
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Barneys Love Yourself Gift Bag Reveal: A Little Glimpse at the Actual Bag!

Here it is!! For my post of Step-Up Gifts, Q&A, information about the additional REN Step-Up Gifts for Lola's Secret Beauty Blog Readers click here & here!
And a very special shout-out to the fabulous Lisa from GWP Addict for including my Barneys Bag Event Posts (here and here) on her fabulous blog once again! If you don't subscribe, you definitely need to!


  1. Oh Holy CRAP! Look at that bag. Darn it, I shouldn't have looked. >:(

    1. LOL!!! I was told by a reader in NYC that the Madison Ave. bag has no full sized samples. If you go over on your lunch break and look at any point this week would you do your beloved the favor of snapping a couple of pictures for me so that I can post and compare? She and her friend were pretty disappointed. From what I can tell there is at least a full size DL nail polish in the BH bag. <3

    2. I'm homebound with the flu! Maybe our friend AZ will help us with some pics.

    3. OH NO, HONEY- not you too!!!!!!!! Make your husband take care of you! It's bad enough that I am sick on my birthday, but you on yours tomorrow as well- on Valentine's no less-- that is horrible. AZ already said that she would send me pictures when she goes to be up her stuff tomorrow (they were sold out of Tatcha today). Feel better, sweetie!

    4. Lola, still have to read all the comments but I was told by Barneys in SF, no full size samples just "travel sizes" including a MINI Lippman.

    5. Should clarify my comment, I think I see some full sizes in your photo so I think the SA was wrong, but repeating that the Lippman polish is supposed to be sample size.

    6. Huh. It really sounds as though it varies by store. It's kind of puzzling. I was too sick to go in today, but the pictures that my friend took for me appears to include a Kevyn Aucoin Lip gloss and eye shadow as well as the Sue Devitt eye liner-- those look like full sizes to me. I was told by one SA that theDL nail polish was a full size bottle. Honestly I can't quite tell from the picture, but I thought it seemed to be a full size. Maybe no though.I wish that I could kick this bug to the curb to go down there and see for myself! From all accounts, and all of the comments and emails that I am receiving there really appear to be many variations from store to store-- not just with the gift bag itself, but also with the step-up gifts.

  2. I was just at the NYC store. Unfortunately I don't have my bag yet. ALL of the Tatcha stuff are sold out... the SA said they'll have a shipment in tomorrow so my bag is being held there until they get the Tatcha products in. I'm going back tomorrow to pick it up. I did see the bag for a bit however. I saw the sue devitt eyeliner and kevyn aucoin lipgloss. I also believe the nail polish is full size as well. So that's at least 3 full sized products. Yes, the bag isn't anything spectacular but hey GWP is GWP. I would've gotten the stuff at some point anyway. If you'd like I can snap some pictures tomorrow and email them to you.

    1. Hi AZ,

      That's amazing that they are already sold out of the first round of Tatcha products!! Yes, please I would LOVE to see a picture of your bag. Another reader from NYC said that there were no full sized products in the Madison Avenue gift bag. From what I can tell from the picture above it looks like a full sized Sue Devitt Eye Crayon, KA Lip Gloss and eyeshadow, and DL nail polish. It will be interesting to see what I come home with! It definitely sounds as though it was money well spent if you would have been getting those things at some point anyhow. :-)

  3. Bronzer Bunny and I went to the Chicago Barneys this morning. We each got a bag and are missing 5 items - Red Flower, Sue devitt pencil looking thing, the little pink container that looks like it may be Shiseido something, by Terry, and the container at the top left of the promo pic that looks like it might be a KA something. We did get 5 items in their place 2 perfume samples (really???), sample of SR Juno, mini itty bitty sample of CdP serum, and sample of BB cleansing oil. NO full sized products. At all.

    I've read some of the comments on your other posts, and it sounds like we aren't the only ones disappointed that didn't get even close to what was in the promo pic, including not receiving the full-sized items. Oh, and they didn't even have my step up gift and are sending it to me later.

    I'm really, really disappointed. i feel like calling, but in their defense they did put in 5 substitutions - though from what everyone says the bag is usually full with a bunch of stuff that's not in the promo pictures anyway. And it's not as though we were shopping on the last hour of the last day. We were the FIRST customers inside after she unlocked the door!!!!!!!!!

