
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Fetishizing the Bullet: A Nearly Irrational Obsession with Tom Ford Lip Colors: Review & Swatches!

Purchased by me (Affiliate links)
I will make every effort not to descend into some Freudian lipstick porn paradigm from which there is no return, but it might be somewhat unavoidable since this is one sexy beast. There is a certain satisfying heft to the beautifully articulated (and rather masculine) lipstick bullet. Furthermore, this luxe tube, with its chiseled squared off features, is so decadent in feel that even snapping the lid back on produces what can only be described as a deeply visceral and satisfying click that one might liken to the  unmistakable thud produced when closing the door of an über expensive European luxury car.
Tactile pleasure and desirable aesthetic sensibilities aside- it would mean nothing if the contents were not as glorious as the exterior packaging. The lipsticks are creamy dreamy, highly pigmented, opaque in one pass (but buildable to maximum opacity and pigmentation), comfortable on the lips with the perfect amount of cushion, and they are just gorgeous. I find them moisturizing and very comfortable to wear, and the wear-time is quite good. Additionally, it must not escape mention that while a well-worn Tom Ford Lipstick is a thing of beauty--that there is also something to be said for a new and pristine tube. The sensation of the engraved TF logo gliding along your lips is a tactile delight all by itself! This is truly what lipstick love is made of!
Nude Vanilla: A pale nude peachy pink.
Blush Nude: A warm nude pink.
Pink Dusk: A warm mid-tone rose pink that is darker than Blush Nude and lighter than Indian Rose.
Indian Rose: A deep warm rose with a touch of mauve. It's a darker version of Pink Dusk.
Casablanca: A deep rose with mauve undertones.
Bruised Plum: A deep red plum that leans more pink than Black Orchid. It's almost scarlet in hue.
Black Orchid: A deep dark blackened plum.
It should come as no surprise that at the top of my lust-list you will find the highly coveted Neiman Marcus Limited Edition 12 Lipstick Set that comes in a gorgeous box (there is no price savings on the lipsticks themselves, but the gorgeous mahogany box is free).

Lipsticks included:
Nude Vanille
Blush Nude
Sable Smoke
Spanish Pink
Pink Dusk
Indian Rose
True Coral
Wild Ginger
Cherry Lush
Crimson Noir
Violete Fatale

I wish that I could make myself stop studying it online, but I am utterly transfixed by this set! This is the stuff that lipstick dreams are made of, seriously! Of course this set includes 5 colors that I already own, but thankfully they are colors that I use regularly and they are easy to wear. Just processing the idea at this point, but I am super tempted!

Of course these babies come with a hefty luxury price tag, and each person has to make the choice whether it is worth taking the plunge. Be forewarned though- buying one Tom Ford Lip Color leads to a great desire to have more, and to covet each and every one of them with irrational fervor. Think twice  if you have a tendency to obsess on high quality lipsticks- because once you charge down this rabbit hole there is little to no chance of coming back! I avoided the counter for a long time. Then I finally bought one, and then another. Then the two had 5 babies.... Could 12 cousins be moving in?

Overall assessment: I'm obsessed, what can I tell you?! I have already made a significant dent in Nude Vanilla, and I can promise you that I will repurchase that one in no time-- unless I cave and buy the 12 piece set (which thankfully includes Nude Vanilla)!! I love love love love love these lipsticks-- and as you well know, I have always been more of a lip gloss than a lipstick kind of girl-- so for me to make this kind of declaration is huge. All of my lip glosses are now quite dusty and lonely.

$49.00 each. Available from Nordstrom, Neiman Marcus, Saks Fifth Avenue, Bloomingdale's & Bergdorf Goodman. $588.00 for the Neiman Marcus Limited Edition 12 Lipstick Set. (Stock image of the 12 Piece set from Neiman Marcus) (Affiliate links).

Copyright © 2013 All Rights Reserved.


  1. Swoon! What a beautiful lot of colors! I really love the colors in the Tom Ford lipstick range, but my iffy lips just did not agree with them... very sadly. I can understand the allure of the big set. That looks like quite the gift to give yourself!!!

    1. Thanks, Belly! I wish that your lips were more accepting of the formula-- because I have NEVER seen Black Orchid look more beautiful than it does on you! The big set is such a lust-worthy temptation. I'm so so tempted, but it is a great deal to spend at one time! That certainly doesn't stop me from wanting it and stalking it online! :-)

    2. Black Orchid is a stunner. That I will keep on my shriveled lips forever!
      I wish they offered some sort of an incentive for these huge sets and I guess they never do.

