
Sunday, September 8, 2013

Space NK Amazing Gift With Purchase & Masterclass in Autumn Beauty: One Day Only!

Press Release
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If you are unable to make it to a Space NK store, you can receive this GLORIOUS Gift With Purchase online (US ONLY) on Thursday, September 12! Click here:
The contents of the actual Gift With Purchase!
I was told that supplies are limited- so if you are interested call SpaceNK since they are already pre-selling for the event. This is definitely one of the most extraordinary gifts with purchase that I have seen! However, it may be far more convenient for you to order online.


  1. This is so amazing! Is there anypne you prefer working with at Space NK that I can call and give the commission to? I live in SF and we have one here but maybe you have a nice rep I can call?

    Thank you for this!

    1. Hi there! Isn't this a stunning GWP?! My regular contact/SpaceNK manager has been MIA :-( Because of this- I would suggest calling and ordering from the SpaceNK in San Francisco or Marin-- somewhere where you can establish a relationship with someone-- so that they will alert you to great deals, special events, and will be generous with samples! I would also get an N.Dulge card (if you don't already have one)- so that you can earn points on your purchases, and get great free birthday gifts yearly. Let me know what you end up getting, and if you are loving your GWP!!! :-),en_US,pg.html

    2. Thanks again, I am calling in a few hours to order! You are always so on it with the GWP's!

  2. Just to clarify - you have to attend the actual event in order to make the purchase and get the gift bag?

    1. Hi Nina!! No, as I understand it you can pre-order now- because they have a limited number of these bags. You don't have to attend, but if you are interested I would call sooner rather than later. I don't think that they will let you take the bag until the 12th, but I would double check that with them. It was definitely the most impressive gift bag that I have seen in years! :-)

    2. Thank you Lola! The closest SpaceNK to me would be Bloomies in Short Hills or NYC, but that is still a few hours away so I would prefer to have it sent. Pretty awesome bag...thank you so much for sharing!

    3. Hi Nina, I would definitely call them and have them ship it to you-- the contents of the bags that I saw were amazing!

    4. Hi,
      For anyone who is unable to make it to one of our stores, the same GWP will be available while supplies last to online shoppers on September 12th at (US only), or by phone order at 877.714.7248.

    5. Thank you, Space NK <3 I just updated that in the post! This is fantastic news!!!!!!

  3. Can I just say that I have heard NOTHING about the Barney's Beauty Event and considering how pathetic their Beauty Bag has been the past few events, I am spending my money at Space NK for this event. Now, if only they would carry Serge Lutens and Sjal.... : )

    1. Hi 3bDiva! I have been talking to Barneys about the Love Yourself Bag Event, and I told them that I have already been getting pules of emails (for nearly a month already). Last week they told me that they don't have any information yet, but that they would contact me with the details as soon as they get them. I haven't heard back yet. I have not checked with the people that I know at the store level-- only with the corporate office. Hopefully they get in touch soon! This SpaceNK bag is AMAZING though!

    2. Yes, if they had Serge Lutens and Sjal. If they had The Organic Pharmacy I would be in BIG trouble!

    3. For the past few years (or since I've been participating in the Love Yourself Bag Event), it has always been around my birthday so I KNOW it's coming up very shortly. Often, the Space NK event takes place the last day of or the day after the LYBE so I've had to pass due to the money I would spend via Barneys.... no more. My notes tell me (yes, I DO have notes on these big events, lol!) that the LYBE is around the 12th to the 19th of September when it starts/takes place. To have NO info as of yet? Hmm... kinda odd, don't you think? We'll see : )

    4. Last year it was September 20-22. I had heard that it would be later this year some time ago, but never received formal confirmation. Barneys in Beverly Hills is doing extensive remodeling and moving the whole cosmetics department off of the main floor down into the basement. I have a special promotion that I am working on with one of the vendors and she said we would have to postpone until after the remodel/move is complete some time this fall. This likely explains the delay in a formal date. Plus I am awaiting word from the corporate entity of Barneys-- who also notifies the stores-- so I think that the delay this year likely has to do with the relocation of the department itself onto an entirely different floor. Plus the basement in Beverly Hills wasn't a retail space-- it was offices- so the remodel is a huge one! My guess is that the bag event will happen next month instead. :-)

  4. This bag looks amazing! Do you know if there will be any brand specific step up gifts?

    1. Hi Michelle, This bag is beyond amazing-- it's definitely the best GWP that I have seen to date! It is valued at over $400.00 I am told! One of the SpaceNK managers told me that they don't generally have "step-up" gifts but that periodically some of the lines will offer additional gifts with purchase. Since each of the stores have different vendors and makeup artists present for the event IF they do offer additional gifts it will vary from store to store. Her best advice is to call your Space NK to see whether any of the particular lines are offering additional gifts. Enjoy!!!

  5. Speaking of the Barney's beauty event, I was told by my MA that it will be in mid-Oct. The cosmetics dept in the BH stores is undergoing renovation and Barney's wanted to tie-in it's new opening with the beauty event.

    1. I had heard something similar to this a while ago as well-- that's the store where I shop too. I have been planning an event/special GWP with one of the Reps/vendors, and it has been postponed until the BH remodel is finished and Cosmetics is nestled in the basement. I suspected that the bag event being moved to October was going to be a done deal, but still have not received confirmation of any firm dates. :-)

    2. Just to add to the confusion, the SAs I spoke to last month at Barneys in NYC were pretty certain that the Beauty event would be around September 20th or so, same as last year. They moved the beauty department to the basement (formerly the restaurant) at the Madison Ave. stores years ago and imho, it has never been the same. The lighting is terrible and it's awfully claustrophobic. Then Bergdorf's went and copied Barneys! I hope they will do a better job in BH than in NYC.

    3. That is precisely why I am waiting to hear back from Barneys upstairs since they are the ones who set the dates. Yeah, I'm with you about preferring main floor beauty departments. The ability to get to natural lighting-- even on the main floor is key. I always swatch- then walk to the front door, and more often than not end up going outside to see how the colors actually look. Clearly this is made more difficult when beauty departments are tucked into the basement. I had heard from a Barneys insider that the Beverly Hills store is going to be using some special lighting-- so hopefully it recreates natural lighting!

  6. Speaking of the Barney's beauty event, I was told by my MA that it will be in mid-Oct. The cosmetics dept in the BH stores is undergoing renovation and Barney's wanted to tie-in it's new opening with the beauty event.

  7. Maybe a bit late to say this but if you order from Beverly Hills shop you will be paying 8.75% sales tax. i ordered two times last year one for Beverly Hills and one online. I did not find that the "little extra" my rep put in was worth the extra $21 I had to pay in tax.
    Yes if you spend just the minimum $250 your bill will be $271 plus a few cents.

    1. You aren't at all late!! I hadn't even thought about the sales tax issue-- thank you for bringing that up-- that is definitely a strong argument in favor of ordering online!!!! Additionally, Beverly Hills sales tax has gone up to 9.00%- and it is the same in Los Angeles. Sadly since I live here I am accustomed to paying that HORRIBLE tax rate. It's even worse in Santa Monica where it is 9.5%!! It's a frightening thing when I see myself somewhat desensitized to such a ridiculously high percentage rate. It's bad enough when I buy a tube of lipstick, buy it's horrifying when buying a car, or worse yet paying property taxes. The cost of living is ridiculously high here!

      Your point is really an excellent one!!!!!!!! Thanks!


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