
Saturday, May 4, 2013

Lola's Secret Beauty Blog was Double Tagged! Now I'm Tagging YOU!

My friend and beauty blogger Bellyhead, from Wondegondigo, tagged me a while ago- and then my friend Joanne from The Convenient Beauty tagged me as well! I am finally responding to their tags in one lengthy post. Both have fantastic blogs that you really must visit!

Here are the rules:
  1. Answer the 11 questions asked
  2. Ask 11 questions to the people you tag
  3. Mention the blog that originally tagged you
Here are the questions that Bellyhead asked me:
1. What is your dream job? Believe it or not, my dream job is my actual job! I teach college. 
2. Are you a baker or a cook? I like doing both, actually. Haven't had much time for either lately.
3. On your beauty journey, have you noticed any changes in your preferences in any way? Not really. I still buy lots of high end skincare and makeup products. I suppose that I am more interested in finding the highest quality products that I can, but am more mindful of checking the list of ingredients than I was before.
4. In your refrigerator, what is always in there? A can of opened dog food, half and half, vegetables, cheese, and whatever we have planned for meals.
5. You crave for sweets or savory and what was your last intense craving? Definitely sweets, but I do so love savory.
6. Last gift you gave? Vase of flowers.
7. Last gift received? Susan Thompson Cosmetics Lola's Secret Lipstick- she made it just for me!!!!!
8. What is your current beauty item that is welling up into an uncontrollable urge? Well, I would say the upcoming Burberry Fall Collection!
9. At what age have you gotten your first white hair? Huh? I don't understand the nature of this question. I thought that it might be some dialect spoken in the far reaches of the galaxy-- perhaps Pluto-- I ran it through Google Translate, and it just regurgitated the same question. SIMPLY. DOES. NOT. COMPUTE. My hair is dark brown and gets pretty reddened during the summer months, but I take no responsibility for the occasional anomaly when there is an errant, otherwise pigment challenged interloper.
10. What is the last horror movie you've watched? The Exorcist, and it still scares me!
11. What is a holy grail beauty product that you've discovered? Skincare: Rodin Olio Lusso. Makeup: Susan Thompson Creamy Lipstick in Lola's Secret-- I mean really, what else have I worn every day since receiving it?

Here are the questions that Joanne asked me:
1. What is the first beauty product you bought? Probably Bonne Bell Lip Smackers.
2. Name your favorite shade of blush. Susan Thompson Cosmetics Liquid Blush in Mim's the Word!
3. If you could only own one eyeshadow palette (no more than 5 shades), what would it be? I tend to prefer singles over palettes, but I am smitten with the new Armani Eyes to Kill Shimmer Palettes in numbers 9 & 11, and the Burberry Complete Eye Palette in Smokey Grey.
4. What is your favorite look for formal events? Hmmm. I guess it really depends on the type of event. I like a polished look for some settings, and then the whole nouveau bohemian chic trend for others.
5. Do you coordinate your makeup with your outfits and how? No. I do my makeup based upon mood, and I don't know what I will do until I am actually doing it.
6. What did you wear to your first date? Wow, I don't remember.
7. Where would you go for the ultimate fun? Investigating my favorite big cities-- including the one that I live in!
8. What is your go-to way of applying foundation, brushes, sponges or clean fingers? It completely depends upon the formula. I generally use clean fingers or a makeup brush (one of my trusted Hakuhodos).
9. Who inspires your love of beauty? I would probably have to say my mom since she used to take me to makeup departments in order for us to indulge in our passionate love of makeup and skincare!
10. What is your beauty style? Wash of color of the lids and a Classic Cat eye, strong brows, and a nude pink lip. The perfect embodiment would undoubtedly be Audrey Hepburn- not that I look a thing like her.
11. If you could only play up one feature of your face from day to night, what would you choose? My eyes.

Here are the questions that I am asking:

1. If you had to choose only one high-end skincare product- what would it be?
2. What is your very favorite lipstick?
3. Bloggers: what motivates you to blog about beauty? Non-bloggers: what motivates you to read beauty blogs?
4. What is your dream job? (Such a great question that I stole it from Bellyhead :)
5. Most overrated beauty product that leaves you underwhelmed?
6. Most underrated beauty product that leaves you overwhelmed?
7. If you were given a limitless paid-for department store credit card, but could only shop in the cosmetics department- what store would you choose? What products would be on the 18-wheel truck destined for your house?
8. Who is your hero?
9. Lip gloss or lipstick?
10. Favorite guilty pleasure?
11. Favorite tv show?

