
Friday, September 13, 2013

Lolapalooza Extravaganza from the Neiman Marcus Bag Event: Tom Ford Beauty Reveal

After having received a couple of emails asking me to reveal what was in these Tom Ford Boxes- I decided that I had better hurry up and show you before there was beauty blog mutiny! So here is my insane purchase! There are a few Narcissist blushes left at Neiman Marcus- you don't want to miss out on this beauty if this is something that you have been thinking about getting. If you want one, call Michelle Weinstein at Neiman Marcus Beverly Hills (310) 550-5900 Extension 2517. Tell her I sent you! xoxo
If you still want the Neiman Marcus Gift Bag, or the stunning Rebecca Minkoff Cosmetics Bag, click here. (Affiliate link)
I'm smitten with my purchases! Did you shop the event? If so, what did you purchase?


  1. You got so many things ! Everything looks so pretty tho :)

    1. Hi Betzy-- I lost all self control and went crazy! :D

  2. Wow! What incredible beauties!
    *fans self*
    *fans you*
    *fans the Toms*

    1. Did I completely lose my mind, or what?! What happened to my whole "cooling off period" and not going crazy at the counter?! I'm going to remove my mailbox in hopes that I won't receive my NM bill! LOL!!!!!! What's even worse is the fact that I haven't finished shooting everything-- so I haven't touched- let alone worn anything!!!!!! :/

  3. HOLY MOLY! This girl is J-E-A-L-O-U-S!!! WOO!

    1. I definitely went a little crazy!! Lost all self-control!!! :-)

  4. What a perfection selection of Tom Ford Goodies - TF is worth every penny- 3 gorgeous nude lipsticks- definitely a drool worthy moment-Enjoy!

    1. Thanks, Jo! I'm very excited about my picks. And this TF makeup wanting disease means that I already have my eyes set on lots of other things. My lust list is bigger than my stash!!! I agree-- the luxury quality does, at least in part, take some of the sting out of the luxury price tag! Thank you for sharing my excitement with me!!

  5. *drools* these look so... *no words*
    I am going to visit a Tom Ford Counter in the beginning of November since I will be in Berlin to meet some friends and I hope I won't go crazy the same way ;-)
    They are all super pretty, enjoy! Cheek brush is a must have I think, I can't get this effect with any other. Xox

    1. I'll tell you the words, dearest Sarah-- my own drooling (and your swatches are partially responsible) caused me to lose my mind with Tom Ford. The sickest part is that I still want so much more-- I really want the rest of his brushes, and more of his makeup!!!! I need a TF support group!

      OMG- I can only imagine the trouble you will get yourself into at the TF counter in Berlin!!!!!!!!!! The cheek brush is AMAZING-- I can't wait to get my grabby hands on the Bronzer blush and a few more of the eyeshadow brushes!!!!!!!!

      Enjoy your weekend! <3

  6. Such lovely makeup!! :D
    I just found your blog and am a new follower! ^-^

    1. HI Ashesela! Welcome!! I will hop over and check out your blog!!!!!!!!! Thanks for the follow! I definitely outdid myself with this crazy big purchase, but I am so excited about what i bought! Enjoy your weekend! :-)

  7. I also did TF damage this time - she wolf trio, pink tawny gloss and ravish blush! Love all your picks!! Pink dusk is a favorite!!!

    1. You made excellent choices, Lili!!!! Isn't She Wolf utterly amazing?!!! Pink Tawny gloss is so gorgeous! I love love love Ravish Blush, but it is just too warm for me-- I swatched it and even my SA said too warm!! I am really really loving Pink Dusk-- it will remain in my stash as long as he makes it!

  8. Love those lipsticks, those are my kind of colors. I can't wear Nude Vanilla alone but with a liner or gloss it's great. I wear Pink Dusk often. I would love those brushes!!!

    1. I love these lipsticks well. I LOVE LOVE LOVE pinky nudes-- every time that I had tried these colors on I thought that they were too warm for me, but my beloved TF MUA/SA Michelle Weinstein said to wait a minute for the colors to settle on me-- and they seemed to magically adjust to my coloring-- it is pretty crazy, actually! I thought that Nude Vanilla wouldn't work on me at all, but after about a minute it tuned into a light nude pink on me- I was pretty shocked! I like it alone, but also with a liner and gloss. Pink Dusk was a huge surprise on me-- it always swatched so muddy on my arm, but again it magically morphed into a gorgeous nude pink on my lips. I am now obsessed with his lipsticks, and want more!!!!!! I have to curb my spending for a while though- LOL!!!!!

  9. HOLY SMOKES. Narcissist and She Wolf! Well done, dear Helen. :DDD

    1. Thanks, Liz!!! I just couldn't let either be the ones that got away-- they are both truly amazing!!! :D

  10. Hi Helen. I have a weird question to ask you. Do you remember if the lipsticks had any plastic wrapping outside the box as well? I bought a new TF lipstick today and it didn't have any. I definitely remember my two previous ones had a clear plastic wrapper. The germaphobe in me is kind of annoyed haha

    1. Hi AZ! I don't think that any of my lipsticks came with plastic wrapping on the outside of the box. I also do remember checking all of the tubes themselves to make sure that all of the lipsticks themselves were pristine. I don't blame you-- I always check everything that I buy carefully- since I have had the misfortune of buying something that somebody had dipped grubby little fingers in! I an always super careful when I buy things at Sephora since people often turn the for sale products into testers on their own-- YUCK!!!!!!! I always twist up lipsticks to make sure that someone didn't use their nail at the base of the tube to get a clean sample to try. :-)


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