
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Lola's Secret Beauty Blog Turns Two Years Old Today!

It's hard to believe that Lola's Secret Beauty Blog is already two years old. So much has happened in such a short time for this blog, and there are many many more exciting things and surprises planned. While I clearly love playing with skincare and makeup, and am continually amazed by how much it thrills me to do so- I am even more gratified by my interactions with all of you! 

The relationships that I have forged with readers, bloggers, the companies that I work with and the people who run and own them-- is precisely where I derive the greatest pleasure. To me, these are the things that really matter. Your participation has helped shape this blog into what you see today, and undoubtedly what it will be in the future. I am grateful to you for taking time out of your busy lives to check in and interact with me and with each other. This is really what it is all about- forging a community of like-minded beauty-obsessed individuals who end up creating friendships that are indeed more than skin-deep.

What started out as a lovely reprieve from the stress of work turned into something far more meaningful, and to all of you- I am very grateful!

xoxox, Helen (and Lola too)


  1. Happy blogoversary, Helen! Looks like we started our blogs at around the same time! Many more to come (and OMG KITTY YOU KNEW I WAS GOING TO GO NUTS RIGHT?)!

    1. Thank you, Sunny!!!!!! Wow, I somehow thought you had been blogging longer than me! Your blog is so extraordinary that I assumed it was much older! I know, you and me with our love of kitties!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3

  2. Hi Lola, congratulations! I was thinking you at least blog for 5 years LOL
    You do it so good and I love reading your posts.

    1. Thank you Sara!! That is so nice of you to say!!!!! Your kind words mean the world to me! xoxox

  3. Congratulations and happy anniversary! I hope you keep your blog for many, many more years. Your posts are always a delight to read and very informative. (Aww, and I always love kitty pics too.)

    1. Thank you, Momo!! Your very kind words mean the world to me! I certainly don't see an end in sight- since I am still thoroughly enjoying beauty blogging, and featuring my crazy feline and canine friends! I am so glad that you enjoy reading my posts, and that you find them very informative-- that truly motivates me to continue more than I can adequately express!

  4. Congratulations! I've never actually commented, but I've been enjoying reading your blog for at least a year- thanks for providing me with a lovely diversion from work!

    1. Thank you, Hannah! It is so nice of you to stop by and leave a comment! It truly warms my heart knowing that you have enjoyed reading my blog for the last year or so, and I'm thrilled that is has served as a lovely diversion at work!! Sometimes it is my lovely diversion from work as well!!!!! xoxo

  5. I am so happy for you!!! Congratulations. This is wonderful. Your blog has achieved cult status in only 2 years which means that you Helen are amazing and that the content of your blog is amazing that is why we all keep coming back for more ;)
    I am so thrilled I found you and Lola. For many more years to come! Many blessings

    1. Thank you for saying such lovely things, wefadetogray! I am very touched by your beautiful words, and they mean a great deal to me coming from you! I'm so thrilled that you found me and Lola as well!!!!!!!! xoxox

  6. Oops. I just wrote a long message to you but I am not sure where it went :(

    1. I hope it was the one above, and not something else that got displaced somewhere in the blogosphere! I hope that your writing this last weekend was productive, and that your stress level has been reduced! xoxoxo

    2. Yes, that was it. Sometimes I click some random key out of my own clumsiness--no volition on my right hand!--and things just disappear :/ luckily not this time :)
      I am finding strength where I dont have it and somehow, at least for now, I seem to be able to hold on. Thanks for your concern, Helen. Many hugs to lovely Lola and to you.

    3. Good, I'm glad it wasn't lost-- little is more frustrating in the blog comment realm! I am so glad that you are finding the strength with this particularly unpleasant academic duty (there seem to be a great many of them at times). I am sending you many hugs! <3

  7. Happy blog birthday my lovely one, now where is my piece of cake?

    1. Thank you, Clare! I was just about to serve you up a piece of your very favorite cake!! :) <3

    2. *cuts the line in front of Clare* *snatches cake* *shoves face into cake*

      OH! HAPPY HAPPY 2nd to a truly extraordinary blog and to a wonderful Helen! <33

    3. LOL!!! Thank you, Belly! I am touched that you feel this way! <33

  8. kudos to you! i am fairly new to the party but glad i found it.

    1. Thank you! Never late, I'm just glad that you found it!

  9. kudos to you! I am fairly new to the party, but so glad I found it.

  10. Congratulations, dear friend! Your lovely blog is what brought us together and I am ever thankful for that! You have been on my heart and mind lately...a catch up phone call soon is a must ; )



    1. Thank you so much, Rachel! You are ever in my heart as well, and have been on my mind even more than usual lately! Twice I have picked up the phone to call, and both recent efforts were thwarted (first by Lola who had to be whisked off to the vet, and then by my sister who is moving). We definitely have a great deal to catch up on, and one of our epic phone calls is definitely in order. I will have a few days off in about a week-- trying to meet yet another deadline! I miss you! xoxox, Helen

  11. Happy Birthday, Lola's blog! Many hugs to you, Zeus, Milo, Maximus, Lucy, Delilah, Jasper, Lola, Zoe, and your husband. Oh man, I forgot the name of one of your kitties so I searched your blog. And the cats kept popping up... This post is hilarious:

    1. Thanks BooBoo! Thank you for that! I had forgotten about that hilarious picture!

  12. Happy Anniversary to my sweet friend. You are an inspiration with all your hard work.

    1. Thank you, Marcia! Coming from you- these words mean the world to me!!!!!!!

  13. Happy blogaversary! - I have onjoyed reading your blog over this time- cheers to many more years!

    1. Thank you, sweetie! I am so glad that you feel this way-- the feeling is absolutely mutual!!!!!

  14. Happy blogaversary! Truth be told, it was the pet pictures that first captured my attention, but I'm a bit animal centric. Now however, you've whited my appetite for some of the luxury beauty lines :-)

    1. Hi Lulubelle! I love it- come for the animals, but stay for the beauty products! Like you, I am a bit animal centric-- our lives seem to be somewhat overtaken by the feline and canine beasts that we live with, actually! :-)

  15. Congratulations on another year!!! You write beautifully…even if you were talking about corn chips or jelly beans I think it would sound like poetry!! Thank you for making the blogging world a much, much better place…and thank you for being such a wonderful woman and friend :-) XO!!!!!

    1. Thanks, Gummy! You literally are bring tears to my eyes with your beautiful words and high praise-- that really means the world to me! You are indeed a wonderful woman and a cherish friend! :-) xoxox

  16. Congrats! :) Mine is hitting two years this week as well! :)

    1. Thanks, Joyce!! Congratulations to you as well!!!!!!!! :)


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