Rather than tagging other bloggers on their blogs- this tag is open to all of you. Simply post your responses below in the comment field! I can't wait to see how you respond to my questions!


  1. I LOVE hearing all about you! How fortunate you are to have your dream job. :) May I answer your tag here?
    1)I am faithful (for now) to AmorePacific Time Response Creme in winter and Gel Creme in summer
    2)can't possibly choose! I have too many. But lately getting the most wear is Chantecaille Lip Chic in Amour
    3)As an ex-blogger, I loved writing about it for the camaraderie with fellow beauty lovers and as a reader, I love learning all about what's out there
    4) I love being with animals. I would love to volunteer permanently at a shelter. But darn allergies.
    5) ByTerry lip balm. Smelled great, looked nice but on me, not much better than a slathering of Aquaphor
    6) AmLactin lotion. Thank goodness for this miracle lotion for my winter skin!
    7) OOOH! Maybe Isetan or Mitsukoshi in Japan for all my Japan cosmetics fixin's!
    8)Hero is my dad. Always and forever.
    10) Catching up on all my favorite blogs
    11) Walking Dead!

    1. Exactly the right place to respond, my beloved Bellyhead!! Sorry that it took me so long respond to your tag- I have been super busy with work. I'm glad that you enjoyed my responses- you definitely asked great questions! Thank you for your answers to my tag--it is wonderful getting to know you even better! I love being with animals as well-- I think that I actually qualify as working in a shelter at my animal-filled house! LOL! I have the AmLactic cream, and use it on my feet-- it's all kinds of wonderful!!!

    2. Oops, I meant AmLactin Cream! <3

  2. 1. Le mer cream.
    2. Guerlain Rouge G Gardenia, which is now discontinued and of course I didn't know until I wanted a new one :(
    3. I think part of the reason why we keep reading is the fact that there are ALWAYS new products coming out. Unless we catch up on a regular basis we miss out on a lot of things. It's also just great to see what other people are enjoying because let's face it, we only have one face (HA). How much product can one person test out? It's nice to have the opinions of a whole community.
    4. I'm still trying to reach my dream job, that is being an oncologist. However, being in my mid-twenties is not really helping that dream. I'm a bit late and I hope I can get there but it's a tough battle.
    5. I have to agree with bellyhead on this one. I have the byterry balm. Doesn't do much for me.
    6. La roche posay daily moisturizing cream. I know the line isn't underrated because everyone loves the effaclair duo. I've never seen anyone talk about this moisturizer but I can't live without it. I get it when CVS has a sale for ~$20.
    7. I'd have to say Saks on this one. The flagship store, not online. Everything I want is there. Tom Ford, Burberry, Guerlain anyone?
    8. My mom.
    9. lipstick hands down. I think I can count the number of lip glosses I own with one hand and maybe 10x more lipsticks.
    10. Reading beauty blogs and buying 50 dollar lipsticks haha. I'd mention eating a lot of macarons but I don't feel guilty about that.
    11. Favorite show that's currently airing - Mad Men! Favorite show that's old - Friends

    1. Hi AZ!!

      Awesome answers! Thank you so much for sharing- it's so nice getting to know you better! Please just let me say- as someone who teaches and advises students (grad and undergrad) that being in your mid-twenties will not hinder your dream- particularly if you are dedicated, motivated and hard-working. Work hard and don't give up. The world needs people who are passionate about their dreams, and the world can always use another oncologist who has found her dream job- think of the lives that you will save! The long hard road is worth it if you do what you love. I will say that the long hard years I spent in grad school weren't easy, but it is really worth it. Don't be discouraged- plus you can do it rocking some fierce makeup!!! <3

      Haha- I actually ordered a few goodies from Saks today- 2 Tom Ford and one Burberry!!! So nice that you chose your mom as your hero-- you just made me tear up! H!- eating macarons=awesome!!!

      Mad Men is definitely one of my all-time favorite shows, and I am SO GLAD that it's FINALLY back. I used to watch Friends religiously!!

