
Monday, July 15, 2013

The Organic Pharmacy Flower Petal Deep Cleanser & Mask- Review

Last time that I made some The Organic Pharmacy purchases from Barneys I was given a very generous sample of their Flower Petal Deep Cleanser & Mask, but for some reason I didn't really take notice of it for quite a while. I cannot believe that I took so long to discover this ingenious product because it is so amazing that I simply must buy the full size jar. This is one of the most miraculous deep cleansing masks that I have ever tried, and I truly mean ever!
Free sample. Affiliate link

According to The Organic Pharmacy, Flower Petal Deep Cleanser & Mask is,

For all skin types. A duo of deep cleansing and exfoliating mask that draws out impurities, removes dead cells and brightens the complexion. Oats and milk (rich in lactic acid) gently exfoliate without abrasion whilst Lavender and Chamomile soothe inflamed skin leaving it radiant. Oats and clay bind with impurities and remove them deep from within the pores. Rose purifies and calms. Dead skin and deeply embedded impurities are removed leaving radiant skin. 

The Organic Pharmacy's suggested use:

Add 2 heaped teaspoons to a bowl or the palm of your hand, add warm water drop by drop until a smooth thick paste is achieved. Apply it to damp skin pressing the paste well into the skin. With a pressing and lifting movement work the product all over face. Leave for 2-5 minutes and rinse off with a muslin cloth or sponge. The skin is now ready to receive any special treatments. This may take a few attempts to master but it is well worth the effort. Oily skin use 4 times a week and follow with Seaweed Clay Mask. Normal skin use twice a week and follow with Collagen Boost Mask. Dry skin use once a week and follow with Honey & Jasmine Mask.

My use and results: I am just astounded by the results of this duo mask/scrub for a multitude of reasons. It has a lovely soft texture and has the natural scent of Rose (there are even beautiful crushed rose petals in the powder). It turns from powder to a paste by drizzling a little water at a time until you reach the desired consistency, and once you have done so then you simply apply it to your face with a gentle circular motion.  Once you have finished this step simply allow the paste to dry (as you would with a clay mask), and then rinse off after about 5 minutes. The first time that I used it I followed the instructions and left it on for 5 minutes, and the results were amazing. However, the following times that I used it I left it on for about 20 minutes, and the results were utterly miraculous. 

The combination of the physical exfoliating coupled with the tendency of the Lactic Acid to literally eat away dead skin assures that all of those pesky dead skin cells are removed revealing unbelievably beautiful sparkling skin.
My skin was rendered softer, cleaner and more radiant than I have ever experienced from a mask before (including with my beloved TATCHA Classic Rice Enzyme Powder), but the real game changer for me was that it drew so much stuff out of my pores- and did so with unprecedented vigor! None of my clay masks have ever removed the contents of my pores in this way, and the end result was that my skin looked as though I had just received a professional facial. To say that I am buying a jar is rather obvious, but the real question is why did it take me so long to discover this miracle worker-- especially since I had a generous sample to try!!!! It is to face masks what their Antioxidant Face Serum is to face oils: A real game changer!
My very favorite way to use Flower Petal Deep Cleanser & Mask is to apply the The Organic Pharmacy Antioxidant Face Firming Serum (reviewed here) immediately following the removal of the mask when my skin is still slightly damp and warm. While these two products are utter perfection on their own, the results are sublime when they are paired together. What a revelation this has been for me,  and my skin! The more that I try from The Organic Pharmacy, the more convinced I am that their products are sprinkled with magic fairy dust. That the products are safe and natural, and rival their chemical-laden luxury counterparts has made repeated purchases of their products a guarantee for me.

Flower Petal Deep Cleanser & Mask Ingredients: Oats (Avena Sativa) , Rose (Rosa Damascena) , Rose Geranium (Perlagonium Graveolens), Bentonite Clay , Chamomile (Anthemis Nobilis), Lavender (Lavandula Officinalis), Milk Powder.

