
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Storage Conundrum Continues: Makeup Brushes, Cleansers & More

This weekend I hit a breaking point with my makeup and skincare storage "system"--though system seems to suggest that there is some order to it-- whereas mine had simply descended into pure chaos. Every single time that I reached into my deep built-in cabinet unit (original to my1920s house, and made to store towels) things continually toppled over. This frustrating daily event, in part caused by my large ever-growing stash, forced me to do something, anything to get a handle on this growing problem.
Therefore, I decided to take over the medicine cabinet above my sink in the master bedroom. I figured that I could place things in there that were used on a daily basis, and that I needed to be able to see and get to easily.
Given that there are only four shelves I really needed to think about what to put in there-- and I also needed to carefully consider my choices given the proximity to the sink and the mirror. It immediately became clear that I should put all of my facial cleansers there (though there are several more that permanently live in my shower), but what else? Additionally, where would I put the items that I displaced that once lived in this medicine cabinet (toothbrushes, toothpaste, band aids etc.)?
It has also become a rather cumbersome task to reach all of my makeup brushes that were in my deep cabinet as well-- so I decided to put them in 6 different cups and then store them in the medicine cabinet on the bottom shelf. This easy accessibility has, in just a few short days, encouraged me to use brushes that have been otherwise out of reach-- and this has rekindled my interest in experimenting with makeup.

My problem is far from resolved since the deep cabinet, and the bank of drawers beneath it (filled with makeup) are still in great need of reorganization. The issue, in part, is that my collection of makeup and skincare continues to grow while my space to store it does not. That said, I do feel as though I have made a little progress by taking over the medicine cabinet.

What are your storage solutions? Are you overwhelmed by your stash? Are there things that you forgot that you had because they were buried in the back of a cabinet? How do you store your makeup and skincare products? Do tell!

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  1. I love the silver tins in which you keep your brushes. They have a kitchen/garden feel to them. Space is a luxury in NYC so I have to be creative beyond my means to keep my mess organized and looking relatively neat. I do not own as much make up so I just use a couple of Muji chest of drawers for my make up. I have my brushes in japanese mugs as well as my eye pencils. I (and by I, I mean my husband) drilled glass trays on the wall for me to put my tons and tons of hair care products and my oils. Target makes this super cheap cube shelves where I keep my body products, soups, moisturizers and on top of that I put the japanese mugs. Now that I think about it, it definitely is not the most efficient way to organize anything really.
    Happy October to you and your furry ones!

    1. Believe it or not, those silver containers are glass that are meant to look like high end Mercury Glass. However, they were ridiculously cheap finds at ROSS!! They were in the candle section, and they have wire handles for hanging them. So I assume they were meant to hold votive candles.They were a couple of dollars each. I wish that I had found more!

      Your system actually sounds pretty efficient for a small NYC space! That was super nice of your husband to put up those shelves for you. I have slowly edged my husband out of our master bath-- save for his toothbrush- LOL!!!!!!!!

      I have been thinking about getting a few Muji drawers/chests, but I haven't pulled the trigger yet. I'm still trying to figure out exactly what I need.

      Happy October to you too! xoxox

  2. I really appreciated this peek into your closet! (That sounds unintentionally filthy, and I apologise.)
    My ' system' is suited to my scatterbrained personality and basically consists of one rule: Do Not Outgrow the Storage (which is a couple of stacked Muji trays). So if something new and shiny comes in, it doesn't get to stay unless I'm willing to sacrifice an old and beloved product.

    Luckily I have a vanity (er... repurposed scuffed writing desk, totally counts as shabby chic) on which to put my brush jars and boring daily things like q-tips, eyeliner pencil + concealer pen etc.

    1. My pleasure, Kate! I love being a voyeur and looking at these types of posts!!

      You are so funny-- I am quite sure that your stash is beautifully organized.Your method is a smart one-- that 's a great way to avoid letting things get out of control! I wish that I had instituted a "do not outgrow the storage" policy-- since I have clearly done that already!

      A vanity is perfect. I have my mom's old vanity from childhood-- though the mirror seems to have gone missing somewhere along the line. I have been trying to figure out how I could set it up, and where. I can't leave anything on top-- like my brushes because the unruly felines in my house will knock them to the floor, and then my unruly canines will eat them. That is hardly an appropriate fate for my beloved Hakuhodo & TF brushes! You should do a post of the space where you make all of your magical posts! <3

  3. Now that I've posted about storage on Beauty Info Zone this week I've become obsessed with it. I've rearranged my ICEbOX three times and I'm still not totally satisfied. Today I rearranged all my foundations, BB creams, concealers, highlighters and powders. Next up is skincare. I think I need to put my pencil tins and Stila cups into my armoire since they get dusty now but it's not close and I get lazy.

