
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Zeus & Lucy of Urbino: Waiting for Titian

Titian. Venus of Urbino (1538) Uffizi. (Source)
Every time Lucy sleeps in this fashion I always think of Titian's sweet little sleeping dog in Venus of Urbino. It then occurred to me that the artful feline and canine shenanigans in my household were a plea to Titian to repaint the portrait properly. I tried to tell them that Titian was a sixteenth-century painter (which Zeus knows since they were friends- read here), and was therefore unavailable to paint their portraits, but let's face it- there is no reasoning with these two. They refuse to stop reenacting the painting, no doubt as a form of protest, until Titian shows up. I suppose that this means that it will afford me many photo opportunities while we wait.

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  1. I am grinning my head off over here.
    Your animals are adorable.

    If you don't mind, may I vent about Nikita?
    I'm in the middle of writing a Nikita story for you, but it's getting long and you might prefer it emailed to you. :D

    1. I'm so glad that this gave you lots of grinning!!!!!!!! Of course you can vent about her-- here, in an email, anywhere you want!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is Nikita being a naughty little warrior? <3

  2. AHHHH! Helen, please take a composed photo with the animals posed and with you in the background! It would make the best Titian via lolasssecretblog EVER! :DD

  3. Replies
    1. I'm so glad that you got a good laugh out of it Olivia!!!!!!! <3

  4. lucky Helen surrounded by gorgeous creatures!
    On an unrelated note: are you tempted by the tatcha gold camellia beauty oil? My wishlist grows longer and longer :/

    1. They are lots and lots of fun to live with- that's for sure!

      Yes, I am definitely finding myself VERY tempted by the TATCHA Gold Camellia Beauty Oil, and their new lip balm as well!! V E R Y T E M P T E D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3

  5. TOTALLY great post!! Thanks for the morning smile!

    1. Thanks, Hillary! I had hoped that this would make everyone smile-- it certainly had that effect on me! Have a lovely day!!!!!! xoxo


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