially those of them who have a touch more wild cat in their DNA (like Oliver). Milo and Oliver definitely are having an alpha power struggle, but it's a good thing that Maximus is so mellow--because he is big, strong, and powerful-- so if he exercised his superpowers he would be one feline force to be reckoned with! Interestingly the three Chausie boys get along very well! xoxox

  3. Oh my--both kitties are so beautiful! This cracked me up: "He is a frustrated alpha male, who is essentially a sloth, whose behavior is periodically punctuated by bouts of athleticism." My cat Figgins is exactly the same. (And he likes to take over my desk, too.) Thanks for sharing their gorgeous photos.

    1. Hi SoSuSam! I'm so glad that you got a good laugh. If Figgins is anything like Oliver-- then you rally have your hands full as well! When I am working on the laptop Oliver and I often have a battle of the wills-- he will literally try to push it off of the desk while I am writing, and I have to push back to keep it on the desk rather than on my lap. I will just look at him and he just gives me a semi-deranged expression with fully dilated eyes as though telling me, "come on lady, I dare you!" I love him immensely, but he's a definitely a nut-job! My pleasure-- I'm just glad that you enjoyed it! Have a lovely weekend!

    2. Ha, that's such a funny image--the tug of war between the two of you! I hope you win at least part of the time… :)

      I just read your responses above, telling more about the history of Jasper and Oliver (and Maximus). They're so lucky they found you and your husband. It's heart warming to hear about--and so sad to know that this kind of thing goes on so often. My two cats, Figgins and Possum, have a somewhat similar history. They're lynx point siamese, raised by a breeder who didn't know what she was doing, didn't socialize any of the kittens, and ended up dumping about 12 of the cats (from various litters) in a kill shelter before someone finally got animal control to shut her down. In the mean time, the kill shelter couldn't place the cats (who were no longer kittens) because they were quite wild and terrified of people. Thankfully, an amazing siamese rescue group took them in and found homes for all of them. Our 2 are still a little wild because they were not socialized till later in life--but so, so incredibly sweet, too. Here's to all such wonderful kitties finding good homes.

    3. SoSuSam! It is a definite tug of war between the two of us-- Oliver gets super pushy too! I usually manage to maintain a small space from which to work.

      Their initial history was definitely a very sad one, but I am grateful that we were able to keep the three brothers together. We definitely give them lots and lots of love-- and ultimately that is what throw-away animals need is the security of knowing that they are cherished and won't end back up in a cage (or worse). Figgins and Possum are so lucky to have you! Shame on that breeder-- it's a good thing that was shut down. I have heard similar stories before, and I find it so heartbreaking! Thankfully there are lots of people who step up and give these animals homes, but not nearly enough since so many are euthanized!

  4. I like your blog but so enjoy the cats! LOL. How do you get them to sit up like humans!? I never had a cat do that, in fact not a chance in hell that was happening. too funny. they are beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hi B- I'm so glad that you are enjoying both! This is all them-- I had no hand in posing them, plus they are pretty willful and wouldn't stand for me imposing my will! I just happened to be lucky enough to grab a camera before the moment was forever lost! My cats are also pretty weird and have some odd habits. Zeus, for instance, sits more like a human than like a cat-- I couldn't tell you why, but he just prefers it that way! They are pretty amuzing to live with-- that's for sure!

  5. LOL How do you get those cats to sit up like that!? I like your blog but love those cats! I have had a few cats but never would they sit like that , too funny. they are beautiful.
    (sorry if you get dup posts similar to this my google accounts is bizarre tonight.

    1. I love what you said, "I like your blog but love those cats!" You just made my day!!!!!! Have a lovely weekend! :-)

  6. so adorable! oz, my ocicat, will use his hind feet to kick my laptop away from my body until it's barely on my knees to make room for himself in my lap then lie on top of my hands so i can't type or use my mousepad so consider yourself lucky!

    1. I love Ocicats!! You lucky girl. Pushy little beasts, aren't they! That hind feet kicking of things like laptops is just so funny (but it certainly has the potential to be pretty devastating!). They are like willful children!!!!!!!!!

  7. I love your kitties!!!! They are so sweet and precious…makes me long for the days when I had fuzzies and purring all around me. Sigh :-) Thank you for sharing them with us!

    1. Hi Gummy! They are lots of fun! Maybe it's time for you to adopt :-) :-)


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