
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Dry Skin Blues? Dry Udderly Smooth Body Cream, Crème Hydrante & Shea Butter Foot Cream

My skin has been unusually dry this Winter, and as a result I find myself piling on creams from head to toe on a daily basis. I had noticed the Udderly Smooth range of products at my local pharmacy, and was going to try it- but got sidetracked in the beauty aisle and forgot about it. Then when one of my favorite PRs contacted me and asked if I would be interested in reviewing the line I said yes, absolutely.
Left to Right: Udder Cream Crème Hydrante from the tube, Body Cream, and the Foot Cream with Shea Butter for Dry Feet.
1) Body Cream (12 oz. jar $5.99): This appears to be the same formula and ingredients as those found Udder Cream Crème Hydrante in the tube- though my package jar does say Body Cream. Therefore, I will talk about them collectively below.

Ingredients: Deionized water, stearic acid, Peg-2 Stearate, propylene glycol, isopropyl myristate, dimethicone, lanolin oil, mineral oil, triethanolamine, allantoin, methylparaben, propylparaben, fragrance.

2) Udder Cream Crème Hydrante (4 oz. tube $2.99): "Original Udderly Smooth Udder Cream is a greaseless, stainless water-based moisturizer with a light fresh fragrance." This is a very thick and rich cream yet it sinks in very quickly. I find that it does a very good job of treating dry and dehydrated skin during the colder months of the year. While I am not generally prone to dry skin, I am finding relief from this formula, and when I apply it in the morning I do not need to repeatedly reapply it throughout the day (other than to my hands because of frequent washing). I imagine that this will do wonders for those who suffer from dry skin. It is a very affordable product that is widely available- making it a convenient and economical choice. It has a light and clean scent that fades quickly.

According to the company,

Originally developed for use on dairy cows, Udderly Smooth® Udder Cream. is used by many people for their dry and chapped skin. Use Udderly Smooth as an everyday multipurpose moisturizing lotion. Udderly Smooth®. contains rich moisturizing ingredients that perform to soften dry, chapped skin.

Ingredients: Deionized water, stearic acid, Peg-2 Stearate, propylene glycol, isopropyl myristate, dimethicone, lanolin oil, mineral oil, triethanolamine, allantoin, methylparaben, propylparaben, fragrance.

3) Foot Cream with Shea Butter for Dry Feet ( 8 oz. $4.99): "Udderly SMOOth Shea Butter Foot Cream moisturizes, smooths roughness and softens dry feet. Helps get feet ready for summer sandal season and smooth winter dry skin." My feet have been so dry this winter, and I have to say that this foot cream has done wonders for my poor tootsies. I have been putting it on my feet at night and then wearing some nice fluffy sock to bed, and after about a week I have seen a real improvement. My feet are much more soft and smooth, and after a nice pedicure they will be ready for some super cute sandals!

According to the company,

Udderly SMOOth Shea Butter Foot Cream contains shea butter to make a more intensive moisturizer. Udderly Smooth® Shea Butter Foot Cream smooths extremely dry skin and feet. Member tested and recommended by Today's Health and Wellness Magazine and Creative Home Arts Magazine.

Ingredients: Deionized water, stearic acid, Peg-2 Stearate, propylene glycol, isopropyl myristate, dimethicone, lanolin oil, mineral oil, Butyrospermum Parkii (shea butter) triethanolamine, allantoin, methylparaben, propylparaben, fragrance

Overall assessment: Rich moisture, lasting results, and easy on the wallet!


  1. I loooooooooooove these products, they are wonderful for my eczema!

    1. HI Gaby!! It's great to know that these products work well for your eczema-- I'm sure that you saying that will help others! <3


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