
Thursday, August 15, 2013

Osmia Organics Facial Restoration Serum Review

Press Sample
Osmia Organics describes their Facial Restoration Serum as,

A gorgeous blend of restorative oils, this serum was formulated for mature skin, damaged skin (retin-A users have rejoiced over its healing capabilities), or chronically dry skin.  Base oils of safflower, jojoba, and kukui provide the rich, velvety texture, while powerhouses like pomegranate, amaranth, borage, and sea buckthorn oils boost its antioxidant and anti-aging potency.  Includes precious essential oils chosen for their healing and nourishing abilities, including organic helichrysum, lavender, and rose, and wild-harvested carrot seed and frankincense.  This serum is the perfect product to use after dermatologic procedures, such as laser treatments or peels.
Despite the fact that my skin is neither dry, damaged, nor mature, and Facial Restoration Serum was formulated to address the needs of these skin types- I had to try it. This may seem irrational, but trust me it was a well-reasoned decision. First, I am unquestionably enchanted and transfixed by high quality face oil serums. Second, I love all of the products that I have tried from Osmia Organics and passionately believe in the line, and the founder Sarah Villafranco. Third, if Sarah makes an oil- I will try it! Fourth, I love using antioxidant rich anti-aging oils, and in fact they are at the very core of my skincare regimen. Finally, I have found that I can use many different types of face oil serums- even those not specifically made for combination skin. My method of use lends itself to greater experimentation with a wider variety of facial oil serums because I use them very sparingly, and warm them up in my hands before massaging them into my warm and damp skin. Moderation and mode of application are the keys to my success.

Facial Restoration Serum is a very luxurious high quality antioxidant anti-aging face oil that is profoundly moisturizing and nourishing. It is gentle, soothing and healing- and will perform miracles on stressed or damaged skin. Sarah, herself a doctor, made this oil gentle enough to be used after dermatologic procedures such as laser treatments or chemical peels. If you use Retin-A, heavy exfoliants, or peels- then this beautiful oil will quickly establish pride of place on your Holy Grail list.

This precious oil, that has the faint smell of lavender, quickly soaks into the skin leaving it soft, smooth, radiant, deeply moisturized and glowing. I tend to use Facial Restoration Serum at night when the skin cell turn over is significantly heightened, and when it can really work at restoring the skin. The following morning my skin looks and feels soft, smooth, hydrated, and with an amazing degree of clarity. I also use it whenever I do an at-home peel or exfoliate my skin. It immediately soothes, heals and neutralizes any red or irritation caused by potent peeling or exfoliating products. It is my go-to oil every time that my skin is at all traumatized, but I love it so much that I often use it whenever I just want to give my skin an extra boost.

If you have dry, traumatized, damaged, chemically treated, or mature skin then this beautiful oil is your panacea. If you are like me, and have a penchant for face oils you will be astounded by the efficacy and quality of this beautiful restorative serum. If your skin is combination to very oily and you fear that Facial Restoration Serum will be too rich for you, then try Osmia Organics Facial Calibration Serum instead- it was created to balance and regulate sebum production, and it just so happens to be one of my favorite serums as well!

Osmia Organics is a Cruelty-Free company that uses the highest quality ingredients available, and it is one of my very favorite companies.
Overall assessment: Definitely one my Holy Grail products. I will always have a bottle of this on hand because it really is that amazing.

$60.00  0.5 oz. From Osmia Organics. Unaffiliated links provided for your convenience. Stock image provided by Osmia Organics.

Press Sample. All views expressed are categorically my own.
Copyright © 2013 All Rights Reserved.


  1. Lovely blog and great review! I'm an avid fan of Osmia Organics and Sarah Villafranco. Thanks for sharing :-)

    1. Thank you for your very kind words, Sarita! I'm and avid fan of Sarah and her glorious treasures as well. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and leave a comment! :-)

  2. Love your blog, between the osmia organics facial restoration serum and the Organics Pharmacy firming serum; which is do you prefer more. How does this serum compare to organic pharmacy firming serum. Love to hear your thoughts.