Overall assessment: Pure unmitigated magic. You will be astounded by the results. If you haven't tried anything from The Organic Pharmacy- be prepared to be blown away.

$41.00 for 1.41 oz. from The Organic Pharmacy (Affiliate Links)
Copyright © 2013 All Rights Reserved.


  1. Gasp! I was JUST contemplating among re-buying the AmorePacific exfoliator or the Tatcha one. I MUST MUST check this out. Thank you for bringing the best skincare reviews! :D

    1. one more tiny thing: I love your new banner. It's very elegant!

    2. Oh, my beloved Belly-- this stuff is such an amazing surprise!! I actually didn't even realize that my SA had give me a generous sample, and when I found it at the bottom of my Barneys bag I decided to give it a try. For some reason I didn't expect much from it-- I couldn't tell you why since their serums are beyond extraordinary. Don't get me wrong, I still LOVE LOVE LOVE the TATCHA Enzyme Powder, but The Organic Pharmacy pulls the gunk out if the pores better than anything that I have tried, plus it gets rid of the dead skin with great efficacy.At the very least grab a sample during your lunch break. I am definitely buying the full size jar!!!!!!!! :D

    3. Thank you honey!!! Do you prefer it in pink, or the first way with the white background?

    4. I LITERALLY ran out during lunch to pick up a sample. Irina also gave me a sample of the Enzyme Peel Mask. I'm excited!! :D
      Also picked up a sample of the Tatcha Classic Rice Enzyme. Ok, masks, it's battle time!

    5. Your comment on the header color preference evaporated!!!! I might put the white one back up-- I was living with the pink for a while to see how it sits with me. Since my Belly likes the white it may prevail!!!!

      I am DYING to hear what you thin the of The Organic Pharmacy vs. TATCHA masks. If you are having some congestion that you want to purge-- then I would try to leave The Organic Pharmacy mask on a touch longer-- because my results were shocking/kinda yucky- depending on how you look at it. Let's just say that my "seemingly" clean pores purged in a BIG way. I will be very interested to hear if it works the same way on your skin. I'm VERY interested to hear about the Enzyme Peel Mask as well-- that is right up my alley-- you know what a skincare product nut-job I am-- so I will have to go get a sample if you deem it worthy. <3

    6. I totally overdid the skincare extras this week and my skin is NOT happy!
      Eve Lom Rescue Mask, AmorePacific Enzyme doodad, Tatcha Rice Enzyme thing, Organic Pharmacy thing. That's from this Sunday. My skin decided to rebel and sprout some new pimples so I can't tell what's good and scared to try the Organic Pharmacy Enzyme peel mask!! D:
      First impression of the Organic Pharmacy is it really feels like it's vacuuming stuff out of my pores, but similar in efficacy to Rescue Mask. The Tatcha feels very gentle in camparison. But then my skin freaked the hell out, so I can't really tell!

    7. Oh no-- your poor skin is wondering what you did to it. I have done the same thing before when I have been overly excited about lots of new products. Like you, I learned my lesson the hard way! Give your poor skin a break for now by using benign tried and true products. Isn't it crazy how this OP Flower Petal Deep Cleanser and Mask works-- you are exactly right-- it's as though it vacuums out your skin!! I have a nearly full jar of TATCHA, but am tempted to buy this now, rather than waiting until I have used a little more of my TATCHA. I have never had anything evacuate my pores the way that this mask has-- the purge was way more than I would have imagined possible!!!!!!!! When your skin calms down- I will be very curious to see which ones/if any end up going home with you!

  2. You've got me intrigued. I've got oily, congested skin and it's a battle keeping my pores clean. Sounds like this could really help!

