
Monday, June 24, 2013

The Organic Pharmacy Antioxidant Face Firming Serum Review

 Purchased by me. Affiliate Links.
 According to The Organic Pharmacy, the Antioxidant Face Firming Serum is, 

"For all skin types. Developed using the latest cutting edge research, the Antioxidant Face Gel and Antioxidant Face Firming Serum make a powerful duo that together lift, tone, repair and regenerate the skin. The serum is nicknamed by our clients as 'the instant face lift oil'. The power of Rose Hip, Grapeseed, Alphalipoic acid, DMAE, Carrot and Grapefruit make this oil 50 times stronger than Rose Hip alone. Reverse sun damage, lift and tone the skin, reduce wrinkles, mop up free radicals."
powerful anti-ageing serum that has been nicknamed ‘the instant face lift’. It reduces wrinkles, mops up free radicals, reverses skin damage, lifts and tones the skin.

If I had to choose a single Holy Grail skincare powerhouse product that I couldn't live without- it would definitely be a potent face oil/serum. I have used many over the years, and still use many more than a rational human being needs in my daily product rotation. That said, while many of the oils that I use offer great nourishment to the skin, I have yet to find one as power-packed with anti-aging antioxidants as The Organic Pharmacy's Antioxidant Face Firming Serum. When it comes to wanting astounding visible results, and a notable difference- this is the only one that I have reached for over the last several months. I use it once a day no matter what- sometimes twice, but I generally do rotate it with my Rodin Olio Lusso Luxury Face Oil or my Sponge Ladi Avokanto (but I do have a few new phenomenal oils in my rotation that I will be sharing soon). 

First, it must be said that this beautiful oil has the intoxicating scent of Sweet Orange- therefore upon application you are assured of a magnificent and visceral sensory experience. This brilliant concoction boasts a high concentration of the powerful Alpha Lipoic Acid, a known powerful antioxidant, that helps to prevent cell damage by scavenging free-radicals. The high concentration of Rose Hip Oil is rich in transretinoic acid and essential fatty acids, and is clinically proven to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and also helps to reduce scarring over time. Sweet Orange helps prevent capillary fragility, and Carrots are rich in Beta Carotene (part of the Vitamin A family), and are rich antioxidants that protects the skin against free-radicals. Lemon (Citrus Limonum) lifts, tones and exfoliates the skin, and does so in an immediately visible way. This is also to say nothing of the fact that my skin is left soft, supple, and deeply moisturized and hydrated.

This combination of ingredients, along with those that I didn't enumerate, create a powerful cocktail that has visibly changed the texture and clarity of my skin. There is a notable lifting effect in that my expression lines are radically softened, and my skin has an unprecedented radiance and clarity. I would describe this oil as one that stimulates circulation because my skin has the type of radiance that is not superficial, but one instead that causes my skin to have a rosy radiance as though lit from within. The difference is so noticeable, that whenever I use it people comment on how gorgeous, glowing and beautiful my skin is. In fact, I recently had an aesthetician tell me that I had really great skin that was just gorgeous and glowing. I attribute a good deal of this to this magic potion, of course it is not solely responsible for the current condition of my skin- but I am currently under an inordinate amount of stress, and often when stressed my skin goes haywire. Instead, my skin looks and feels wonderful. 
I am not saying that I don't still covet Olio Lusso or Ladi Avokanto- both are amazing moisturizers, but neither offers the same level of anti-aging benefits. I will continue to repurchase all three because they deeply resonate with the needs of my skin while comporting to my personal skincare tastes and proclivities. 
Suggested usage: "Mix 2 drops of serum with Organic Pharmacy moisturizer and apply every morning to slightly damp skin. At night mix 4 drops of gel with 2 drops of serum and apply to damp skin after cleansing. No night cream is necessary." 