    1. Hi there!

      Thank you so much for your very kind words-- I'm thrilled that you love my blog-- that means a great deal to me! That is a very difficult question-- largely because I find them to be so very different from one another, and therefore not really lending themselves to a fair comparison. First the Osmia Organics Facial Restorative Serum was formulated for dry, damaged and/or mature skin-- since my skin is combination and not dry or damaged- this is an oil that I use at night only, and quite sparingly. It is a glorious product, and while it wasn't created with my skin in mind-- it works astonishingly well for me. It is an amazing oil. The Organic Pharmacy Antioxidant Face Firming Serum is an utterly amazing oil that has an amazing lifting effect on the skin- and it is a bit lighter than the Osmia Organics Restoration Serum, and I can use it day and night. I use the the Osmia Organics Oil at night only, and THe Organic Pharmacy oil day and night. Tell me a little more about your skin, and I can try to help you narrow down which will work better for you. If your skin is combination like mine, and you are looking for only one oil-- then THe Organic Pharmacy would probably be your best choice. However, if you have dry, damaged, and/or mature skin-- you could go either way. :-)

  3. Hi
    Thanks for the reply. I have combination and mature skin. I am 41 years old. I guess that would be mature skin. I looking for anti aging oil that work well day and night which is natural. Any suggestions you have for me would be greatly appreciated.

    1. My pleasure! Since you have combination skin (as do I), and you are looking for one anti-aging antioxidant rich oil-- of these two I definitely think that The Organic Pharmacy Anti-Aging Firming Serum would be a better fit. If you had dry skin I would say either one of these oils. However, given my own combination skin I find it best to use the Osmia Organics Facial Restoration Serum at night only since it is formulated for dryer, damaged and mature skin types. It's an amazing serum, but I prefer to use it at night only. Keep me posted!! Have a lovely day! :-)

  4. Hi

    Thanks again for the reply.
    * In the morning if I use the organic pharmacy firming serum, do I use it as as facial oil/serum category then my moisturizer.
    ** At night do I apply the osmia organics serum on clean face, do I follow with a face oil then moisturizer. Love to hear your suggestion.

    1. Yes, when I use The Organic Pharmacy in the morning- I use it as my face oil/serum, but I most often pair it with their Antioxidant Gel and their Rose Plus Marine Collagen Complex (review below). Often this provides enough moisture so that I don't always apply an added moisturizer on top. However, I do often apply a moisturizer on top-- it really just depends on the needs of my skin that day.

      The Osmia Organics serum is an oil-- when I use it at night it is the only oil that I use, and I find it so rich and nourishing that I seldom need an additional moisturizer-- when I do I layer it on top of the Osmia oil. The best advice that I can give is to pay attention to the needs of your skin each day and choose your products accordingly. My philosophy is to only use what I need otherwise it's too easy to use too many things unnecessarily. Keep me posted :-)

    2. I just find that it takes some experimenting to find the right balance of skincare products for each person. What works well for me may not for you. That said, these are amazing products that you are considering. Pay attention to the ingredient lists-- if any of them are known offenders to your skin- then they will be less than ideal for you.

  5. Hi,

    Your reviews about the products are great. It helps me a lot in deciding which products to buy. It would be really helpful if you could suggest me a natural/organic Facial Oil / Serum for me.

    I'm 24 years old and am an Indian. I have extremely sensitive skin and my skin is extremely photosensitive too. And even when I use products formulated for sensitive skin (not all products. Some) , my skin gets greatly irritated (itchy) and becomes either dry and flaky or oily and shiny with small yellowish white pustules. That being said, I don't really have any scars or acne other than very fine pores. And when my facial skin gets exposed to sun, it gets tanned to a great extent and gets tanned very quickly. The tan doesn't go away and I cannot use brightening or whitening products, since they are known to irritate the skin.

    So, it would be really helpful, if you could suggest me a natural/organic face oil/serum for me. Thanks In Advance. :-)

    1. Hi there! Thanks for reaching out. Since I am not a dermatologist and am not looking at your skin-- I don't know that I have much to offer. The first thing that comes to mind is that you should actually go see a dermatologist before trying new products-- it could be that not only do you have ultra sensitive skin, but you may also have allergies to certain ingredients that are causing your skin to break out with "small yellowish white pustules. My sense is that until you know which ingredients are causing this reaction that it may continue to occur. If a doctor evaluates your skin you may be able to get to the bottom of the cause much more quickly, and without spending money on more products that may cause the same reaction. I would also make sure to let them know that you are looking for more natural products rather than synthetic ones. Sorry that I don't have a product in mind, but there is no way to know if any of the oils that I love would cause this same reaction in your skin. Keep me posted! :-)


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