
Friday, June 21, 2013

Maximum Maximus Bids You a Happy Friday!

You would be hard-pressed to find a sweeter cat than Maximus. He is to cats, what Clydesdales are to horses. He really is that big. Everything about him is super-sized, but he remains perfectly proportioned, and stunningly beautiful. He is also the most soulful, gentle and affectionate kitty ever!

Maximus is a Chausie- one of those hybrid breed domestic cats intentionally bred with wild cats (specifically bred with the non-domestic Felis Chaus). We adopted 3 male Chausie cats (Oliver and Jasper are the other two)- all of whom are brothers, and all of whom were dumped off at high-kill shelters by the people who bought them from a breeder. Hybrid cats are different than regular domestic breeds because they often display many of the traits from their wild lineage, and as such they certainly aren't for everyone. What saddens me is the fact that people often seek more exotic animals for a variety of reasons- chief among them is the idea of owning something a bit more wild. Sadly this is why so many exotics end up in shelters because the idea of these sweet souls often exceeds the reality of living with animals that may have different needs or impulses. Of course we feel blessed to share our lives with these rare kitties, but I can't rescue all of them out there.

Maximus wishes for you to have a lovely weekend!
Copyright © 2013 All Rights Reserved.


  1. Thank you Maximus. I feel better now just looking at your lovely face.

    1. Maximus sends you his love and a heartfelt and soulful purr-- and that is always accompanied by a deeply penetrating loving gaze! Have a lovely weekend! xoxo

  2. Maximus is incredible. I had a very big cat, a Maine Coon mix, who was close to feral and, yes, they can be a handful given their size and wild streak, but they're also fascinating to be around. I can't imagine how anyone could give them up. Glad to know that these triplets were fortunate enough to find you.

    1. He is an incredible soul. Oh, I remember your big Maine Coon mix! Was this Arthur? Yes, I agree with you completely. Some people should simply appreciate animals from afar, and should stick with artificial houseplants! I can't imagine how anyone could have gotten rid of Maximus, Jasper and Oliver. Even more stunning, once the rescue got a hold of them Maximus was adopted, but after a short period of time the adopters returned him! I just don't get it!! I'm just glad that we live with him now and forever! Have a lovely weekend! xoxo

  3. Hi again ;)
    What a beautiful kitty! Bless your heart for adopting this handsome cat & along with his 2 brothers that I can assume are just as equally handsome! It's so upsetting to hear these stories of people wanting exotic animals just for the sake of having them! It makes me so angry and breaks my heart to see how some of them are abused & beaten because these people did not think of the animals natural needs & impulses. I still can't shake the image I saw on a show of a poor chimp in a rescue sanctuary who was missing an eye and didn't want to interact with other chimps because he was so badly abused by his human owners who couldn't handle his wild behavior. This should have never ever happened in the first place! I'm all teary eye thinking about it this minute :'(
    On the bright side I am thankful for the person of the rescue sanctuary & thankful to know there are people like you & many others who care & have big hearts to care for these exotic beauties.
    Have a lovely weekend Helen
    Xoxox Naomi

    1. Hi Naomi <3

      Maximus is a very sweet boy, no question! The true blessing is that we get to love him!! The three of them are total characters, and times on the verge of being total whack-jobs, but they are truly amazing creatures!

      OMG- I completely agree with you!!!!!!!!!! I get very upset by this as well. I'm glad that I didn't see the abused monkey on TV- sometimes I just can't stomach the cruelty and stupidity of our species! That is unconscionable. I often feel as though the human race is devolving. :/ I, too, am so grateful to the lovely people who make it their mission to rescue such lovely creatures from peril!

      Have a lovely weekend! xoxo, Helen

  4. Along with all of your wonderful reviews, I totally enjoy/love the photos of your cats. I love the stories, they're the best. I volunteer at a no-kill Cat Shelter and we do get the occasional Bengal cat but never a cat like the above M.M. and sibs! The napping poses are great! Please continue to post stuff about your kitties for all of us cat-lovers!

    1. Hi Shelley,

      What a beautiful person you are for volunteering at a no-kill Cat Shelter! I wish that there were more people in the world that did such things! I imagine that you do see the occasional Bengal- if Chausies weren't quite so rare, or if there was a breeder in your area you would undoubtedly see them come through the shelter on occasion.

      I will definitely keep the crazy kitty pictures coming, and in fact have a few I just took of Zeus being his weird self the other day-- I will get those posted soon.

      Thank you for your very kind words- I truly appreciate it!

      Have a lovely weekend! <3 Helen

  5. Nikita wishes you, Maximus, and Zeus the Strange a Happy Caturday!
    (I do too.)

    1. Ahhhhh, we wish you the same!!!! xoxoxoxox =^..^=

  6. What a handsome chap! He is well named.

    1. Hi Mopsy! He is a handsome chap, indeed! I wish that I could take credit for his name, but he was named by his foster mom who worked with the rescue organization that saved him from the shelter. It is one of only two times (Delilah was the other) where we loved the name and it fit them perfectly. He is a lovely lovely boy! Enjoy the rest of your weekend! :-)


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