
Friday, October 25, 2013

By Request: Lola's Secret Luxury Face Oils Stash Revealed!

When wefadetogray said, "Continuing with the theme of beauty products fetishism, I was wondering if you can take some pictures of your whole face oils collection for our voyeurism. I am going to enjoy them vicariously"- it was clearly incumbent upon me to deliver.

Those of us, as you all know, who are fanatical about face oils find it difficult to have just one or two. I realize that I have passed in number anything even remotely reasonable, but you may rest assured that I really do use all of them. I generally choose based upon need and desire, but sometimes I simply grab the one that is the easiest to get to. You would think given the number of face oils in my possession that I would have no desire to add more to my collection, and while a reasonable assumption for a reasonable person-- it simply isn't true for me. I am on the continual hunt to see what new blends hit the market, and frankly try as many as I can so that I can help you weed through the vast number of beauty oils on the market today.
All Oils Shown (I included a few multipurpose oils that I use on my face periodically, and a lip oil):

African Botanics Pure Marula Oil (review forthcoming)
African Botanics Neroli Infused Marula Oil
Aftelier Perfumes Jasmine Face Elixir with Geranium and Ylang Ylang
Aftelier Perfumes Rose Face Elixir with Sandalwood and Frankincense
Aftelier Perfumes Lavender Face Elixir with Clary Sage and Cistus
Aftelier Perfumes Wild Orange Face Elixir with Geranium and Ylang Ylang
Aftelier Perfumes Ylang Face Elixir (review forthcoming)
Aroma M Camellia Face Oil
Bare Love Face-Luxury Skin Fuel Night-Time Recovery Treatment
By Terry Huile de Rose (review forthcoming)
Colbert MD. Illumino Face Oil (review forthcoming)
Kiehl's Midnight Recovery Concentrate
Osmia Organics Facial Calibration Serum
Osmia Organics Facial Restoration Serum 
Rodin Olio Lusso Luxury Face Oil
Sponge Ladi Avokanto
The Organic Pharmacy Antioxidant Face Firming Serum
The Organic Pharmacy Virgin Cold Pressed Rose Hip Seed Serum

Lip Oils:
Hourglass N° 28 Lip Treatment Oil (Review forthcoming)

Miscellaneous Oils (multipurpose):
Cleopatra's Choice 100% Pure Argan Oil
Cosmedica Skincare Moroccan Argan Oil (review forthcoming)
NUXE Huile Prodigieuse (review forthcoming)
Pure Argan Oil (no name brand)

Be sure to click on the photos for a close up view. Most of these oils are already listed and reviewed in my dedicated "Luxury Oils" tab at the top of the website (or click here).

What are your favorite luxury face oils? Do tell!

Copyright © 2013 All Rights Reserved.


  1. Good lord you are obsessed. That's like me and nail polish, I can never have enough new polish!

    1. Unquestionably!! These beauty obsessions can get pretty expensive!!! Polish is a lovely obsession!!!!! Have a lovely weekend!

  2. Great post!!!!! I started using facial oil only a few months ago (Triology rosehip oil) and was hooked! I read a lot of "raves" about Rodin Olio Lusso and decided to get that next BUT then I read your post about Neroli Infused Marula oil... If you had to pick the top three oils from your "collection", which ones would you pick and why? Cheers, Linda

    1. Hi Linda! I'm so glad that found this post useful! Face oils are an amazingly efficient and luscious way to care for the skin. If I had to use only one type of skincare product it would most definitely be a very high quality face oil!! It's too difficult to narrow down my selection to my top 3 oils-- I had trouble narrowing down my selection to my top 12 for this post:

      That said the one's that I have been reaching for lately are:
      African Botanics Neroli Infused Marula Oil
      Aftelier Perfumes Rose Face Elixir with Sandalwood and Frankincense
      By Terry Huile de Rose
      Colbert MD Illumino Face Oil (just started testing, but love it so far)
      Osmia Organics Facial Restoration Serum
      Rodin Olio Lusso
      Sponge Ladi Avokanto
      The Organic Pharmacy Antioxidant Face Firming Serum

      I realize that this is a long long list, but I really love all of these oils. That said, your choice between Olio Lusso and Neroli Infused Marula Oil is a great one. I couldn't choose one or the other since I am very much in love with both! If there is any possibility that you an get samples of both- I would highly suggest it so that you can see which one you prefer. Both are extremely high quality oils that sink in quickly, impart a beautiful glow, and smell amazing. If you are a fan of Jasmine- then you will be absolutely delighted by Olio Lusso. The Neroli Infused Marula is likewise a delightfully scented nourishing oil. You might want to read my reviews of both, but one major difference is that the Neroli Infused Marula Oil contains two oils, whereas Olio Lusso contains 11. The real deciding factor is how well each resonates with your skin, and which one you prefer. Keep me posted-- I can't wait to hear about your oil adventures!!!!!

