
Sunday, April 7, 2013

Miles the Bengal Found His Happy Forever Home...

Robert Indiana. Love (1967) (Source)
There is little that makes me happier than telling you that my niece's kitty Miles has found a very happy and loving forever home! For the full story click here, but in a nutshell my sister found Miles living in bushes behind a gas station and rescued him- only to learn that he doesn't get along with other cats. Therefore, my sister began the exhaustive journey of trying to find him a home in which he will be the only cat. 

Then one fine day...

One of my favorite cats on the planet found a home with one of my favorite people on the planet! My niece couldn't be happier because she adores Suzi and knows that she can always visit Miles!

Thank you to all of you near and far who expressed love, support, and an interest in finding this beautiful boy a happy home-- you are all so extraordinary! Miles now has the most loving and kind person as his human mommy! I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if Susan Thompson Cosmetics adds a new product names Miles- because let me tell you she has fallen for this kitty hook, line & sinker! 

I will have an update with pictures of them together- their connection is bound to bring tears to your eyes!

UPDATE: And here are a couple of pictures of Miles lounging at his new home:
 Life is good!


  1. That's fantastic! Good luck to them both! Maybe he'll become a mascot for the company in a Tristam-of-A-England fashion!

    1. Isn't that amazing?! I think that they will always be happy together! Wouldn't that be cool!!

  2. This is such great news! Thanks for the update! :)

    1. I agree! I just could not be happier! My pleasure! Thanks for caring about his fate!

  3. Hi Helen :)
    Thank you for this wonderful update. I am so happy to see he now has a forever home! If it wasn't for my dogs I would have taken him in a heartbeat! He is adorable! Look forward to the update on the 2 of them ;)
    xoxo Naomi

    1. Hi Naomi!! Isn't that the BEST news EVER!!! I am so happy about it, and so is Suzi and Miles! They are THE perfect fit for one another! Plus she only lives 3 miles (no pun intended) from me-- so visiting Miles is easy breezy. Of course, seeing Suzi is fabulous!!!!!!! My sister, niece, and husband have all been doing the happy dance for days! I am so elated that I just can't stop smiling! That Suzi and Miles are both so happy makes me one seriously happy camper. I will post new pictures of them together soon! <3 I hope that all is well xoxox, Helen

  4. Am completely in love with the new man in my life...Miles is the coolest cat in town! Thanks my sweet friend for rescuing this little he is an Angel in my life.

    Kisses and Purrs,

    Suzi and Miles

    1. Ahh, you are going to make me cry again! Now you know first hand that Miles is such an extraordinary creature, and that he now lives with one of the people that means the most to me is just about as good as it gets! I'm just so happy that he found such a great home, and the most loving and kind human mommy that he could ever have found! I love you both!

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks, Iris! I agree-- it makes me so happy to know how loved Miles is!!! It is the best news!! :D

  6. What a happy ending! Thanks for sharing the good news.

    1. Hi Sam! It is the best news ever!!! Suzi and Miles are so happy! I couldn't have even dreamed up a better situation for that sweet kitty!

  7. Nikita and I are overjoyed that Miles found his forever home.
    It's strange how these things work out for the better. Everyone who meets Nikita is flabbergasted when they discover she's a rescue. Nikita is so sweet, curious, adorable, and ninja-like it is unfathomable she was given up. And yet, she was. And now she's ours! Many happy meows to Miles and Suzi. :)

    1. Thank you Boo & Nikita! I am overjoyed as well! It is strange how things work out for the better!!! The right home really allows them to flourish-- so it is no wonder that everyone who sees Nikita has difficulty imagining her less than happy beginnings! One could never imagine that poor Miles lived at a gas station near a freeway off ramp before the fateful day that my sister rescued him! He and Suzi are sooooo happy! Nikita is a lucky girl to have you as her human mommy!! <3


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