    Anyway...we are both bummed.

    1. OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know for fact that we can expect variation in the bag contents, but not getting a single full size product?! I'd be bummed too! Can you send me a picture of the and contents? I have someone sending me pictures of the one from the New York store and hopefully the Boston store. I still haven't gotten mine since I' home sick in bed, but the pictures above are from the display at Barneys in BH.

      I'm so bummed that you and Joyce are both so bummed!! :(

    2. Did you guys go visit our Burberry Apartment/Mothership together? I sure hope so!!!!!!!

    3. I know!!!! not a single one!!! I'll take pics soon...waiting to hear back from the Beauty Manager. I called at he named off all the things in the bag. I said yes we have all that but that's not what is on the promo pics and the website. He said well that's what all of their bags look like. I said, ok but that's not what is advertised - we didn't get a single full sized product and we were the first ones through your door! They were going to look up the website and call me back. But he said 3-4 min and it's been way longer. Hmmm...wonder what they are going to come back with??

      I went to Burberry but BB didn't. I might have made a purchase. LOLOL!!! Oh, I asked about the Fondant Pink from the Spring line and the girl said, I kid you not it's sitting on a dock in France waiting to be shipped. We just don't know when that is going to be! She said hopefully soon!

      I am SO sorry you are sick and I'm even more sorry that we are bugging you with all of this :-(

      Please feel better soon!!!!!


    4. There is always some variation from the stock promo picture that they post. There is also plenty of variation from store to store-- it's like that every single year. It would be so much easier if it was a bit more standardized so that people wouldn't end up bummed out!

      Why didn't she go with you to our Mecca???? OMG, what did you get?!!!! Are you kidding Fondant Pink is sitting on a dock in France?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At least you were able to get one, I was only able to arm swatch it and swoon at its pink perfection!!!!!!! I'm tempted to buy two when it comes in. I actually got two email from Nordstrom saying that it was delayed, and then they actually called me to ask whether I still wanted it- otherwise the protracted delay might lead to an order cancellation! I told them NOT to cancel it that I wanted it so badly that it hurt! Seriously, WTH is wrong with me- it's a lip gloss. :-)

    5. She had a lunch date with the love of her life :-) No, I didn't get the Fondant Pink because they didn't have it yet. Only the tester. But I've swatched it and don't think I will get it. Was just curious what was going on with it since Nordstrom keeps pushing the ship date back if you try to order it online. Ummmm...nothing its wrong with's lip gloss, yet...but a puuuuurty lip gloss :-) And you want it!!!

    6. Wow, she chose love over Burberry?! We are going to have to sit her down and have a talk! LOL!!!! Is it too pale a pink for your liking? I just think it's soooooo gorgeous. Plus if you mix it with Pink Sweet Pea it is divine!!!!!!!!!!!! I love that we can so easily facilitate and enable each other with this makeup neurosis!

    7. I was thinking it might be too milky of a color and I wasn't sure how it would look??? I'm kinda funny about light colors on my lips. BUT BUT now that you mention LAYERING...oh, dear...Pink Sweet Pea + Fondant Pink sounds amazing!!! I didn't think of that!!! Ok, I'm sold. How easy is that??? LOL!

      Ok, so the Cosmetics manager called back! She said Chicago store doesn't carry Red Flower anymore so that's why that wasn't in there. The by Terry they had and they keep all year round, but somehow got missed being put in. The Sue Devitt pencil was supposed to have been FedExed but they didn't get it yet, and were supposed to let customers know. The KA she had no idea about and said she was going to call someone to find out what they could do. She said they would send the pencil and byTerry and whatever else they could include as soon as they get it :-) sometimes being the squeaky wheel is a good thing!!!

    8. Oh yeah, I'm all about the layering and mixing of colors- then you have infinite possibilities, and you exponentially increase your color wardrobe! Wow, you are easy!!!!!!! Try it at the counter to see if you like it, but I suspect that you will. Plus you could also where just a touch of Fondant Pink alone-- super sheered out, and it would be stunning. Plus you could also use a sort nude lip liner and morph the color even more.

      Wow, you got results by being the squeaky wheel- that's for sure! Good for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Oh, as a p.s.