I tend not to mix the serum with my moisturizer, but instead prefer to massage it directly into my skin all by itself. It is a truly divine experience! It should be noted that it is very concentrated and potent- it really only takes two drops to do the trick. I tend to warm it up in my hands first and then massage it into my face afterward.
Ingredients: Alpha Lipoic Acid, Rose Hip (Rosa Canina) Oil, Sweet Orange (Citrus Aurantium Dulcis), Vitamin C (Ascorbyl Palmitate) , Vitamin E (Tocopherol) , Limonene , Carrot (Daucus Carrota) , DMAE (Dimethylaminoethanol), Grapefruit (Citrus Grandis), Grapeseed Extract (Vitis Vinifera), Linalool, Lemon (Citrus Limonum).

Overall assessment: A real game changer for me. I'm still shocked that such an unassuming little golden elixir can render such outstanding and transformative results. It was worth every single penny to me, and I will most definitely repurchase this magical potion. This is the stuff that dreams are made of! A+

$160.00 for 1.1 oz. Available from Barneys New York (Affiliate links).
Copyright © 2013 All Rights Reserved.


  1. Since this product is packaged in a clear bottle, doesn't its exposure to light degrade the antioxidant benefits? I don't know why companies continue to use clear bottles and jars-that once you open are exposed to light and bacteria?

    1. That is a good point. I keep mine stored in a dark cool place, and have not experienced any reduction in the efficacy of this lovely serum. Interestingly though, I also have their Rose Hip Serum, and it is in an amber bottle, but it too is stored in a dark cool place.

  2. Reverses skin damage you say? Sold!

    1. I have noted some fading of sunspots, but I don't think that anything truly reverses skin damage-- certainly not so at a cellular level. In fact, even sunspots burned off at the doctor's office can come back- though generally lighter. That said, this is one SERIOUSLY remarkable oil- I noticed how amazing my skin looked after a single application, and longer term results have been amazing. In terms of an anti-aging antioxidant oil- this is my very favorite so far. That said, I can't ever imagine giving up Rodin Olio Lusso or Sponge Ladi Avokanto- because I love them too much to give them up! <3

  3. This sounds wonderful [the sweet orange scent doesn't hurt!]. This may be a dumb question, but at what point in your skincare routine do you insert this serum? Do you use this & Juno during the same 'session'?

    As a side note-I haven't tried Ladi Avokanto yet but I absolutely love Gel Katharisiko & Krema Triantafillo [both the performance and the scent], so I am a fan of the line.

    As a side, side note: Barneys has their Sponge products on sale today and the Sponge Anti-Fatigue leg cream is only $48.00, so it is coming home to me. :)

    1. Hi Sandy!

      It is a wonderful oil, indeed! The Sweet Orange scent makes using it an intoxicatingly delightful experience. I use this serum right after I wash my face- as I do with all of my oil-based serums. When I use it I don't use any other serum in that session-- I feel as though it would just be a waste of product for me to do so. Some days I use it morning and night, but on other days I use it once a day, and choose one of my other oils to use in its place for my other daily "session." I have lots of different face oils- so I do try to use each of them so that they don't sit around and end up going bad.

      Ladi Avokanto is a very lovely oil, and I remain smitten with it. I agree with you, Sponge has wonderful products and Gel Katharistiko still remains my very favorite cleanser, and Krema Triantafillo is definitely one of my very favorite face creams. I heard a rumor that Sponge is repackaging their line, and I have definitely noticed that there are hardly any items left online at Barneys (and what is left is all on sale!). I hope that they hurry before all of us need to replenish our beloved favorites! Good for you for getting the Anti-Fatigue Leg Cream on sale!!! :-)

  4. Thanks for formal review! I have been using this for several weeks now and I agree with every word you said. My only problem is I do still like other products so I am trying to rotate them in same fashion. I was away all of last week and decided to only bring the organic pharmacy products with me. I think my skin really love them! By the way, I really love their sunscreen too!