      Have a lovely weekend!

    2. Thank you so much for your reply (and the other blog post you linked to was great!). Neither Olio Lusso, nor the Neroli Marula Oil are sold where I live but I just realized that one of my favorite webshops sell products from The Organic Pharmacy so I think I will look into their products a bit more (your latest blog post made me even more curious of their products!). Cheers, Linda

    3. My pleasure, Linda! I'm glad that you found the other link post helpful as well. If you have access to The Organic Pharmacy products- then I do think that the line is well worth your consideration. You can see from the large amount of purchases that I have made that I am very very happy with the line. I find that their products to be consistently exquisite performers, and it is nice to know that they use healthy ingredients! Keep me posted! :-) Helen

    4. Since I like the rosehip oil that I am currently using I decided to get the Virgin Cold Pressed Rose Hip Seed Serum to start with and it is now on its way to me! If I like it I think I will try the Flower Petal Deep Cleanser and Exfoliating Mask and the Antioxidant Face Firming Serum next. Cheers, Linda


    5. A lovely choice, indeed Linda! Theirs is lovely. the Petal Deep Cleanser is amazing, as is the Antioxidant Face Firming Serum. Keep me posted on your THe Organic Pharmacy adventures!

  3. Thank you Helen! You are divine! Just to see so many oils together makes me giddy; your obsession inspires me to take better care of my crappy skin. What an incredibly beautiful and satisfying collection you have there. I want to mix them all on my hands and apply them to my dry, bumpy cheeks. That LA sunlight refracts from your bottles and it radiates with a golden glow. Isnt it magical?
    I cannot wait for your review of the by Terry oil. I use the Cleopatra's choice mud mask as a face mask once a week and it is really good but I never knew they had a face oil. I really need to try the Organic pharmacy serums you have there well and pretty much everything you have in your collection :)
    Thanks again for posting your collection. You have a great Saturday along with your beloved Lola and Maximus!

    1. Absolutely my pleasure! I loved doing this post for you! Seeing all of the oils together made me kind of giddy as well!!!! I really truly am obsessed with oils, and the more the merrier- despite the fact that this is not easily reconciled with my essentially minimalist philosophy in life (my makeup and skincare collection contradicts my essential nature, but who cares- WEEEEEEEEEEEE).

      I knew that I had a large number, but somehow seeing them altogether in their infinite gleaming goodness was a bit surprising- even to me! I have found that photographing oils in the sun is the best way to highlight their magical nature since they appear as the sparkling and glowing gems that are an essential part of their inherent nature! I just have to catch the shot quickly so that they don't warm up and become compromised!

      I have not used the By Terry Huile de Rose long enough to review it, but I can already tell you that it is very very lovely! The same is true of the Colbert MD Illumino Face Oil.

      The Cleopatra's Choice Argan Oil is very nice-- I periodically use it on my face, but most of the time I add a few drops into my body lotions to maximize their potential-- this would be perfect for you during a cold NYC winter! The Organic Pharmacy Serums are amazing, and their Antioxidant Face Firming Serum remains one of my very favorite face oil serums! It's remarkable stuff-- try and get a sample next time you are near Barneys!

      A purring Lola and Maximus say hello! Have a very lovely weekend! xoxox

  4. I am pretty sure your minimalist nature just gets enhanced with your baroque beauty obsessions. There is a saying in Spanish that, translated, goes something like this: the exception confirms the rule. Is there something similar in English?
    I admire minimalism. I want to be a minimalist, but sadly my mind does not work like that. If I like something I have it in excess (teas, perfumes, movies, books, scarves for crying out loud, how many scarves can I possibly need!). I want to be more restrained sometimes and declutter my space but my 'pile of debris before me grows skyward.'
    If I had a bigger space I would probably be the crazy woman with the 1000 cats, however, if I had a bigger space I will also be the crazy woman with a 1000 jackets, and infinitum :/
    ps: what can be better that a purring beast on a fall day like this?