    I haven't received my order from the NYC store, so we'll see if it's any different. Hopefully it's good. But from the comments so far I'm not getting my hopes up.

    1. I've had conflicting reports on the NYC store someone said 3 full-sized items, and a couple others said there were none. I will be VERY interested to see what you end up with!

    2. Ugh. I hope I get a full sized product!!! I had a little green eyed monster when I saw the one in this post looking like it had 2 KA and a sue devitt full size products!!! *sigh*

    3. I really wish that it would be standardized from store to store. We'll see what I end up with! What did you end up buying?

  5. 2 old Chantecaille palettes they just happened to have: Tigers in the Wild and New Classic palettes. Also Detox mask and HD compact powder. And all this is on the way DL...I don't wanna get kicked out of the Burberry Love Club or even worse kicked out of Burberry Land!!!! But you got my back, right?!!! LOL

    1. Nice choices!!!!!!! Of course it's on the DL-- we can't have you excommunicated!! Of course, we would never allow them to do that-- no matter how bad your transgression! I've got your back all the way!!!!

    2. I received my goodies from the NYC store!!! It was chock full of extra samples & I was very excited to see it had the liner & KA gloss!!! The gloss looks really pretty so I'm looking forward to using it!! Yay!! Next time I won't bother going to my local location & instead order from either NYC again or try BH. thanks again for all of your tremendous work to keep us all informed :-) can't wait for your by Terry & space nk GWP!!!

    3. YAY for you!! You are so welcome, Gummy-- I'm glad that I was helpful!! I didn't get the KA gloss, but I did get the Sue Devitt Liner. I'm super excited about my upcoming collaboration with By Terry/Space NK!! I have to get over their to shoot the space and the displays- get the final details, and then I will do a big post with all of the details! <3

    4. Ok, Gummy- I have released some of the details for my SpaceNK/By Terry partnership:

      I will release more of the particulars after I have my meeting tomorrow. If you want the GWP be sure to call soon since they will go very fast!


    5. I see it, I see it!!!! THANK YOU!!!! Can't wait to hear the update!!! Regardless, I've got my shopping list ready :-) How fun!!! xo

    6. You are welcome!! I will post more pictures today. I would definitely order quickly because the Gift is in very limited quantities! <3

  6. I just picked up my bag from the sf Barney's and no full size product at all. The deborah Lippmann nail polish is a sample size and definitely no shiseido, sue devitt and Kevyn aucoin. The Sunday Riley step up gift changed from lipstick of choice to lipgloss of hot pink. Very disappointed. Thinking I should have just gotten it from BH location and have them ship it to me!!

    1. That's so disappointing!! I ordered mine from the SF location also and will be picking mine up this weekend.

    2. That is not the first time that I am hearing this- it seems other people who shopped the SF store reported the same thing- no full size samples. A friend sent me pictures of her bag from the Chicago store, and there were no full size products either-- though they told her that the Sue Devitt eye crayon was coming in late and that they would send it to her. I was told by another reader who ordered her SR products from the Beverly Hills store that they weren't giving out the lipsticks, but instead a lip gloss. I had been told by the SR Rep that it was going to be lipsticks in addition to the primer. My guess is that they probably couldn't get them in stock in time for the event, and gave the lip gloss instead, but that is just a guess. I've seen lines substitute out step-up gifts when there was a glitch in getting shipments to Barneys in time for the event. It's a bummer when you have your heart set on one thing, and it isn't available. So it doesn't sound as though ordering through BH would have made a difference-- assuming that the reader was given proper information by whomever she spoke with. I think that from the standpoint of the vendors, Barneys, the Reps and SAs it's just pure unmitigated chaos getting all of the gifts to the stores on time, and sometimes they are forced to switch gifts out. They also have been selling out of so many things, and I imagine that a lot of the limited quantity step-up gifts are already gone at some of the higher volume locations. I'm so sorry that yours was such a disappointment! :-(

  7. I got my bag at the Boston store today, and there were no full size items either. No Sue Devitt or Kevyn Aucoin, at all. I got some additional 3Lab samples, as well as some Eve Lom packets, and a mini lip palette by Bobbi Brown, but the SA made like she was giving them to me additionally.
    No Red Flower, no By Terry items.
    I don't know what is the item in the gauze packet, but I have not gotten that either. I also got some fragrance samples, but I purchased fragrances for $250, and I always get those.