    1. I know what you mean. I have been finding myself particularly obsessed with beauty storage over the last few month since my stash has really descended into pure chaos. Pulling my brushes and cleansers out of my messy deep cabinet has certainly helped, but only a little since that only represents a very small percentage of what I have.

      I imagine that it will take a little while to find the perfect use of your gorgeous ICEbOX, but once you do I suspect that you will be in PURE heaven. I would really really love to buy one of these because it would solve so many of my makeup storage problems, but the price is more than I can spend :/ I cannot wait to see how you end up organizing your stash!!!

      Good for you for organizing your foundations, BB Creams, concealers, highlighters and powders-- that must feel so good! I have been working on organizing my skincare-- and I can now see most of what I have (what a relief)! I know what you mean about the dust factor. I have left my pencil cups in my big cabinet, but it isn't an ideal place because it is just randomly placed in the midst of tons of skincare products. It makes sense that you don't want to put them in your armoire if it isn't close to the rest of your stash. I like to have the things that I use regularly in the same area-- otherwise it's just too inconvenient to get to them-- and then I am less likely to use them. I hope that you unearth hidden treasures as you organize your stash!!!!!

  4. I outgrew what was supposed to be my storage limit: one medium size makeup train case. But I refuse to cave to the Ikea drawer system method and increase storage!

    I like seeing your products lined up like this -- it's easy to reach for and grab exactly the one that you want without having to go into the dusty back corners. The brush tins are also super cute!

    1. I know just what you mean, Liz!! I have often thought about going and buying an Alex from IKEA, but the thought of assembling it- coupled with the admission that I have WAY TOO much stuff-- is just a little too much for me to deal with!!!

      I am really happy that I thought to take over the medicine cabinet for the very reasons that you mention-- it is so easy to see what is in that shallow space-- so I really can find just what I need without knocking things over trying to reach for what I need!

      Believe it or not the brush tins were super cheap finds from ROSS- they were only a couple of dollars each. They are thick glass that is meant to look like Mercury glass-- they have metal looped handles for hanging-- I think that they were supposed to be candle holders for votives. I wish that I could have found a few more! <3

  5. I recently bought a vanity and have placed all my makeup in the drawers and on the desk (I still have some makeup in my cabinet, but it is a large improvement) and I am loving it! It's so wonderfully organized and I get to sit while doing my makeup rather than standing at the bathroom sink. =)

    1. Hi Rachel, That is such a great idea. I have my mom's old vanity-- I really need to find a place where I can set it up. Even if/when I do-- I will likely still apply my makeup standing up in the bathroom because it is flooded with natural light, and has big mirrors. I can imagine how thrilled you are to have your stash so well organized!!! I am trying to restore order to mine!!!!!! :-)

  6. The silver tins are such a unique, useful way to store brushes. I keep the ones I'm using on my makeup table and my others in drawers along with my makeup.

    1. Hi Iris! Believe it or not, those silver jars were ridiculously cheap from ROSS (a huge discount retailer in the US). They were less than $3.00 each, and are glass made to look like antique Mercury glass-- they have little wire handles for hanging-- and I found them in the candle section- so I imagine that they were intended for votive candles. They are really easy to get to, and so far are working out quite well. I wish that I could store mine on top of a makeup table, but my feline savages would run off with them if I dared to leave them out! I envy you that you can leave yours out-- it's just so much more convenient that way! Have a lovely weekend! :-)

  7. Really clever way to have the needed things around!

  8. Really clever way to have the needed things around!

    1. Hi Argyrousa! I'm so glad that you like it. It turned into such a huge mess that I had to do something. This is a start, but I still have a lot of things to clean up and organize! How do you store your makeup and skincare?

  9. My paradoxical struggle with makeup storage and organization is that I hate clutter, but when things are out of sight, they are completely out of mind. Out of my collection, there are a number of blushes, eyeliners, eyeshadows, and lip products that I've only used once. After they get tucked away in drawers and baskets, I move on to the bright, shiny, new additions that are right on the vanity, easily accessible on my way out the door.

    1. Hi HLK-- I have the exact same struggle! I hate clutter as well, and am essentially a minimalist- yet I have a HUGE stash of makeup and skincare- much of which is woefully neglected! I wish that I could find a suitable solution! I do need a better system of organization as my stash grows, however-- because it is becoming a joke trying to find things. It's also ridiculous that I have so many things that I have basically forgotten about! The shiny new things are so appealing to the makeup magpie in me as well-- they are so distracting! Thanks for stopping by!

  10. My paradoxical struggle with makeup storage and organization is that I hate clutter, but when things are out of sight, they are completely out of mind. I have an outrageous number of blushes, eyeliners, eyeshadows, and lip products that I've only used once. Once they get tucked away in drawers and baskets, I move on to the bright, shiny, new additions that are right on my vanity; easily accessible as I'm running to get out of the house in the AM


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