    1. I love that saying!! I am a contradiction in terms since my essential nature is that of a minimalist- yet, like you, I have certain collections that have grown out of my love of these things. My makeup and skincare (especially my beauty oils) is just crazy, but I covet these things (and truly use them-- at least the skincare and beauty oils). I am pretty good about keeping most of my other things in check- with the exception of books. I claim that as an occupational hazard though!!!!!! I actually try not to buy books anymore since I live in what looks like a university library by normal standards! I need to do some decluttering- I like some breathing space! I definitely know what you mean by wanting to nip it in the bud before it grows skyward!

      Haha- 1000 cats-- what a visual! Purring beasts nearby on a fall day=HAPPY! xoxox

  5. And this is why I love you. You make me feel normal! I just have a few oils (Algenist, Michael Todd Knu) that I use for my face, one for my body (C Booth) and one for my hair (Redken) and of course the original Moraccanoil. I'll try not to get more obsessed than that.

    1. LOL!!!!!! If this level of oil hoarding makes you feel normal- then we are both in trouble, Marcia! I haven't tried any of the oils that you are currently using! Hmmmm..... :-)

  6. I noticed that Juno is not on your list. Have Sunday Riley products left your rotation?

    1. Hi Evelyn!!! I was just thinking about you the other day!!! How are you??? Juno wasn't shown here because I used mine up and haven't replaced it. I only featured oils that I currently have. I still have a few SR products left in my rotation (Ceramic Slip, Good Genes and Start Over), but I just haven't been reaching for them much lately. I am also in the process of testing out new products-- so I have put everything else aside for the time being. What are you using these days? Any new discoveries that I "need" to check out?

  7. Don't even know what to say….I'm amazed by your massive oil collection!!! Yowza!!! Ha ha :-) I'm getting more and more into oils myself…I just think they open up a whole world of possibilities and the combinations with other oils and other products are simply endless! Oh, btw, sorry for the rush of comments…I've been neglecting my comment leaving lately, so I'm trying to catch up on all my favorite blogs :-)

    1. It's just a little crazy how many I have, and how many more that I want to try!!!!!!! I'm so thrilled that you are getting more and more into oils-- without question this is my very favorite type of skincare product! Please don't be sorry-- I am so thrilled that you left so many amazing comments! Made me sooooo happy! :-)

  8. Hope you are well! I tried a two week sample (I begged!) of the Chanel Le Jour, La Nuit and Le Weekend skincare and really love it. So I went for the full sizes. Right now, layering Sunday Riley Adrenaline over the La Nuit serum and they seem to work really well together. LOVING the Ladi Avokanto oil too, much more so than Juno. It sinks in quickly and my skin loves it. Planning to repurchase Rodin at some point, but I think I need to be a good girl and try for some empties first. (Which in itself may be a first.) Now that it's colder here, also using the Shu Uemura Ultime8 as a cleansing oil and really liking that too. Also their camelia oil for hair, which, now that I've figured out a kind of layered way to use it, is giving me nicer results (as in, a pea sized amount rubbed between my hands and then on wet ends when blow drying, another pea sized amount, rubbed between hands and then to all my hair before flat ironing, and the last pea sized amount on the ends to finish any strays). Remarkably, it isn't greasy, just shiny and silky. So I'm very happy with that.

    1. It is so lovely to hear from you, Evelyn!! I have been thinking about you lately and wondering how you were doing! I'm doing well, but I am so busy these days-- that I only wish that I had a little more time to just relax!! Your current skincare loves sound amazing! I am so thrilled that you are really loving Ladi Avokanto so much. I agree, I much prefer Ladi and Olio Lusso to Juno-- I find both work much much better for my skin, and that's why I didn't repurchase Juno when I finished my last bottle. The fact that Linda Rodin personally responded to your questios about her lovely oil is enough reason to use it for life!! It remains one of my very very favorite oils of all time-- I will continue to repurchase it!! I can just imagine how cold it must be right now, and all of those beautiful oils will definitely help keep your skin and hair hydrated! The Shu Camellia oil for hair sounds decadent! I'm going to have to try to get a hold of that!

      I hope that you have a lovely weekend! :-)


I love reading all of your comments and interacting with you- so please do not hesitate to share your thoughts, and to ask questions. Remember that what you have to say is of interest to all of us! Always feel free to email me directly as well. SPAM and advertising links will not be published.