    1. Boston too? I think that the little draw string pouch is a deluxe sample of something from Revive, but I'm not sure since my cold was still too bad to go to Barneys today, It seems as though there are definite differences in the bags regionally. There are always some differences, but there are so many people reporting that they didn't receive any full size products. Judging by the pictures above there appear to be at least 3 full size products- possibly 4 if that is a full sized DL nail polish- in the BH bag. I'm very curious to see it myself.

  8. Happy Birthday!! :) I got your emails, I will respond too - I am sick too :( Hope you did something fun for your day!

    1. Hi Nicolle! Thanks, sweetie! I'm so sorry to hear that you caught it to. I feel like I was hit by a mack truck. I hope that you have a super speedy recovery. Just rest- don't worry about emailing me until you feel better. I wasn't well enough to do anything. I stayed in bed ALL day :-(

  9. Just picked up my bag from SF Barneys today and I must say it is nowhere near as nice as last fall's, and nowhere near as nice as the one in the picture above. I got two bags last fall, one from the SF store, one online, and the SF one was seriously missing some items. That seems to be the case this time, too. No Sue Devitt eyeliner (same thing happened last time), no Shiseido thingy, only tiny samples and body wash-type stuff. Makes me wonder about the SF store, this is the second time their bags have been skimpy. Oh, and the Sunday Riley step up gift is $350 in SF to get the primer and lip gloss. I'm ordering from BH store and online next time!

    1. I wonder if the SF store doesn't actually carry the brands that were omitted from their bag? Someone told me that there were a few omissions from their store bag (can't remember which store- I think Chicago), but was told that that particular location didn't sell those lines.

      The problem with ordering online is that you won't get step-up gifts- only the gift bag. $350.00 for the step-up in SF for SR? It's $250.00 in BH. I had initially been told that they were doing the Primer and Lipstick, but a reader ordered from BH and said that she got a primer and lip gloss. There are definite variations from store to store with respect to step up gifts, minimum purchase price to qualify, and even the contents of the bags themselves. I don't know why this is the case, but it may have to do with the size of the store, the number of lines they sell, and how well they sell at that particular location. A line that is a SUPER hot seller in one location can barely sell at another location. For instance, I went to a Nordstrom in my area that is one of the few in the area to carry Le Metier de Beaute- while there I thought that I would pick up a lip gloss only to find that the counter had been removed. After asking my SA about it, I learned that it sold so poorly at that location that they eliminated it.

      I don't think that the SF location is as high volume as BH or NYC- so that may account for some of these differences.

    2. Yeah the SF store is pretty small and does not have much selection. It seemed like a larger space when I was a kid and it was still the FAO Schwarz store. :)

      And yes, it really was $350 to get the SR step-up gift. No Sue Devitt, Shiseido, or Kevyn Aucoin.

      Thank you so much for posting all this helpful information on your blog. I am definitely ordering from your friend at the BH store next time!!

    3. Ohhhh FAO Schwarz- I am Bay Area girl (born and raised in Berkeley) and I grew up going to FAO Schwarz in the City! I was so sad when it closed down, and when the I. Magnin on Union Square turned into Macys-- it's like they just ripped away a part of my childhood! :-(

      My guess is that the small size of the store, and more importantly disproportionately small selection of lines may be why the bag contents differ, but that's just a guess. Since the vendors either opt in or opt out of giving things for the gift bag I would bet that they would only want to give their products to the stores that actually sell them-- otherwise it would be quite costly, but again that is just my guess. That would certainly explain the lack of Sue Devitt, KA, and Shiseido products in the bag.

      I wonder what the SR step-up price is $100.00 higher in SF? I have no idea who sets the line limits at each store- whether it is the vendor, the store manager, or the counter manager. I assume that they have their reasons for the numbers that they choose.

