
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

By Request: How I Currently Store My Eyeshadows

After having received requests to post pictures of my lip products & storage, and then my blushes & storage- I suspected that it was just a matter of time before someone asked to see how I store my stash of eyeshadows. Well, that day came sooner than I suspected- so here you are! As was the case for both my lip product and cheek product stashes- this does not reflect the entirety of my collection. I have a bin and two drawers filled with products that need to be photographed, swatched, and reviewed- therefore those eyeshadows have yet to land in this drawer.

The top picture differs from the bottom in that I left the three palettes stacked where I normally store them (a MAC Pro Palette, a Trish McEvoy Palette [contains Chantecaille, MUFE, RBR & Trish Mc Evoy eyeshadows], and an Anastasia Beverly Hills Palette).
The back right compartment contains MAKE UP FOR EVER Aqua Creams. Next to it you will find a few MAC Quads and a Maybelline Color Tattoo. The far right compartment is solely MAC Paint Pots, and beneath that are Bobbi Brown Gel Eyeliners. To the right in the gap between the wooden box and the side of the drawer I have MAC Pigment samples and a Prestige Cosmetics Mineral Eye Shadow Trio.

The bamboo box on the left side contains Burberry Eyeshadow singles, Chanel Quads, NARS duos and singles, a Le Métier de Beauté eyeshadow palette, a Mia BelleZZa duo, and a Giorgio Armani single.

The bamboo box on the right is the special land of Rouge Bunny Rouge and as such it gets a separate zip code altogether!

In the front, where there is a gap between the drawer and the bamboo storage boxes I have a mish-mash   of single eyeshadows from: Bobbi Brown, Kevyn Aucoin, Laura Mercier, Hourglass, Prestige Cosmetics, MAC, La Prairie, and a few other strays. I also keep my eye/lip pencil sharpener there since it is easy to find.

I actually purged a good number of eyeshadows that I simply wasn't using- therefore what you are seeing is actually a more sensible stash compared to what I once had. I also reduced some of the clutter by depotting a lot of singles, and I buy refill pans whenever possible.

Truth be told, I could live without most of what is in this drawer, but the contents of the two bamboo boxes definitely make my heart go pitter-patter!

How do you store your eyeshadows?


  1. I LOVE looking at people's stashes! Can I request you swatch everything all at once on one arm? ;P

    1. Me too! We are members of the makeup voyeur club!! Now all of the swatches on one arm would be seriously hysterical!!!!!!!!! :D

    2. I think I might do that one day for fun! :)

  2. I am in serious need of organization of all my makeup, it is such a task to even think about. I'm envious of how organized you are!

    1. Hi Tina! I was in great need of makeup organization too! I tossed out stuff that was too old, and got rid of things I was no longer using. Then I just started organizing my drawers in a way that I could actually see (and then hopefully use) what I have! <3

  3. eeek!!! There goes my comment disappearing again! weird! So if you get a bunch from me I'm sorry!

    Sooo....was saying I'm a bit jelly of your beautiful space to store all your makeups!!! Makes it so much more fun and enjoyable when it's organized and nicely laid out! We have zero space and have to make room for a pretty vanity or anything. But at least my stuff is organized - that's good!!! LOL :-) Thanks for showing us your wonderful stash!!!

    1. That's strange I wonder what happened?!

      It took me a while to reach that level of organization, and I got rid of things that I didn't think that I would use again to make my stash a little easier to peruse. I really wanted something more streamlined like the ALEX from IKEA, but I decided to make the most out of the 1920s built-in in my master bathroom instead. The space isn't entirely efficient by modern standards, but I am making it work. The cabinet above, where I store my skincare and makeup brushes is very deep-- making it very difficult to organize things (and making it hard to get at the things in the back without knocking down everything in the front).

      I'm sure the fact that you have minimal storage space forces you to be more organized than you normally would have been-- which probably works in your favor. I'm glad that you enjoyed this post!!! <3

  4. Very efficient storage system and I like how everything is easily accessible.

    My eyeshadows are in a plastic box. It works for now but I have to dig around a bit to find what I really want when I wish to switch colours.

    1. Hi Iris!! It took me quite a while to get this organized, and I definitely got rid of some of the clutter by purging things that I no longer used. It's quite nice being able to see everything- that way it's easier to decide what to use.

      A plastic box sounds pretty efficient to me-- even if you have to dig around a bit-- everything is right there! xoxo

  5. I just looked at the pictures first and thought these were all blushes - I was thinking, what kind of blush comes in a quad and all those small containers?!! haha :)

    I was about to get the new Wet n' Wild eye shadow palette last night but talked myself out of it! It's new for spring. It's the Nude Awakening one. I have my Naked II though...I am so tempted to go back though and get it! even though I don't need it..this post isn't helping! :]

    1. LOL!!!!!!!!! Well, at least the W'n'W price tag won't cause you to go broke!!!!!!!! I haven't seen the new palettes yet, but that one looks really nice from the online pictures. I actually don't have a single one of their eye shadows! I might grab this one when I see it! :-)

  6. Nice ! I love seeing other people's organized stashes. I think that's because I'm nosy...

    1. Hi Adelle!! Long time no see! I hope that you are doing well! I love seeing the way others store their makeup as well! It satisfies that makeup voyeurism and gives me great ideas on how to store my stash as well!


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