    1. Hi Lulubelle! I have combination skin with an active t-zone, and I was SHOCKED by how much gunk this pulled out of my pores. I had to gently manually extract some of it that hadn't come all the way out, but it was so easy!! I think that I might experiment and leave it on a touch longer next time. None of my clay masks have done their job half as well as this! I am thoroughly impressed, and everything that I have so far from The Organic Pharmacy has been utterly fantastic!! It doesn't hurt that it is a healthy line to boot! If you try it I would love to hear what you think! Have a lovely day! :D

  3. I love the new banner! The pink contrast is perfect and so is the delicate image. How does Lola like it?
    By the way, I have been meaning to ask you what happened with the plagiarist.
    Have a wonderful week!

    1. I am so glad that you like the new banner!! That is my very favorite Michelangelo drawing from his Teste Divine series-- it makes me want to cry because it is so beautiful-- of course what I did to it in turning it pink is more Warhol than Michelangelo, but I am happy that you love it nonetheless! Lola likes it but would prefer a picture of her. Hmmmm, maybe I'll have to do one with Lola!!!! As for that wretched thief- I eventually filed all of the forms for all 43 posts that creep stole from me, and every single one of them was taken down by Google. The sad news is that the scraper blog is still up with stolen content from another blogger- who I notified, and sent her links to the forms etc., but her posts are still up there. It's so terrible that people do such things!!! I hope that you are doing well!!

      You have a wonderful week too!

  4. goodness! that blog knows no boundaries. I am glad to hear you took care of it all :)
    greetings to Lola. I can imagine a warholian image of her and it would be just stunning!

    1. Truly wretched! I am glad that it is behind me! I might have to to a Warholian Lola!!!

  5. Hi Helen

    You are making my wallet thin!!LOL Now I HAVE to buy this! The Organic Pharmacy products have been working wonderfully for me. I also still love the Sunday Riley good genes and the ceramic slip cleanser. Now I also want to buy the other Ladi oil you recommended the other day.

    1. Hi Veronica!!!!! I'm making my own wallet thin as well!!!!!!! First, I am SO THRILLED that the Organic Pharmacy & Sunday Riley products are working so well for you! The Organic Pharmacy products have just blown me away, and the difference in my skin since using them is astounding. Their Flower Petal Deep Cleanser & Mask is THE CRAZIEST MOST EFFECTIVE mask that I have tried for cleaning out my pores. Like Bellyhead said- it is as though it vacuums out your pores (at least that is what happened to her and to me). I had NO idea that my pores were harboring that much stuff, but this mask proved otherwise. I was planning on buying it after I finished up some of my TATCHA Enzyme polish, but honestly I don't think that I have the self-restraint to wait. Even my clay masks haven't drawn out that much. It's pretty amazing stuff. I have yet to find a mediocre product from The Organic Pharmacy. The Sponge Ladi Avokanto is such a lovely face oil-- I wish that the company wasn't repacking the line because I love the packaging, but more importantly I don't want to run out of my staples from the line in the interim. That's why I bought a backup bottle of Ladi in case it takes them forever to relaunch. I hope that you like it-- it's very moisturizing and sinks in very quickly, and you only need a very small amount! Have a lovely weekend! <3 Helen

  6. Woah woah woah. Apart from trying Bioré Nose Strips when I was back in high school, I've never had anything pull stuff out of my pores. I've tried only a couple of masks though. Hmmm... You continue to tempt me with beauty lovelies... which doesn't help when I'm on a mission to streamline my beauty and skin care inventory. :) :)

    1. Hi BooBoo!! OMG-- I totally forgot about Bioré Nose Strips!!!!! This Organic Pharmacy Mask has a crazy effect on my skin-- like Belly observed it's like a vacuum! It is super effective! The more I try from that line, the more I fall madly in love with it!!!!!!!!

  7. Woah woah woah. Apart from trying Bioré Nose Strips when I was back in high school, I've never had anything pull stuff out of my pores. I've tried only a couple of masks though. Hmmm... You continue to tempt me with beauty lovelies... which doesn't help when I'm on a mission to streamline my beauty and skin care inventory. :) :)

  8. p.s. I don't need to vent about Nikita anymore. Phew! We've adjusted a few things for her. Also, we transformed our balcony into a "catio" for her. She's a spoiled little girl. :) The catio was a four-stage project. *Four* stages as we had to modify the catio each time Nikita showed us our containment measures were no match for her gymnastic abilities. Doesn't she understand she's an indoor cat?

