
Thursday, February 21, 2013

Empties Post Volume VII: February 2013

This month my Empties post is fairly lacking in full size products since I am still testing out several new products and brands, and as a result I only managed to finish a few full size products. I did however, manage to finish a few samples that had been in a partially used state for quite a while.

Skincare: I was quite sad when I finally finished the My Transformative Night Cream (reviewed here) because it is such a lovely and effective night cream. It leaves the skin looking and feeling fantastic, and is definitely worthy of replacement. Malin+Goetz is often an under-the-radar line, but their products are lovely and effective. They have a simple approach to skincare, and they don't make any wild unattainable claims. Instead their products deliver on their promises, and they are always a true pleasure to use. Their Vitamin E Face Moisturizer feels wonderful on the skin, and delivers the perfect amount of moisture. Remedy Hydrating Cleansing Foam (reviewed here) is a really creamy foaming cleanser, and while it does a fantastic job cleaning you from head to toe- I found that it makes a phenomenal shaving cream. Tatcha Polished Classic Rice Enzyme Powder- ahh where to begin- this product is just pure magic. It leaves your skin indescribably clean and as soft and supple as baby skin.
Hair and Body: The Nature's Gate Pomegranate Sunflower Conditioner is something that I found on sale at the grocery store- so I thought that I would give it a try, and I'm glad that I did! It was very moisturizing and left my curly hair quenched with nice bouncy curls. While the Alaffia Liquid African Black Soap is a bit too stringent for my face- it is exquisite as a body cleanser, and as a big fan of Alaffia's African Black Soap range of products- you can be sure that I will be repurchasing it (reviewed here). I found a few more sample packets of Ouidad Climate Hair & Humidity Gel in my sample drawer that I wanted to use up before opening my new bottle- I love how well this tames frizz and defines my curls. I had a pile of assorted samples of haircare and body care products from Sephora, Nordstrom, and Barneys that I wanted to use up, but truthfully I no longer remember what was in each of those little jars!
Makeup and Fragrance: The Houglass Mineral Veil Primer sample was perfect for traveling, and lasted a good long time. It is definitely one of my very favorite primers, and is well worth purchasing. Somehow I managed to lose the Kai Perfume Oil vial (reviewed here) right before I shot the picture, but as you know I hopelessly love this scent, and will continually replace my full size bottle. It took me quite a while to get through this Chap Stick Lip Moisturizer because I have so many lip balms currently in rotation, but I really liked this one. I also really liked the Burberry Sheer Foundation, and I imagine that I will eventually purchase a full size bottle once I have used up some of my stash.
Dispatched to the recycle bin: All of these lip products were so old that they were no longer worth keeping- let alone using.  I cleaned out what was left, and bid them farewell.

What did you use, toss, give away, or return this month? Do tell!


  1. I'm pretty excited to use my malign + goetz samples as I've never tried anything from them before. But I think my samples are shampoo? And I have Kai samples...and the Hourglass primer samples!!! many to try!!! LOL!! My local Burberry SA talked me out of the Sheer foundation, but I read so many great reviews I really would like to try it anyway!!! Still a great job with your empties - every month can't be total empty blowouts!!! And yay for purging old lippies!!! Sometimes it's so hard to let go, but feels really good when you finally do :-)

    1. Hi Gummy! I really like Malin+Goetz- they make solid, high quality products! I hope that you love Kai! Hourglass makes the best primer- they really have an amazing formula-- whether or not it will work for your sensitive skin is another matter altogether-- I will be very curious to see if it does!

      Why did the Burberry SA tell you to forget the Sheer Foundation? I would get a sample and try it first to see whether you like it or not.

      I tried to use up as much as I could this month- I think that I will focus on using up some samples next month! :-)

  2. I must try Kai.

    This month I finished Victoria's Secret Pink's Up All Night body lotion (one of those large bottles), Better Botanicals Coriander face cleanser, Rocky Mountain Soap Company Vanilla Candy Cane lip butter, and Rocky Mountain Soap Co's Winter Bliss soap.

    1. Hi Iris! I have a nearly irrational love of all things Kai! LOL!!

      Wow, you did an excellent job on your empties this month- congratulations!

      Have a lovely weekend! :D

  3. Way to go! Once I decide on a product to use up it seems to take forever to finish. Why is that I wonder? However, it is such an awesome feeling to see one less packet/bottle in my cabinet. Working to get to a point where I just have HG everyday items for hair & skincare rather than partially used bottles trying to find the next 'best' thing, if that makes sense.

    1. Thanks, love2read68!! I know just what you mean-- it does feel as though the bottle becomes bottomless once you decide to finish it! Sometimes I think that by the time I get close to finishing a product that I have become bored or disinterested in it (certainly not always the case), and it seems to take longer to use because I am no longer that enthusiastic about it.

      I LOVE the idea of having only HG everyday items-- that would be the ultimate in hair and skincare satisfaction!! Have a lovely weekend! :D


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