
Thursday, June 6, 2013

TATCHA Pure One Step Camellia Cleansing Oil- Review

Purchased by me & Affiliate Link.
TATCHA Pure One Step Camellia Cleansing Oil is, "A beautiful blend of camellia and rice bran oils. Melts away even waterproof makeup leaving skin fresh and pure."

TATCHA contends that no double cleansing is required, and that the formula is non-irritating, non-sensitizing, and that it is suitable for all skin types.

This cleansing oil is a true thing of beauty, and it is unlike anything else that I have ever used. The consistency is very light in weight, and is closer to the fluidity of water than one expects from an oil. It isn't too runny, but remains more fluid than viscous. In fact, I would suggest that for a cleansing oil it has the perfect consistency that lends itself to emulsifying beautifully.
It is a colorless (clear) oil that has a remarkably pleasant scent that resides somewhere between an herbal and a floral, but it is light and unassuming. The texture itself is sublime- it is a smooth silky elixir that feels simply amazing on the skin.
It is quite concentrated- you simply apply a small amount to your face, massage it in and then add water. Once water is introduced, and it begins to emulsify, the oil turns into a milky white magical potion. Not only is it unbelievably gentle on the skin, but it is likewise unbelievably effective at removing every single trace of makeup- including the most stubborn waterproof makeup. In order to remove every trace of makeup, I tend to use a Q-Tip to remove the last bits of makeup from my lash line, but I have not found it necessary to use an additional eye  makeup remover.
TATCHA is not exaggerating when they claim that no double cleansing is required, this leaves your skin perfectly cleansed and with no oily residue. Your skin is left unbelievably clean, soft. and supple. It really is a remarkably effective cleanser.
Does not contain: Mineral Oil, Synthetic Colors, Synthetic Fragrances, Sulfate Detergents, Parabens, PEGs, PPGs, Urea, DEA, TEA or Phthalates. Dermatologist tested.

Active Ingredients: Oryza Sativa (Rice) Bran Oil, Camellia Japonica Seed Oil, Algae Extract, Camellia Sinensis (Green Tea) Leaf Extract.

Overall assessment: Absolutely and unquestionably the best cleansing oil that I have ever tried. This is a definite game changer for me.This is an absolute A+ product. In fact, I have yet to try a TATCHA product that I don't love.

$48.00 for 5.1 oz. I purchased mine at Barneys New York (Affiliate Link).


  1. Hi. This sounds like a lovely cleanser. Do you think it would be effective to use with a Clairisonic?

    Thanks so much, I really enjoy your blog!


    1. Hi Paige! I'm so glad that you enjoy my blog! Thanks for that! What a great question!! I have never tried it with my Clarisonic largely because I only use the TATCHA Cleansing Oil at night when I am removing my makeup, and because I only use my Clarisonic in the mornings. I imagine that it might work if you placed the oil on your face rather than on the brush. It is worth a try, but I do wonder whether or not the thin emulsion would disappear long before the Clarisonic finished- if that was the case then there might not be enough cushion between your face and the brush. :-)

  2. When I was a little girl, I remember my mother removing her makeup with oil. She'd slather her face with Alpha Keri oil and then remove it with a warm washcloth. Her skin was simply gorgeous. When I began wearing makeup 54 years ago, my mother bought me my own bottle of Alpha Keri and so my love affair with cleansing oil began. Although I've tried other types of cleansers throughout the years, I've always come back to cleansing oil. I've tried many different oils and can unequivocally say that Tatcha's is the best I've ever used. Light, refined, non-irritating, delicately scented, easily emulsified, and rinsed clean with water, it's far superior to Shu Uemura and SKII's legendary oils. And, it really does remove eye makeup! :-)

    1. I thoroughly agree with your assessment of the TATCHA Cleansing Oil, Eileen! I really think that it is the best of the best. It is amazing that it really does remove eye makeup. I took my travel bottle on a recent trip and didn't have any eye makeup remover, and realized that I really didn't need it! This is just such a glorious product!

