
Thursday, October 17, 2013

Barneys LOVE YOURSELF Gift Bag Reveal- The Actual Bag!

Entry into the newly remodeled Beverly Hills Beauty Department
Bright Lights, Big City (and oh so chic!)
 Fabulous Gift Bag stuffed to the brim at Barneys.
 What I brought home- also stuffed to the brim!
 ...and lots and lots of goodies! There are several full-size products, and lots of deluxe samples.
The Step-Up Gifts differ online and in-store.

Copyright © 2013 All Rights Reserved.


  1. Hello,
    I got my Surrat goodies 3 eyeshadows and the eye baton in taupe love so much I ordered 4 more. Sadly I don't qualify for the bag 50 short but out it looks awesome. Did you get anything from his line?

    1. Hi Melissa! I'm so glad to hear that you loved what you got enough to get more! You have a far more willpower than I-- I would have spent the extra $50 on something that I didn't need- Bravo to you for having far more willpower than I! I haven't yet purchased anything from the line, but did swatch some shadows and blush. I am very impressed by the quality, and definitely plan on going back and taking more time to decide what I want to try. Please keep me posted about your impressions of the line-- I am very curious indeed! Have a lovely weekend and enjoy all of your new goodies! :-)

  2. Thank you I wish I had willpower everything I see you post I get and that's why I accumulated all the makeup I have for example 200 lipsticks and can still justify more lol. Can't wait to see what you've picked up. I did return my Cle de peau set the crayons lasted 10 minutes and were off my eye completely such a shame. I tried everything and nothing worked I never had that problem so weird. Have a great weekend

    1. Melissa who makes the eye baton and what is it? It has the word taupe in it!!

    2. Well, you certainly have more willpower than I do! I know just what you mean about the ability to justify more when our stashes are already filled to the brim! I have a million ways to justify the next lipstick or face oil!! Sometimes I show incredible self-restraint- while other times it just flies right out the window. It's just so odd that the CdP set lasted only 10 minutes-- I don't blame you for returning it-- at that price point I would have done the same. Though frankly I would be irritated at any price point if it was creased or worn away in that short period of time!

    3. Hey Marcia,
      It is by Surratt and it's called Celadon I think it's sold out on Barney's website but the NY counter where I ordered it from has it. It's really beautiful eyeliner on one end and eyeshadow on the other. Let me know what you think of his products. I have the eyeshadows and I love them.

  3. I'm so excited to get mine. I need another mini mascara for a guest post and I read that Hourglass has one in here. Plus all those prizes were worth my splurge. Bring on the Surratt and Armani!

    1. You are going to be one happy girl-- you will really love the Surratt shades you whose-- they are creamy dreamy beauties. Did you end up getting the light pink blush as well. Did they have all of the Armani that you had been wanting and that we had been talking about? The Armani counter at the BH location is gorgeous, and it is pretty close to front and center-- everything looked even more luxe at that counter for some reason!

  4. Of course I ran to Beverly Hills to get my GWP as i usually do..this year I was a little disappointed. While it is still the best GWP out there, it pales in comparison to their bags past. No full size Lippmann nailpolish and a ltitle light on anything I said, it is still the best one out there!

    1. We could have been there at the same time!!!! I'm sorry that you were a little disappointed in your bag-- I am happy with mine, but know that when compared to some of the grand gift bags before one is a little disappointed. My guess is that the smaller vendors can't afford to give away that volume of samples during more difficult economic times. I don't know why there was no Lipmann polish this time, but there were lots of lines that weren't in this gift bag that have been in previous bags. On the other hand, there were numerous lines in this bag that haven't been in the past. I hope that you are enjoying what you got! :-)

  5. I rushed to Beverly Hills to get mine..a little disappointed. It pales in comparison to past years..less full size items. That being said- it is the BEST GWP out there

    1. Hi again, diann_co! I forgot to ask you-- what did you buy this time around? Are you happy with your purchases?

  6. Hi Lola,
    I bought the organic pharmacy brightening serum(thanks for the review) and radical oxygen mask.i ordered from barneys sfo as I was there last week.i was reading other blogs and they have the Armani lipstick and another lipstick from u think I should call them and ask tht these products are missing .. Should I call them.. Appreciate it..I might sound greedy but I have seen on the blogs those items present ...

