
Thursday, August 1, 2013

The Organic Pharmacy Rose Plus Marine Collagen Complex: A Potent Anti-Aging Product Like Nothing Else! Review

Believe it or not, when I purchased The Organic Pharmacy products about which I wax poetic, the Rose Plus Marine Collagen Complex was given to me mistakenly (and it wasn't even on my radar). It wasn't until I got home and saw that I was charged $225.00 instead of $189.00 that I realized something was wrong. I suspected that I had been accidentally overcharged until closer examination revealed that what I had intended to buy was the Rose Plus Marine Brightening Complex ($189.00) and what I came home with was actually the Rose Plus Marine Collagen Complex ($225.00). (Purchased by me. Affiliate links).

I had tried a large sampling of the Rose Plus Marine Brightening Complex and absolutely LOVED it! This serum promises to, "Lighten, lift and soothe with this enzyme packed skin serum that uses papaya to gently exfoliate dead cells and brighten the complexion. Nangka fruit extract and Glucosamine help reduce the formation of sun spots and fade existing ones. The result: Clearer, brighter complexion, age spots reduced, tone and condition of the skin improved." In fact, it works so well- and gave my skin an unprecedented healthy glow that it remains on my growing list of must-have products from The Organic Pharmacy. However, after talking to the Rep about coming home with the wrong product- I asked her whether she thought that I should keep the one I got or exchange it for the one that I had intended in the first place (I would have purchased both, but I had already spent too much). She said that if a super power-packed anti-aging serum was what I sought, that I should keep the Rose Plus Marine Collagen Complex because it was the most potent anti-aging serum that she had ever tried. DONE! Trust me when I tell you, I am no longer swayed by Sales Associates or Reps who are insincere and simply out for a sale. While I do often shop online because of the convenience given my crazy schedule- when I do shop at the physical store locations I only shop with trusted and sincere people who will actually tell me the truth. 

Using the Rose Plus Marine Collagen Complex in conjunction with their Antioxidant Face Firming Serum (reviewed here) has been one of the most effective combinations of products that I have ever used on my skin, ever.  In fact, so much so that I can hardly believe the results.
According to The Organic Pharmacy, Rose Plus Marine Collagen Complex is,

Our ultimate anti-ageing skin smoothing serum helps reduce fine lines and stimulates elastin and collagen production for silky smooth skin.

An intensive treatment aimed to make skin 10 years younger by targeting the collagen and elastin in the skin. Suitable for all skin types. This product is particularly suitable for those concerned with the signs of premature ageing. Rose Plus Marine Collagen Complex can be used to help prevent premature ageing. After extensive research, four unique ingredients were isolated for their novel and highly effective action. Hibiscus Abelmoschus extract forms a unique and novel ingredient to stimulate cell multiplication and GAG synthesis. Elastin is made up of 2 key elements; Soluble elastin and microfibrils. This unique dill extract activates the synthesis of elastin fibres and prevents bad cross linking. Skin moisture levels improved immediately and long term. Skin texture refined. 

A matrix of Marine Collagen, Chondroitin, Sodium Hyaluronate and Ursolic Acid acts on skin elasticity and depth of wrinkles as well as smoothness through collagen and GAG synthesis. A unique mixture of Kigelia Africana (firming), Calendula Officinalis (healing and cell renewal), Rose Hip (healing and antioxidant), New Zealand Fern (instant firming) and Goji Berries (healing and nutrient rich) to repair damage and protect from free radicals.
This intensive anti-aging treatment lifts, firms, nourishes, protects, and renews like nothing that I have ever tried, and without any harsh chemical compounds. What has been the most shocking is that the combination of renewing and lifting attributes have been so pronounced that I barely need to use other lactic acid based, or retinol based products. I used to feel the need to use them religiously, and I would never have considered skipping my retinol-based products at night. However, the combination of this product with their Antioxidant Face Firming Serum has virtually eliminated the need for these types of products that exfoliate dead skin. Of course I will use up what I have, but I'm not sure that I need to repurchase any (though I do remain curious about several such products).
I have also found that Rose Plus Marine Collagen Complex is moisturizing- particularly when used in conjunction with their Antioxidant Face Firming Serum- so much so, in fact, that during the warmer months I don't find it necessary to use an additional moisturizer for my combination skin. Rose Marine Plus Collagen Complex has a light scent that is a toned down quasi floral/rose that dissipates soon after application.
The Organic Pharmacy suggests applying "a small amount directly after cleansing and hydrating morning and evening. Follow with 2 pumps of Antioxidant Serum and 4 pumps of Antioxidant Gel." Sometimes I apply the Rose Plus Marine Collagen Complex first, and sometimes I apply the Antioxidant Serum first. I also have their Antioxidant Gel (review forthcoming), and I often apply it first as well. Essentially I apply them in whatever order that I feel like. The three together are something of a skincare Holy Trinity, but if I had to choose just two- it would definitely be the Antioxidant Serum (because I need my anti-aging face oil serum) and the Rose Plus Marine Collagen Complex. These two products are hands down the most potent anti-aging skincare products that I have tried to date. Additionally, I use far less than their suggested amounts for each- in fact, I never exceed a full pump of any of them- more than that is unnecessary for me, and it certainly makes a bottle last much longer.