  3. Yay so glad you love this one as much as I do!! This was my first cleansing oil I had ever tried and I REALLY lucked out that it happened to be TATCHA's. I don't need to try any others to know that this one is really special. It just leaves my skin SO unbelievably clean--cleaner than any other cleanser has ever left me feeling! Pricey but soo worth it :D

    1. Hi Becca!!! <3 I have had this for so long and have no idea why it took me so long to review it!!! It is the best cleansing oil EVER!!!!! I'm so glad that you love it so much as well! You are so right-- there is no need to try others because this one really is THAT special!!!!!!!!! I agree that it is worth the price-- plus the bottle lasts forever!!! :D

  4. Hello darling Lola,
    I own and love this. I do double cleanse because I am super anal about my skin. I get black heads in a minute :( I tried the Josie Maran one which was good but not as good as this one, certainly, and somehow it leaves a bad taste on my lips. I still think the Shu Uemura is excellent but the Tatcha one leaves my skin baby soft. Sadly, the softness is ephemeral and my face is full of bumps and nasty texture by next morning. Lola, how do you soften the texture of your skin? I also use the deep rice enzyme by Tatcha and nope, my skin is still grainy :/

    1. Hi wefadetogray :D

      Isn't this an amazing cleansing oil?! I really love it so much! Sometimes I double cleanse as well, but I don't bother a good deal of the time.I have never tried the Josie Maran cleansing oil- in fact I didn't realize that she had one! Leaving a bad taste on your lips is no fun though! The Tatcha oil leaves my skin baby soft as well-- my skin always feels amazing after using this magical oil! If you face is full of bumps and a nasty texture the following morning-- I wonder if you are having an allergic reaction to something that you are using? I would have thought that the Deep Rice Enzyme would have helped. I use their Classic Rice Enzyme, and it leaves my skin very smooth. If your skin still remains grainy-- I think that you might want to go see a dermatologist -- who may be able to get to the bottom of what is going on. It could be allergies, sensitivities or something else that can be treated. It might be a very simple fix. To keep the texture of my skin soft and smooth I tend to use an exfoliant or peel as needed (generally every week or every other week)- that really helps. In addition to that I use facial oils and serums on a daily basis-- and that seems to do the trick. When I do et blackheads or whiteheads- I do a clay mask or an enzyme peel and that tends to do the trick. xoxo

  5. Thanks Lola for your wise insights!
    I do use serums, pai rosehip oil, the deep rice enzime, mario badescu toner, alpha H liquid gold *which sadly doesnt do much for my ugly skin) you name it; I am obsessed, but you are right, it may be that I have some weird allergy though as far as I can remember my skin has always felt bumpy, crusty, and overall terrible :(

    1. Hi wefadetogray!! I have been thinking about this for a while-- especially since we have discussed this before. I kept trying to think of products that might work, but the more that I thought about it the more this sounded like a reaction to something. Especially when you said that when you woke up that your face was covered in bumps. I would see a dermatologist and bring everything that you are using along with all of the ingredients. I would avoid adding any new skincare products, and would see a doctor as soon as you can. There could be ingredients in each of your beloved products that cause your skin to react. Keep me posted! :-)

  6. I love your blog! I purchased this cleansing oil after reading your review [as well as Bionic and Good Genes]. Just used it to remove makeup for the first time today and it removed every trace of makeup lickety-split! By the time I get home from work, my face feels so tired and my eyelashes feel crunchy, so having a cleansing oil that works this effectively and provides a moment of zen is a big find in my world! Thank you so much for your comprehensive and informative reviews.

    1. Hi Sandy!!! Thank you so much for loving my blog!!! That makes me super happy! I'm so happy that you love this oil!! Isn't it just amazing?! I am having a mad love affair with TATCHA products these days! I completely agree with your assessment about this oil-- it works so effectively, and the ritual itself is thoroughly enjoyable! I'm so happy that you love it! I hope that you are loving Bionic and Good Genes as well! :-)

  7. I was on the fence until I went to the Tatcha website and saw that they will send out a 30 ml sample bottle for just the $1.95 shipping cost. I am tired of eye makeup removers that leave the skin around my eyes painful and red. Here's hoping this works for me!

    1. Hi Emma, That's a good deal! I really like this oil a great deal, and find that it really does remove every bit of makeup on my face and eyes. I have sensitive eyes-- so I use it sparingly to avoid getting it into my eyes (as I do everything else near my eyes). Keep me posted-- I'd love to know if it works for you!