      Thanks again for sharing!! xoxox

    2. Yea I have no self control I ordered from Saks too haha. I picked up a burberry lip mist and the Guerlain 4 seasons bronzer (ouch at the price tag). My mother has a completely different personality than me, shes very happy-go-lucky and I'm just not... She's a cancer survivor and I seriously think part of it is because of her personality and her outlook on life.
      Thank you for the kind words on achieving my dream. I realize it's something I have to try otherwise I'll regret it for the rest of my life. However, the application process for medical school is ridiculous and having majored in engineering for my undergrad, my grades are just not good enough. So of course I will try but the chances of me getting accepted to any medical school is very low. Doesn't hurt to try right? At least I can say I tried it and I can move on.
      So sad weekend is ending... Have to work tomorrow. I'm assuming you teach art or art history? I took some architecture classes and I enjoyed them thoroughly. Maybe that'd be my backup plan haha.
      Have a great week!

    3. LOL!!! I QUITE often have the same problem! Those were some very nice purchases you made!! Surviving cancer certainly can give one an entirely new lease on life, and certainly would put things into perspective. My mom had it, but it was caught VERY early- so there is little worry about it returning. Still, it really makes you stop and do some serious soul searching when you realize just how fragile it all is!

      My pleasure!! You shouldn't let things or doubts stand in the way of you realizing your dreams. I had a student who was just about to finish her double major in Art and Art History when she decided that what she really wanted to do was be a vet. She had to petition the university to allow her to exceed the maximum units allowable and to add on a 3rd major in the Sciences, and they granted her request. As I recall, she did end up taking numerous classes at a Community College after making sure that they were transferrable so that she could save some none on tuition. She worked so hard, but ended up achieving her goal and now she's a vet! You can always go talk to some of the counselors, and see if you could knock out some of the pre-med coursework now in order to be more competitive. It wouldn't hurt to go talk to someone for some good academic advising. I suspect that there are plenty of things that you can do in order to increase your chances of getting in. They look at more than just m-cat scores and your major in college. It's definitely worth taking closer look at your options! I definitely wouldn't recommend a Ph.D. in Art History as a backup plan for Med School unless you REALLY know that you love the field! It's a long hard road from start to finish- gotta love it- because there are plenty of times that you will question your sanity for having made that choice-LOL!!!!!!!!! Yes, that's my field- but my teaching is a bit more interdisciplinary (including Film and Art Theory and Visual Culture- but of course traditional Art History as well). You have a great week too! xoxo

  3. 1. Maybe Omorovicza deep cleansing mask. It really helps with my acne!
    2. I can't choose :P Probably one of my Burberry lipsticks though.
    3. I read beauty blogs so I can avoid buying crappy products and wasting my money.
    4. Maybe to be a dermatologist?
    5. NARS Orgasm blush. The finish makes my pores look so pronounced.
    6. LMdB translucent finishing powder. I've never seen a review on this but it makes my makeup last all day.
    7. Probably Nordstrom. I love the customer service there.
    8. My mom.
    9. Lipstick especially in the summer. I find my lip gloss feels gross in the heat.
    10. Eating smores.
    11. Vampire Diaries! Hardcore Delena fan. I also like Once Upon a Time just because I love fairytale stories and Community, such a funny show.

    Oh and quick question: I was looking for the Sponge Gel Basiliko Moisturizer and I couldn't find it anywhere :( Do you know if it's discontinued?

    1. Hi Maggie! I LOVE your answers! Thank you for taking the time to share!! That would be awesome if you become a dermatologist! I agree that Nordstrom customer service is THE BEST BY FAR!! I love Once Upon a Time, and watch it all of the time! Sponge Gel Basiliko Moisturizer does seem to be out of stock online, but I don't know if it has been discontinued- I would contact Sponge directly: 5047 Broadway Ave NYC NY 10034 T 212-567-2211 F 212-567-2280 INFO@SPONGESKINCARECOM. You can always ask for Carol, the Sponge Rep at Barneys NY. If there are any left in the company she can probably track it down for you-- she's awesome!! (310) 276-4400 (It's located in Apothecary). BTW, I love that your mom is your hero!


I love reading all of your comments and interacting with you- so please do not hesitate to share your thoughts, and to ask questions. Remember that what you have to say is of interest to all of us! Always feel free to email me directly as well. SPAM and advertising links will not be published.