    1. HI Veronica!

      You are so welcome! This really is one truly amazing oil/serum-- I covet it! I like other products as well- so I incorporate it into my routine- however, it will be interesting to see what gets repurchased when I finish up some of the other things that I have in rotation. The three serums from The Organic Pharmacy will all be repurchases as will Olio Lusso and Ladi Avokanto, but I am not sure if any other products will get repurchased. I'm so glad that your skin loves The Organic Pharmacy products-- so does mine in a BIG way! I will have to try out there sunscreen when I finish up my Clarins-- you have been tempting me with it since you purchased it a few months ago! <3 Helen

  5. Oh no Helen! I bought fairly recently the Aroma M camellia face oil (which I love) and now you tempt me with this! My jobless pocket is trembling with anxiety :/
    Great review. So tempting, oh so tempting.
    Kisses to your furry ones.

    1. It is a lovely oil, but don't spend money you don't have!! Wait until you have an amply stuffed wallet- it will be there waiting! Aroma M Camellia Face Oil sounds lovely!! I just went and looked at it-- I might have to put that one on my wish list!

      The clan of kitties and doggies kiss you back!

      xoxox, Helen

  6. This sounds like exactly what my skin needs.. Imalso just read ur review abt the rodin oil and that sounds wonderful too.. But im all for anthing anti ageing.. Do u by any chance know a site that ships worldwide? I live in Dubai and i cant get it here...

    1. Hi Mai! It is a really wonderful serum!! I love Rodin, and will definitely continue using it as well- because it really provides amazing moisture and glowing effects! I am just smitten with The Organic Pharmacy serum and now can't imagine living without it!

  7. Nevermind.. Found a site that ships.. Yay

  8. Ah darn...I saw the title and was really excited (I'm obsessed with antioxidants in my skincare!) but unfortunately, my skin absolutely detests rose hip oil (I break out like crazy!) so I will have to pass :/ sounds amazing though!

    1. What a bummer, Becca!! This is such an exceptional product-- I would have loved for you to have been able to use it!!!!! Breaking out like crazy is definitely a great reason to keep away from anything containing rose hip oil!!! :-(

  9. Very interesting review. I myself am tired of seeing all of these beauty products that contain propylene glycol as one of their main ingredients. What a tragesty! So its a breath of fresh air to see these organic serums get some lime light with their antioxidant cocktail work its magic! That's not to say anything that's not organic is bad per se, but nice to see nature do its wonders on our skin!

    1. Hi Plate,

      I know just what you mean. I have been actively seeking out more natural products that are highly effective and potent. Some are hits and some are misses, but this one is definitely a big hit for me! SO far I have been VERY impressed by the products that I have tried from The Organic Pharmacy-- so I definitely find it to be a line well worth exploring further. Thanks for stopping by! :-)

  10. Ack! You had me until I saw the price. *sob*

    1. I know, that is the only downside! It's an amazing oil though! <3

  11. I agree! Face Serums are so important to use! I've noticed a somewhat dramatic change in the fine lines around my eyes since I started using the Lady Soma Renewal Serum (no, I don't use a separate eye cream). They are smoother and much less noticeable. The few age spots I've developed seem to be lighter. Overall, looking at my face in the mirror now, I sometimes have to do a double-take because my skin looks so much better and brighter.

    1. Hi matty blanca, They are to me as well! Yes, I agree that a good serum can make a big difference. It's wonderful that you have found one that works so well for you! :-)

  12. Aaaargh! This one or the Colbert MD? Pros/Cons of each for mature 'winter dry' skin?

    1. This will give you more moisture than the Colbert MD. Both are exceptional. The Colbert MD Illumino contains retinol so it will also exfoliate dead skin cells, but if you are looking for more moisture for mature winter dry skin, then I would choose this one over that one. The Organic Pharmacy's is antioxidant rich and feels super nourishing. You will find that to be true with the själ oil that you are considering as well. Also the Sisley oil and the Aesop oil are really nourishing for dry skin, and are actually formulated for it. While I have combination skin I still love and use both with amazing results. :-)

  13. Hmmmmm...... I want everything in one oil! Everything, all needs! Okay, I am being demanding and spoiled (but I really do!)..... Thanks for your analysis.

    1. LOL! It probably isn't impossible to find, but you would have to get really specific about all of the things that would define "everything" for you! :-)


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