
Sunday, February 24, 2013

By Request: How I Currently Store My Blushes

When I published my By Request: How I Currently Store My Lip Product Stash, my friend Gummy asked for me to reveal my blush stash- and I cannot deny her- so here it is. This top photo is meant to contextualize my storage system- it is an original 1920s built-in cabinet with drawers in my master bathroom. I had two black wooden boxes with dividers, and they fit in the drawer side by side with a little bit of space to spare, but with plenty of space left in the back of the drawer. There are a few other blushes floating around, and my Le Métier de Beauté Créme Fresh Tints for Lip & Cheek are stored with my lip products.
Left Box Top to Bottom:
Top: Mia BelleZZa & Prestige Blushes
Center: Chanel Joues Contraste Blushes
Bottom: Milani, MAC & Burberry Blushes

Right Box Top to Bottom:
Top: Trish Mc Evoy & Bobbi Brown Mini Palettes
Center: Rouge Bunny Rouge, NARS & Sunday Riley
Bottom: Susan Thompson Liquid Blushes & Youngblood Crushed Mineral Blushes

How do you store your blush collection?


  1. Aaaahh!!! Thank you, Lola!!!! Being a voyeur is fun! LOL!! I love the black boxes...they look so sleek sitting in your drawer, and seems like it would make choosing a blush that much more fun and special :-) Where did you find the boxes? Do you have any favorite blush formulas and colors?? Or do they all have a place in your heart?

    What are those packets off in the back?? Samples? They kind of look like Tatcha sample packets!

    THANK YOU for making my request come true!!!!! You are amazing!!!! :-) Oh, and have fun at your Space NK meeting!!!

    1. You are so welcome, Gummy-- it was absolutely my pleasure fulfilling your request!! The black boxes came with two sets of Ikebana vases that I bought years ago at Smith & Hawken. I have a wacky brain and see things spatially- so when I see something- I can see where it will fit (generally without measuring), and I had these in the back of my closet- one night I was thinking about my messy makeup drawers and remembered these and they fit!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Hmmmmm. My favorite blush formula is probably a three way tie between Burberry, Rouge Bunny Rouge, and Chanel for powder blushes. Hands down it is Susan Thompson Cosmetics for liquid/cream formulas!

      You have such a great eye my beloved makeup magpie friend-- that is indeed a PILE of Tatcha samples in the back of the drawer. There is also a MAC Pro Palette and a few other odds and ends in the back of the drawer-- it actually extends another 4-5 inches back!

      Your wish is my command!! For the record- the feeling is completely mutual! My SpaceNK meeting was awesome. Check out the updates, and the whole post devoted to her new lipstick formula!!!!!!!! <3

  2. Eep eep EEEEP! Gimme gimme gimme them AAAALLL!!! :P

  3. Oh Lola, thanks for letting us peek into your drawer of wonders.
    What is the favourite part of your makeup collection?

    1. My pleasure, Boo!! Now that's a very tough question. I really love my blushes and lip products. I do love my eye shadows as well- though I definitely tend to purchase more lip products than anything else. That said, I probably get the most pleasure just looking at the blushes. I'm not sure why, but I love opening the blush compacts and looking at the pretty colors! <3

    2. I've got another queschun ;) for ya, babe:
      Do you ever worry the moisture/humidity in the bathroom might hurt your powder products? Do you have any tricks/hints/tips to protect against this? I used to keep a few pressed powder eyeshadows in the bathroom, but always in a water-tight container. Now I keep everything in a box in a bedroom drawer.

    3. Well, I don't have that problem because we don't often use the shower in the master bathroom-- it's a shower over tub that we only really use for taking periodic baths. Our daily showering is in our other bathroom that has a stand-alone shower. If we did regularly shower in the master bathroom I would probably need to move most of my makeup because it lacks a fan (though it does have two windows that do offer ventilation). I sort of doubt that it would impact my powder products though-- because they are all tucked away in drawers, but I would still probably move them to a room that wasn't subject to fluctuations in temperature/humidity. I would think that you won't have a problem since you store your makeup in a water-tight container, but if it creates condensation on your box of makeup- it might serve to annoy you more than anything. I think annoyance aside, that it is best to store makeup where it is the most convenient for you, and easy to get to. <3

  4. Very luxury products! I love blush!!! I recommend you the sleek ones :D great colours and pigmetation and a very little price:)xxx ABI

    1. Thanks, Abi! I love blush too! I haven't tried anything by Sleek yet-- I will definitely put it on my list!!!!! THanks for the recommendation! xoxo

  5. I love a good storage post -- you have some amazing products! Just found your blog from Visionary Beauty's Roundup, I'm probably going to spend the night reading through your archives!

    1. Welcome!!! I'm so glad that you found me! I hope that you enjoy what you find here! Storage posts always inspire me to find new and better solutions! Enjoy your weekend! :D

  6. Hey there - I have been trying to come up with a convenient way to store my vast collection of makeup brushes. I was wondering if you could do one of these for your brush collection? Thanx

    1. Hi sweetie! That's a great idea! I will definitely work on that one for you! My brush collection has taken on a life of its own-- I'm fairly certain that they multiply at night when I am sleeping! I will work on it this week! :D

    2. haha I have that problem. I recently discovered the tom ford brush line and have made it my goal to own every single one. The problem is that the current way I store my brushes isn't really good for the brushes and I refuse to put my expensive brushes in that cup - as such I have a stack of my tom ford and le metier brushes on my kitchen table and all of my cheaper brushes stored in a cup and I just cannot think of a good way to store everything where the brushes are protected =(

    3. Right?! Oh wow, you have fallen down the TF rabbit hole!! I know what you mean about trying to find the best method of storing makeup brushes. You could always resort to a brush roll, but that is fairly impractical if you have PILES of brushes. I found a method that might work for you as well. I will post it soon! :D


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