    2. Also have you tried the Koh Gen Do Spa Water Wipes, or their Spa water? I find them both so gentle, and they do a great job removing makeup:

      I just replenished my supply of both, and had forgotten how much I missed using them when I finished mine up!

    3. Hi, Lola!
      I wanted to let you know that after using it for the past month, I am completely sold on the Tatcha oil. I still haven't used up all of my sample, but I bought a full sized bottle, because my skin is happier than it has been in years.

      I also recently got a small bottle of the Spa Water, and it is pretty amazing stuff. I'll no doubt be buying more, I may also have to look for the wipes. Thanks for the suggestion!

    4. Hi Emma!

      I am so thrilled to hear that you are loving the Tatcha Cleansing Oil so much! It is an amazing product!

      I am so happy that you are trying the Koh Gen Do Spa Water-- I love that stuff. I repurchased their Wipes during the last Sephora VIB Event and forgot just how much I loved them. They also make AMAZING cotton pads! I really love KGD!!

      Happy Holidays! :-)

  8. Was wondering if you use this (and/or any other) cleansing oil with your Clarisonic. And, if so, do you put the oil on your face and then wet the Clarisonic to emulsify or what is your method? Thanks!

    1. No, I use it first. I like a little more cushion between my face and the brush that the cleansing oil doesn't really provide. I also tend to use my Clarisonic in the shower in the morning so I go for a cleanser rather than a cleansing oil since I am not removing any makeup.

    2. I would play around with it and see which method suits you the best. :-)

  9. Yes, I have been playing with the Clarisonic and thus far have not found something to suit me/my skin. Today I used Shiseido Ibuki Cleanser. While it did feel cushioned during use, my skin was red afterwards. I wonder if Sephora will take this cleanser back even though I no longer have the receipt..... Or at least I do not know where it is. Have you tried a foam? I'm thinking of trying Lancome Absolue Precious Pure Sublime Cleansing Creamy Foam since there's a GWP at Lord and Taylor now. Who am I kidding.....if they needed that many adjectives to describe the product, it may just be all hype! Thoughts?

    1. Does your skin get red when you use the Shiseido Ibuki Cleanser alone, or is did this happen only after you used it with the Clarisonic? If it is the latter, rather than the former, then it is my guess that you are not using a light enough touch with the Clarisonic. You don't need to press it into the skin. I would try the Ibuki Cleanser alone and see if your skin gets red again to determine whether you are sensitive to any of the ingredients, or if it is a Clarisonic use issue. I would also try the Clarisonic with a tried a true cleanser that you have used for a long time that never bothers your skin to create a baseline. Your skin seems to get a bit reactive– as it does when you use the RADICAL Mask, so my guess is that it could be an issue with the frequency and intensity of your Clarisonic use. How often are you using your Clarisonic.

      I haven't tried that LancĂ´me Cleanser– so I can't weigh in on it, but the descriptive name certainly is a great marketing technique!!!!

  10. I have never used the Ibuki cleanser alone as I purchased it for use with the Clarisonic. While at the mall last night I had an extensive conversation with the Shiseido gal in Lord and Taylor. She gave me a 'lesson' about using it and also a sample of a different cleanser. I had put the product on the wet Clarisonic, wet my face and then used it. She suggested I emulsify it in my hands first, then put the emulsified product on my face, further wet the Clarisonic and go from there. I will try this method next time (but not for a few days). I've been trying to use my Clarisonic twice weekly. Perhaps I press a little and should not. Will try that also. Thanks for your assistance, as always. (Also got a sample of the Lancome cleanser from Nordstrom. I tried to buy it at Lord and Taylor but they do not sell it even though it is in their online store. The gal--think it was the department manager--suggested I get a sample elsewhere in the mall prior to ordering it online and then walked me over to the Shiseido counter for help). Great night in beauty land....

    1. I would definitely try it alone to see if it is the problem, or if it is actually the pressure you are using with the Clarisonic itself. That's great that the L&T SA was so helpful! I think that getting a sample is the way to go. I would probably take a little Clarisonic break and then try again. From what you have said over time, it seems as though your skin can become sensitive and reactive– so using the process of elimination makes a great deal of sense to me. I do hope that you find the perfect combination of cleanser and Clarisonic because it really is an amazing system for so many people (myself included) :)


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