    Maybe you could offer me some advice. Nikita's had her third accident in our bed in a month. The first was diarrhea (probably because of the heat), the second was between my legs as I was trying to fall asleep (maybe she was sad her dad wasn't home), and I don't when the third time happened. We've used a pet odor spray, Nature's Miracle, on the stains after each incident. Any thoughts?

    1. I'm so glad that you've adjusted things and now Nikita has some expanded exterior play/lounge space. We have been wanting to build a catio that connects to a window, but haven't done it yet. Nikita is a very lucky girl. Only one of our cats goes outside, and the others are indoor only-- so it would be nice to give them a safe outdoor space.

      Did you guys change Nikita's diet recently? That could certainly explain the tummy issues, or it could be the heat as you suggested. Having an accident is rather odd because kitties tend to prefer to use their boxes unless there is some kind of territorial issue going on. If it persists you might want to bring her in for a check up-- she could have an allergy to some ingredient in her food and may require a special diet. We use Nature's Miracle Advanced Formula as needed-- when Lola terrorizes Jasper he sprays and this is our go to product to deal with it. Does it seem to help with Nikita's yucky accidents? xoxox

  9. I just got a sample of this mask and am anxious to try it. Tomorrow I should be receiving the Discovery/Travel kit (Barneys event) which includes the firming serum so I shall try them together.

    1. I can't wait to hear what you think of these products! I absolutely LOVE them!

  10. I tried this using the 20 minute drying time you suggested. And I followed it with the firming serum/oil (both of which I got as samples from the Love Yourself event). I just used it on my nose and chin since you mentioned the 'drawing out' quality. While I didn't see any apparent drawing out, I did notice that afterwards all my pores seem small and clear. I am definitely purchasing this mask. I can't decide whether to wait for the next event (as I am SWIMMING in products) or buy it right away and have it on hand in case it is needed. I also want to share this with someone I know who does have skin issues. Thank you for opening my eyes to this item.

    1. You are so welcome! I am so glad that you got great results, too! I suspect that you didn't actually see the stuff clogging your pores getting drawn out because you left it on long enough that it actually removed the evidence. That's why I recommended leaving it on a bit longer. These products are definitely worth having, and this mask is probably the most effective that I have tried in its ability to clear pores. Have a lovely easter weekend!

    2. Have a blessed Easter, Helen!

    3. After using the mask again (the remainder of my sample), I ordered this today. I don't really have much in the form of clogged pores but my nose just looks visibly brighter and the pores on my nose seem to shrink with this mask. Wish I'd known about it decades ago.......

    4. I had a feeling that you would love it! It is one of the most effective masks that I have ever used, and the ingredients are clean!

  11. salve,
    ho acquistato questo prodotto e non sapevo che era in polvere, poi non avendo trovato nessuna informazione sul come usarla nel fogliettino dentro la scatola, l'ho mescolata con acqua fino a quando non è diventata una crema densa, il problema adesso è che ho notato che il suo odore è cambiato di com'era all'inizio ho paura che si rovina!! cosa mi consigli??
    grazie in anticipo

    1. Salve, Germano!

      You only need to add a little water until it achieves the consistency that you like, and leave it on for about 20 minuted and then rinse it off. I also like to gently massage it on my face to help the exfoliation.

      If it smells as though it has gone bad, or smells rancid, then I would stop using it. If it is just a slight change in the smell, but doesn't seem to have turned, then you are probably okay to continue using it. If at all possible, it would be good to compare it to a fresh jar from the store where you purchased it. You might also show it to a a sales associate to see if it appears normal to them. Please keep me posted! :-)


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