
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Aftelier Perfumes, Mandy Aftel & the Twenty-First Century Alchemist

It really isn't all that often that either a product or a company truly causes me to come undone from my own effusive gushing. It also is quite infrequent that the company is owned and operated by a longtime reader who then emerged to offer me a sampling of her beautifully handcrafted artisanal perfumes and luxury oils. It is, indeed, even more seldom that this person and her company would have already been firmly placed on my radar, and on the shortlist of things that I really needed to try. And perhaps the final tour de force would be the (un)likelihood that this lovely woman and her beautiful company would be in my hometown. Literally everything about Mandy Aftel's Aftelier Perfumes resonates with me, and the prospect of featuring her products is one of my greatest recent blog pleasures!
As a girl who grew up in Berkeley, buying and mixing my scented oils from the original Body Shop (now known as Body Time after selling the name to what we now know as the The Body Shop) was a part of my life reaching back into childhood. Therefore, it is safe to say that beautiful oils have been a part of my life as long as I can remember, but Mandy Aftel's oils take this to a whole new level.
Everything is so aesthetically pleasing from the mailer envelope, to the sticker affixed to the mailer, to the gorgeous boxes that housed the products themselves, to gorgeous glass bottles, and finally to the lovely note. The whole experience of unpacking everything was a delightful experiential component that heightened my anticipation. Then the crescendo was smelling, seeing and touching the products themselves. This is what someone expects from an Atelier experience, but Mandy Aftel's attention to detail has an added aesthetic flair that makes her peerless. Mandy is something of a Postmodern Alchemist, and you will be astounded by the quality of her beautifully handcrafted lovingly made products.

I am so excited about these beautiful handmade treasures, and will begin reviewing them once I have used them a bit longer. In the meantime, please go visit Mandy at Aftelier Perfumes- you will definitely want to bookmark her website!

Press Samples. Unaffiliated link provided for your convenience.


  1. Aftelier perfumes is one of my favorite natural fragrance houses. The ancient resins body oil is to die for, as it is the chocolate and the rose one.
    The body and perfume oils path is a long one: once you start you are doomed! your money dissipates, samples arrive weekly, your body smells of 4 different oils at a time, and your mind is lost in an oily, delicious, hedonist paradise. Have you ever tried DSH Perfumes? Absolutely stunning. I am enjoying right now the whole Winter white collection. It sounds improper for the season but Winter White does not work with my skin in the winter at all. Happy oil testing, Helen! Keep us posted. I cannot wait to hear your thoughts about the face elixir. You seem to be a jasmine lover!

    1. Hi wefadetogray!

      Well, there is certainly good cause to count Aftelier Perfumes as one of your favorite natural fragrance houses! Mandy's handcrafted treasures are truly in a class of their own. Thank you for the lovely recommendations-- I will have to add them to my list! I have heard of DSH Perfumes, but have neither tried, nor smelled any of them. I will have to remedy that!

      Yes, I do love Jasmine-- and Mandy's Jasmine Face Elixir is sublime-- it includes Ylang Ylang- therefore it is very calming and relaxing! I'm just so happy playing with these beautiful oils! I will definitely keep you posted!

      xoxo, Helen

  2. Thank you so much Lola, I am marveling at your gorgeous and gracious review! I’ve always loved your terrific writing, I’ve been reading your blog forever and quite honored to be here!
    xo Mandy

    1. Thank you, Mandy! Your beautiful oils are like tinctures for my soul! I am just astounded by the quality of your products. I'm so honored that you saw my little blog as worthy of featuring your treasures, let alone worthy of reading! It is I who am honored! xoxox Helen (and Lola too)

  3. It all looks so gorgeous! Like you said, from the bottles to the packaging to the letter. Nice!

    1. What's inside each of those beautiful bottles is truly mind-blowing! I'm so excited I can hardly contain myself!!! <3


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