Overall assessment: One of the best products that I have ever tried! A true miracle when used in conjunction with their brilliant Antioxidant Face Firming Serum. The Organic Pharmacy continues to delight me, and make no mistake about it- these two products have done more for my skin than any other anti-aging products to date. Worth every single cent, and I will continue to buy them! I am also astounded that such a natural line outperforms all of the natural and chemical-laden anti-aging products that I have tried. A++++++++++

Rose Plus Marine Collagen Complex costs $225.00 for 1.1 oz. from Nordstrom (Affiliate link).

Copyright © 2013 All Rights Reserved.


  1. Gee, would love to try this, or even better buy it...but too $$$$ beaucoup (big time). Too bad

    1. Hi! Yes, it definitely comes with a hefty price tag- and I, too, wish that it didn't cost as much as it does. That said, The Organic Pharmacy makes some of the finest products that I have tried, and their anti-aging range of products are truly extraordinary, IMHO. :D

  2. Hello

    Did you notice any effect on hyperpientation when using the brightening serum? I have a sun spot and lots of freckles nothing's worked on...

    1. Hi Hannah,

      I definitely have noticed that my areas of hyperpigmentation have faded considerably with the combination of the Rose Plus Marine Collagen Complex and the Anti-Oxidant Face Firming Serum. I didn't use the Brightening Serum long enough to tell whether it would do the same (I only had some generous samples- not a full size bottle. It did give my skin an unbelievable natural healthy glow though).

      I should also say that I had my doctor remove my more pronounced areas of hyperpigmentation (from sun damage-- especially on the driver's side of my face). I did so mostly as a preemptive measure against the possibility of those areas becoming cancerous, but it was also a matter of vanity as well. Areas that are more damaged go far deeper- and therefore will not be addressed by over the counter skincare products. I wasted tons of products (retinols, lactic acids etc) on one spot (driver's side) and they did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!! Yet one trip to my doctor for an evaluation and removal and it has never come back. You might want to do what I did- and see your doctor first. I am so happy that I did-- especially since she identified a few areas that were "pre-pre cancerous." I imagine that it will give you peace of mind- as it did for me. The tricky thing is that I couldn't tell by looking which spots were problematic and which weren't. And had I continued to slather piles of retinol etc. on those spots that could have actually become cancerous- then it would have been less safe than I thought to treat those areas without my doctor's input-- especially since they could have become skin cancer eventually. She burned the offending sun spots off and told me to never leave the house without at least an SPF 30- I took her seriously!! She also told which spots on my face were not a problem, and which one's could be. That said, I love these products, and will continue to use them. I suspect that you would probably like them, but if your areas of damage are as pronounced as the one's that I had removed-- then I doubt these will remove them. I hope that this makes sense! :D

  3. Thank you for the great review. If you were to choose only one to start with which one would it be: Antioxidant Face Firming Serum or Marine Complex? I do have mature combination skin...

    1. My pleasure! I'm so glad that you found it helpful! That is a tough question because the two together are really amazing. However, if I had to choose, and if I already had a face oil serum (since I personally always use a face oil day and night) then I would probably buy the Marine Complex. It is an amazing anti-aging complex. I also have combination skin and I find this to be moisturizing for my skin as well-- I often forego an additional moisturizer when I use this-- at least during the warmer months. The Organic Pharmacy is my greatest skincare discovery in many many years. I am continually blown away by the efficacy and potency of their products, and am thrilled that they don't fill their products with all sorts of chemicals. I hope that you love what you get as much as I do.

  4. Oh, I cannot wait to get my hands on these now! Over years I used countless products but only recently discovered Good Genes. After reading your blog I finally decided to take a plunge and loving every second. This is the first product I can honestly say it works! If The Organic Pharmacy is as good or better I can live on beans!

    1. Hi! This is definitely one of my favorite recent discoveries!! Everything that I have tried from The Organic Pharmacy has been superb- I am very impressed by their products, and I am really happy that they aren't loaded with chemicals. I feel very good about slathering their products all over my face. I am deliriously happy with this product! If you are unsure about spending the money before trying it, see if you can get your hands on a few samples. One of my readers is now using their sunscreen and highly recommended it-- so that is next on my list when I finish up my Clarins! The price point of their products certainly isn't low, but I have found everything to be quite concentrated, and I always use WAY less than the recommended amount. I'm so glad that you are loving Good Genes-- it really does work. Don't forget to load up on sunscreen since Good Genes really does slough off dead skin which makes your skin more vulnerable to elements. If you get anything from The Organic Pharmacy- please let me know-- I would love to hear what you think about it! Thanks for stopping by! :D

  5. I found this review very useful for a school project I am writing on the subject of anti-ageing creams. Would you be able to tell me where you got the extract that is from the Organic Pharmacy company?

    1. HI Sophie,

      I'm glad that you found my review useful. Check The Organic Pharmacy website, or click on their link in my review above the quoted portion. Good luck with your school project!


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