
Sunday, February 24, 2013

By Terry Hyaluronic Sheer Rouge Lipsticks- NEW! ALL 10 SHADES SWATCHED!!

The synergy of a lipstick and a balm for an ultra-luminous smile
By Terry's new red balm with hyaluronic acid treats lips and adorns them in glossy-plumping shine. Bringing added volume, lips are left soft and supple with an ultra-glamorous glossy finish.
Key Benefits:
  • A plumping and hydra-filler formula
  • Fills in wrinkles and fine lines
  • Moisturizes lips & plumps up the mouth
  • Protects lips from UV rays
  • Adorns lips in an ultra-comfortable sheer shade
This gorgeous new By Terry lipstick formula comes in 10 shades:

#1- Nudissimo
#2- Mango Tango
#3- Baby Bloom
#4- Princess in Rose
#5- Dragon Pink
#6- Party Girl
#7- Bang Bang
#8- Hot Spot
#9- Dare to Bare
#10- Berry Bloom

So far I have only purchased #4- Princess in Rose, but will definitely get more because this formula is phenomenal! This is best in class in the realm of the new hybrid lipsticks that are like a balm, a gloss and a lipstick combined in one amazing formula!
#1- Nudissimo, #2- Mango Tango, #3- Baby Bloom, #4- Princess in Rose, #5- Dragon Pink
These are all swatched quite heavily. The formula is buildable, but can be sheered out as well.
#6- Party Girl, #7- Bang Bang, #8- Hot Spot, #9- Dare to Bare, #10- Berry Bloom
Ingredients from #4- Princess in Rose
$35.00 each I purchased mine from SpaceNK. (Affiliate link)

Kate the Driveller, from Drivel about Frivol (incidentally one of my very favorite beauty blogs), reviewed the By Terry Hyaluronic Sheer Rouge Lipsticks- and is not a fan of the formula. Click here to read her review.


  1. Ohhhhh.....

    I am eyeing #1 as "casual soft pinky-nude" look. What do you think? Is it more beige (warm base) in reality than it looks on your skin (I'm a NW10, Irish complexion).

    #6 is calling out to as a lovely shade for Spring.. a lovely hot pink that is not TOO hot, if you know what I mean. : )

    Any other shades you think I should check out Lola?

    1. #1 is a soft pinky peachy nude, and it is GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!! I swatched everything heavily- so it can be more sheer than this, if you prefer! It leans a little more warm than cool, but I have cool-toned skin and I really loved it (and think that I may get it as well). I only picked up the #4- Princess in Rose becasue I am a certified sucker for blue-based pinks. #6 is a very stunning mid-tone rose. It's a gorgeous color, and again can be sheered out if you prefer not to be bold. Right now I'm mesmerized by numbers 1, 3, 4 & 5- but I am in the midst of a nude to pink lip obsession. I would be thrilled to have all of the colors except numbers 7 & 8 because warmer reds do nothing for my complexion- despite the fact that I adore them!

    2. Ok, so I ordered:

      #1 and #6 of the Sheer Rouge Lipsticks. Also ordered Devil Rose and Rouge Pulp in the Lip Lacquer (which is NOT on her web site) and the new primer (not the tinted one): Hyaluronic Hydra-Primer.

      I also asked if they would send me samples of the lightest shade in the newest foundations; keeping my fingers crossed they are light enough.

      The manager (whose name I'm still not sure of) said it would ship out Saturday or Monday. THANK YOU LOLA for arranging this; GWP's from By Terry are rare and this one is just amazing!!!

    3. What you ordered is utterly sublime, 3bDiva!!!!!!!!! You are so very welcome- I'm still astonished that they came up with the best By Terry GWP that I have ever seen as an exclusive for my beloved readers! The gift is amazing, and I still can't believe that it includes a full size eye shadow! It was probably Katie that you spoke with. Let me know once you get your package-- I'm so excited for you! I hope that the lightest shade of the newest foundation is a perfect match!!!!!!! <3

    4. I called back and ordered 2 more of lip lacquers (in different shades) and they were pulling them OUT OF THE DRAWER TO SEND BACK as they have been discontinued. Talk about great timing! Apparently these Sheer Rouge lipsticks are replacing the Lip Lacquers.. who knew.

      In any event, my package should be here Monday : )

    5. What a coup!!!!!!! Well, done! I am also so glad that you were able to get one of the exclusive gift bags-- apparently they sold out very quickly!! I can't wait to hear about everything that you purchased!!! Yay!!!!!!! <3

  2. Replies
    1. Oh yeah, #9 is delightful. It's sort of a subtle and very wearable darkened plum. It's sort of vampy without being vampy. It's quite stunning!

  3. Those look gorgeous! I love the lipstick/gloss/balm hybrid lip products but I still have a problem with the crazy price tags attached to these. But I've purchased Rouge Coco Shines so I'm sure it is just a matter of time before I try one of these!

    1. I know- the hybrids are definitely sold at a premium, but these definitely rank among the very best that I have seen! They are pretty pigmented compared to like products from other lines. I think that these are even better than Rouge Coco Shines, but don't get me wrong- I still love RCS!! <3

  4. Ooooh heeeeey--sheer AND lipstick in the same sentence?! You KNOW I'm there!! :P

    1. Oh, Becca!!!!!! These are just our type of lipstick! The formula is amazing-- watch out Lip Mists! You need these in your life. If you want the Lola's Secret Beauty Blog exclusive gift bag- be sure to place your order soon because the supplies are limited! <3 I bought #4 Princess in Rose, and Gummy bought #3 Baby Bloom-- and I want that one as well! :D

  5. I had narrowed down my list to two shades and now I see this and its gone up to four ;) Thanks for the swatches xx

    1. I know just what you mean. I am currently obsessing on several more shades. I purchased #4- Princess in Rose, and now want more!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so glad that you find the swatches helpful! xoxox

  6. These look extremely comfortable. I'd probably go for #10 Berry Bloom. Super fun party lips, here I come! Unfortunately, there's no Space NK near me. Otherwise that GWP would be mine! :P

    1. They do feel lovely on the lips. I have been trying to find out whether they will ship for free to Canada, but the manager is having trouble getting an answer from the powers that be. I will ask again. I would love for you to have this! :D

  7. I love when you get the chance to do these swatches. I only wish that By Terry didn't use that rose scent.

    1. I'm so glad that you like my swatchfests!!!!! While the By Terry Rose scent doesn't bother me- I wish that more brands would go fragrance free so that more people could enjoy their makeup!!!!!!!!

  8. Ohhhh! What beautiful swatches!!! These shades look divine! I have never tried these. I am now tempted! :)

    1. It's definitely worth checking them out, Pammy! <3

  9. Dragon Pink and Party Girl look lovely. I've never tried any By Terry products, but am dying to get my mitts on the lip balm. Might make way for these babies!

    Found your blog on Modesty Brown's beauty spotlight - always love a new find :)

    S xx

    1. Welcome, Sara! I'm so glad that you found me! They really are gorgeous I just bought the lip balm and LOVE it!! I will be posting my review tomorrow! xoxo

  10. By Terry makes SUCH luxurious products. I can see the Bang Bang colour slipping into my little velvet evening bag....for a special night on the town.

    1. Hi RockPaperBeauty! I agree wholeheartedly-- her products really are the epitome of luxury!! Bang Bang would be perfect for an evening out on the town!! :-)

  11. Eep! I can't believe you linked to me :D Now between us we can paralyse all the choice-makers :D

    1. Hi Kate!! LOL!! I guess they will be forced to go test them in person- otherwise they may remain hopelessly on the fence! :D


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