    3. It really is just about as gorgeous as a vampy lip color can get. Your poor lips-- to suffer so beautifully! I know, I agree-- I really wish that they had thrown in a lipstick or two at that price point.

  2. Hey Helen, wow you have a good selection of TF lipsticks! I own four shades for the moment, including Casablanca (which pulls SO incredibly mauve on me that I think it's got to be a record), Cherry Lush, True Coral, and Diabolique. Unfortunately Diabolique was limited edition from last year, because it's such a glamorous red! It's something that I need to make an effort to wear (lip liner, lip brush, two layers and all that), but there's something so empowering about it!

    1. Hey Sunny! Well, my TF lipstick stash seems to breed at night while I am sleeping!!!!!!!! LOL! I loved your review of Casablanca, and only wish that it became that mauve on my lips-- I LOVE the way that it looks on you! You have a lovely selection. I recall the beauty that is Diabolique-- such a stunning shade for you as well. Red lipsticks are so gorgeous on you!! I think that the added effort is worth it when you are able to carry reds as well as you do! I definitely know what you mean by something empowering about it! :D

  3. I got such a laugh when I read the title of your post. I remember the brouhaha when TF first released his lipsticks. His promo pics brought to mind Boogie Nights! LOL. They were highly suggestive with a dose of leering, locker room raunch. I felt like saying, "Come on, Tom, enough with phallic symbols! Sometimes a lipstick is just a lipstick." Since then, he's toned it down while still exuding the lush sensuality that is close to his heart. But enough about Tom! It was his wonderful lipstick that brought me firmly back into the lipstick wearing fold. Glosses and tinted balms were beginning to overwhelm my lip color collection with full on opaque lipsticks noticeably absent. That changed once I discovered TF's gorgeous indulgence. I had forgotten how well-groomed and empowered I felt when wearing the perfect lip shade. I did try his lighter "shine" version and enjoyed wearing it during the summer, but it's his original lipstick formula that is, in my opinion, the outstanding achievement.

    1. I'm so glad that you got a good laugh out of the title-- that was my intention!! Now you have me laughing- the Boogie Nights reference is spot on and hysterically funny! So so so many phallic symbols! You and I came to his lipsticks from precisely the same place-- I think that it says a great deal about a lipstick formula if it has the ability to convert lip gloss/tinted balm enthusiasts to the full on opaque lipstick fold! Such a delightful indulgence! There's no going back for me, and I suspect that it is safe to say that you feel the same way!

  4. Gorgeous Helen, your fetishism entices my voyeurism! This is some seriously luxurious lipstick porn. I cannot stop looking at your collection. I want, desperately, to put my paw on the 12 lipstick set and swatch it away. This is the stuff dreams are made of, indeed.

    1. This fetishism is definitely worthy of voyeurism! It really is lipstick porn! I desperately want the 12 Lipstick set as well I need to give myself a little cooling off period before I allow myself to order it, but I am rather obsessed with it! xoxox

  5. Oh man. I've tried so hard for so long to avoid looking at Tom Ford lipsticks because I knew I would fall in love. Bruised Plum and Black Orchid *need* to be mine, I'm so obsessed with plummy lips right now! And these are eeeextra pretty. Swoon!!

    1. You and me both, Lauren! These lipsticks are extraordinary! Bruised Plum and Black Orchid are amazing! While they discontinued Black Orchid they can still be found at numerous Tom Ford counters. If you need some help locating one-- let me know and I will see if I can find a counter with some stock left. Swoon indeed!!!!!!!! I swoon each time I put one of these babies on! :-)

  6. You are not allowed to spend this money! I'm surprised they didn't give a little break on the price since they aren't new colors. People who want the set are ones like you who allow them to breed in their makeup storage closets. Luckily I only like light shades or I'd want it too.

    1. I know, it is a crazy sum of money! I truly wish that they would have thrown in a lipstick or two-- that would have made it far more enticing! You are lucky that this set isn't calling to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. I owned only one TF lipstick and was intending to get either Bruised Plum/Black Orchid, sad to learn that the orchid has been d/c-ed. It is such a nice, deep but versatile color. Love TF lipstick formula as well!

    1. Hi Claire! I love your blog! Isn't the formula amazing?! Yes, I agree I am also sad that Black Orchid has been discontinued. There are still some available at various TF counters though. If you need help locating one-- let me know- I can help you find a counter with some stocj left. :-)

  8. Oh Helen, you are feeding my beauty addiction. You are one great enabler!

    1. Hi Kath!! Sorry for the enabling!! Aren't his lipsticks just too hard to resist?! <3


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