
Monday, February 11, 2013

Lilly Brush- Save Our Sweaters: Review

The Lilly Brush is a brilliant tool that quickly and efficiently removes pet hair and pills from sweaters, clothes, furniture, and much more. It really is the perfect antidote to the pet fur that I have to contend with in my household!
According to the company:

Why use Lilly Brush?
-Specially designed nylon bristles are gentle on sweater weaves but tough on pills
-Lilly Brush will not shave a hole in your sweater
-Soft bristles that don’t snag
-Tidy lid closure allows you to use Lilly Brush on the go 
-Never toss or donate expensive natural fiber sweaters again!

What can Lilly Brush save? 
Lilly Brush works on all natural fibers including cotton, wool, cashmere, angora, hemp and alpaca.

How to use the Lilly Brush
Applying moderate pressure, sweep Lilly Brush across garment in any direction to make short work of pills, pet hair, lint and light soil.

How to clean Lilly Brush
For washable fabrics the Lilly Brush can be dampened before use to eliminate static. To clean your Lilly Brush, wash with light soap, rinse, and tap briskly to remove excess water.
I thought that I would be able to find a pilled up sweater in the depths of one of our closets, but our sweaters were relatively pill-free. I found one sweater with some very minor pilling- so I decided to use that sweater to take the Lilly Brush for a spin.
This sweater was in pretty good shape with respect to pet hair and pilling, but the following picture reveals what I was able to remove in a matter of seconds with the Lilly Brush. Not much in the way of cat hair or pilling, but the Lilly Brush was very efficient and effective at removing what is shown. More importantly it did not damage or thin the wool sweater.
However, Zeus's Office Chair (formerly known as my chair) is another story altogether.
The evidence!
The aftermath!
The solution!
While this is a synthetic fabric I was only removing cat fur, not pilling- so it worked extraordinarily well. I was able to remove so much cat fur in a single pass, and it was effortless. The Lilly Brush was gentle, efficient and effective,
Overall assessment: Whether you have pilled sweaters or animal fur on clothing and furniture- this is a very effective tool that requires no effort, and the results are fantastic! For me, it is the perfect furrrrniture Zeus-proofer! I finally have a solution that actually works very well!

$12.95 from Lilly Brush
PR sample sent for consideration. All views expressed are categorically my own.


  1. Oh my goodness. I need this... Nikita is extremely black, but her hair shows up on most of my clothing. Thanks for the kitty-oriented review!

    ps If this were a Kitty Blog with an advice column, I would ask you the following:

    Dear Lola,

    How do I teach my cat to be more dog-like? I'd like to introduce a harness so I can take her outside. I'd also like her to cuddle up with us and to let me hold her paw. She looks at me like I'm insane whenever I try these things. By the way, I have been a "dog person" all my life.


    Am I Expecting Too Much of My Cat

    1. Ohhhh, you named her Nikita-- I love that!!!!!!!!Yes, this would definitely be very helpful to de-Nikita your clothes!

      What, this isn't a kitty blog?! I must have gotten off at the wrong exit!!!!!!! That will teach me to sleep at the wheel!

      HA- come borrow Zeus- he doesn't know that he is a cat. He knows how to emulate both dog and human behavior- so he could give Nikita a kitty seminar on acting like a dog! He would love it, but he's pretty demented, and she would likely pick up some pretty bad habits. Not to mention that she will sit like a human and smugly watch TV!!

      Yeah, they didn't give you the memo- that cats only do what they want, when they want-- and they mock us when we ask them to do things. They just laugh in derision at our unmitigated stupidity for thinking that they would ever listen to us!!!!!!!!!!!

      Well, as soon as you two embrace the fact that Nikita is the boss things will be just fine-LOL!


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