    1. Hi Saby, I hope that you really really love The Organic Pharmacy Brightening Serum! It's truly amazing! I have yet to try something from the line that I don't love! Radical is an amazing company-- I will be doing a few reviews on their products before long!

      I'm always "missing" some items from my bag, and a long time ago I asked one of my favorite SAs about that and she said that not all bags have the exact same things in them and that none of them are technically "missing" anything- some will be missing certain items that are featured in other bags, and then have other products that might not be in another bag. Also as they start running through a large volume of bags they run out of certain things- so sometimes it depends upon how early or late you shop during the sale, and how many people are getting gift bags. Also not all stores have the same things in each of their bags-- so the SF store may have gotten more units of a particular thing that may not have made it to the BH store. Additionally, smaller stores have fewer lines represented-- so if you don't have a particular vendor in their store- then that store won't likely have those products in their gift bags. They want to introduce you to a line that you might go back and purchase at that store. The companies that opt in on the Gift Bag "donate" their products to the bag event, and it is a super expensive undertaking for them, and cripplingly expensive for a tiny start-up company (many of whom cannot afford to partake until they get a little bigger, or often don't participate at all)-- so they can't afford to give away countless thousands of units of product for the bag. Of course it is completely up to you whether or not you want to call them, but if it were me- I probably wouldn't. That's not to say that you shouldn't if it will make you feel better. That said, if you are forging a relationship with a particular SA- then you might want to let it go. If you want to get some of the lines that may not be represented at your store-- then you might want to shop the bigger higher volume stores like NYC and Beverly Hills since their cosmetic departments are huge (especially since they will ship it to you for free within the US if you meet the minimum requirement- which is often right around the amount of getting in to the Step-Up Gift to begin with. I don't think that you sound in the least bit greedy- everyone feels a let down if they see certain things in certain gift bags that don't end up in theirs. Keep me posted! :-)

    2. Thanks for the prompt reply .. I've decided not to call them but perhaps will mention tht to SA next time:).. And I live the bag and the contents ESP the rituals cleanser.. It smells heavenly ...

    3. Hi saby! My pleasure! That's a really smart way to handle it. If that is the store where you plan to continually shop (whether for geographical convenience or loyalty to a particular SA-- then forge a relationship with that one person who can get you anything you want from the whole department, and who will give you extra goodies for your loyal patronage. In that context mentioning that your bag seemed slimmer than last time might not be a bad call! I hate to confess this, but I have been so busy that I actually haven't had time to explore the contents of my bag-- and always get so excited about them!!!!! I'm thrilled to hear that you love the contents and that the rituals cleanser smells heavenly-- I can't wait to take a closer look! :-)

  7. Hi Lola,I purchased the organic pharmacy brightening serum and radical oxygen mask from barneys sfo.i was there last week and ordered .i received just now.when I opened the bag,Giorgio Armani lipstick,make lipstick and the mascara from givenchy is u think I should i call them up?i might sound greedy but when I am seeing other blogs with the stuff I received I feel a bit cheated .

  8. Have you heard anything about the February beauty event this year?

    1. Hi BPerfumed! I have been talking to my Barneys contacts and will have all of the Step-Up Gift details today or tomorrow. The dates are February 12-15, and the minimum purchase is $250.00 pretax to get the gift bag. I hear that there are some really great step-up gifts as well. I will be publishing my mega post with all of the details as soon as I get them. :-)

  9. You are very welcome, BPerfumed! I just posted new information including some of the Step-Up Gifts, and will be updating it frequently as I receive more information! :-)


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