
Friday, September 13, 2013

SpaceNK Beauty Event: Haul Teaser!

My purchases
My extraordinary gift

I will have much more to say about my purchases and gift soon.
Did you indulge? If so, what did you buy? Do tell!

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  1. Nice haul! Do you happen to know if they still had the Narcissist blush? I'm wondering if it's too late to call for it..

    1. Oops I commented on the wrong post. I'm sorry, I meant to post this comment on your Neimans haul post.

    2. Thanks-- I'm scared about my bill coming though-LOL! Yes, Neiman Marcus still has a few Narcissist blushes left-- it is so much more extraordinary in person, and I would have definitely regretted it had I passed on it a second time. I think that Beverly Hills is the only place left that has them. Ask for Michelle Weinstein, and tell her I sent you- she will take great care of you, and she's SO LOVELY!!
      The number is (310) 550-5900 Extension 2517. If she's not there- anyone can help you at the Tom Ford counter. Narcissist looks a little scary in the pan, but it can be sheared out for a gorgeous subtle wash of color! I can't wait to hear what you think.

    3. You will gasp when you see how gorgeous Narcissist is! I just texted Michelle and she's at work today (right now, actually)- so you can call her any time!!! I'm so excited for you!!!!!!!!!!!!

    4. Wow, thank you for such a quick reply! I just called Michelle and told her I was so happy you mentioned it on your blog or else I would've missed out. I cannot wait for it to arrive. I'm super excited! Have you had a chance to wear it yet?

    5. My pleasure, Momo-- I just happened to be at the computer working when your comment came through-- so I thought that I would text Michelle ASAP since the weekend is coming and who knows if they will sell through the remaining Narcissist blushes!! Plus since it's Beauty Event time there is so much more activity, and I didn't want you to risk missing out on this truly stunning blush. I have not yet worn mine since I haven't finished photographing it :-( However, Michelle put it on me the other day at Neiman Marcus-- because I was sure that I couldn't wear such a bold color, and she proved me wrong!! You just need to apply it with a very light hand and blend, and it will just blow your mind! I would have hated for either of us to have missed this beauty! Let me know what you think when you get it!!!!!!! Have a lovely weekend!

    6. Hi again! My Narcissist blush finally arrived today, and you are right it's stunning. I swatched it on my arm and it is so beautiful. I can't wait to wear it out tomorrow. If it weren't for you, I would have forever missed out. Thank you so very much for letting all your readers know about the stock at Neimans. I can't express my gratitude enough, thank you again! Please keep up the awesome work on your lovely blog. I will forever be a reader.

    7. Hi Momo!! I am so happy that you got it and love it!!! I just posted pictures and a short review before I dug in to start using it! It is just one of the most extraordinary blushes that I have ever seen- let alone owned! You just made my whole day with your gracious and kind words-- it was absolutely my pleasure to let you know. I was just so excited when I saw it at NM that I had to share it with you!! I'm touched that you are so devoted to reading my blog-- seriously I am very moved! xoxo

  2. Eve Lom haul here! What an AMAZING gift! WOWZA!

    1. Eve Lom products are so awesome, Jessica!! Enjoy your picks and your AMAZING gift!!! I have never seen a better gift bag!!!

  3. I've gotten the Space NK bag once and it was amazing and made my splurge worthwhile. I used to get emails from a Space NK employee, it's better that I don't!!

    1. It really is the gift bag against which all other gift bags should be judged! I wasn't going to partake in the bag event until I saw the actual contents in person-- then I decided to get a few things that I had been wanting for a while. It definitely did not disappoint!!!! You are quite right-- there is something to be said for not being notified-- it saves us a GREAT deal lof money! :-)

  4. I picked up some Chantecaille and Hourglass items - everything arrives Tuesday. So excited!

    1. I can't wait to see your new beauties!! The gift will definitely blow your mind, Lulubelle!! I'm so excited for you! :-)

  5. My online purchase arrived today. So excited!! I got a diptyque scented oval and perfume solid as well as two nars lippies and illuminator, and laura mercier secret concealer backup. The gift bag is awesome! I also got online extra surprise samples. This is my second time around with space nk events. You enabled me last February....I am seriously thinking about giving up the barneys event. If only space nk carried more brands!

    1. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am SO EXCITED for you!! Isn't that the most amazing GWP?! I'm seriously so thrilled with mine that I will definitely continue to make purchases during their beauty events. You made amazing purchases!!!! is the LM secret concealer an amazing concealer that I should consider trying? That's so nice that you got extra surprise samples!! I agree-- I wish that SpaceNK carried a few more of my favorite brands, but Nicky Kinnaird is very careful to make her brand selections very well edited. I wish she would carry The Organic Pharmacy, Rodin, Sponge etc.! I am very curious to see what Barneys does this time around.I am just so thrilled that you are super happy with your purchases-- I am with mine!!! :-)

    2. I am so impressed with the bag!!!! I calculated that the value is WELL over $500 of serious deluxe or full size items that will be lotsa fun to try. Ack, I would be a goner for sure if space nk carried burberry or armani makeup or niche perfumes. In regards to LM secret concealer shade #2, this is at least my fifth repurchase. It has fairly dense yet smooth coverage. Matches my skin very well, even without foundation! Never drying, slightly moisturizing, doesn't pill up over my various eye potions, no milia ever, reasonable price, ...between this and Dior brow pencil (the original waxy powder one), I would be seriously put out if either was discontinued! I also like the edward bess undereye concealer stick as a dupe for la mer's. Extremely good coverage and no migration/fading. However both bess and la mer share limited color range and dry texture, making blending a challenge!

    3. I am too-- it is really the gift bag against which all others should be judged! I have been so busy that I have hardly had time to play with any of it!!!!!!! OMG- if they carried Burberry and Armani that would be it for us, wouldn't it?! We might have to get jobs there just so that we were eligible for an employee discount!!!!!!

      Thank you fir your assessment about the LM Secret Concealer. I will definitely take a look at it! It sounds really wonderful! that it doesn't give you milia is especially important-- since so many products cause it for me! I will have to look at the EB concealer as well. I should probably grab the Dior brow pencil as well! So many wants!!!! Have a lovely weekend! <3


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