      You are so very welcome! I'm glad that this was helpful to you. I have always loved shopping at the BH store- there are so many amazing SA and Reps at that location. I always feel like I am in really good hands there. :-)

    4. OMG I. Magnin!! I loved that store. Still remember the ladies' room stalls had marble doors. Would always shop day after Christmas sales there with my mom. 14 year old me thought I was sooooo cool with my DKNY bodysuit and Stuart Weitzman shoes that I got on sale. My mom was a GWP addict so most of my school bags were from Lancome, Clinique, or Estee Lauder. :)

    5. OMG!! I remember those ultra luxe bathrooms! My mom would bring me and my sister, and we literally spent hours in the makeup department between the Erno Laszlo, Chanel and Yves Saint Laurent counters. Then we would go have lunch downstairs at Narsai's Cafe with bags FILLED with makeup and skincare, and then do a little more shopping before heading home! I loved that store so much! My mom didn't let my sister buy drugstore lip glossed when her friends were in high school- instead she bought her this lovely Chanel lip gloss that my sister coveted- my mom was a high-end makeup junkie and wanted us to enjoy those lovely products as well! OMG- I love the image of your DKNY bodysuit and Stuart Weitzman shoes!!! I love your cool GWP school bags- that is just awesome! :-)

    6. I used to love going to Union Square to look at the Chrstmas Windows at I. Magnin, and we used to go the day after for the sales as well. Macys and Mama's Cafe downstairs near the cookware department was also a favorite. Sometimes the Neiman Marcus Cafe as well Such sweet memories (albeit of conspicuous consumption-LOL).

  10. Bergdorf Goodman had a really nice bag event last month, also with $200 purchase (I got mine online). Lots of skincare deluxe samples, some of them half size, and a full size A Dozen Roses rollerball, plus Tom Ford mini -- not just carded perfume samples.

    1. I saw that one, but didn't shop. It was pretty hard to resist though! Lots of deluxe skincare samples makes me happy!!!!!!! Sounds like you really scored a nice GWP-- and that is so much better than carded perfume samples!

  11. This always happens... I never walk out with exact things I planned to get. Tatcha shipment of course did not get there today. I totally knew it would happen. So instead of being patient and wait for my stuff, I bought some makeup. I'm emailing you the content of the NYC bag soon so watch out for it :)

    Also, I was chatting with the SA about the actual makeup bag. I mentioned that the promo picture had a different color scheme. She said the navy/yellow one is the only one they have.

    1. I hope that you are super happy with your purchases! Most of the pictures I'm seeing are of the Navy/Yellow bags. I still haven't been to the store to see if there is some variation. Last year they had a couple of colors to choose from, but sometimes they don't. It all just depends on what they are sent. I'm still trying to figure out what to get LOL!

  12. I hope you are feeling better and can get to Barney's and get your bag! I ordered from the BH store (per your recommendation-thanks!), but I live in Iowa and have to wait until 2/20 to get mine. The suspense is killing me! ;-) Please post pictures when you get yours! :-)

    P.S. I had a SA named Kelly and she was so wonderful - I'm trying the Tatcha line based on her recommendation and the things I have read on your blog. So excited!

    1. I'm feeling a little better, but not well enough to go to Barneys and infect everyone!! I'm so glad that you ordered through the BH store--it's such a great place, and filled with amazing SAs and Reps! Hopefully I will pick mine up in the next few days and will post pictures. I actually just spoke with Kelly and told her how happy you and others were with her, and she was just THRILLED to hear it. She really is very lovely! I think that you will be stunned by how lovely Tatcha products are! Please keep me posted!

  13. I've been following your blog, but this is the first time I commented. I was a little nervous when I headed to my local Barney's in Scottsdale, although my SA Maureen is quite lovely and I definitely recommend her to anyone in AZ. I did comment to her that people seemed to be missing things - like the KA gloss and she seemed surprised. It was in my main bag either, But I did get it from the bag my SA made up along with some deluxe sample sizes from Hourglass, 3Lab, and Eve Lom.

    I did get the eyeliner from Sue Devitt (and heard why there may not have been many of them). I didn't get the Red flower lotion, but I did get shampoo samples from Oribe and Davines. I also missed a couple samples from KGD, but got a sample of Juno from SR and a couple perfume samples. I added a few new things from NARS and my SA was willing to swap a lip pencil for the body bronzer as a step up.

    1. Hi!

      Thanks for taking the time to leave your first comment!!!! :-) Wow, how lovely and helpful Maureen has been! That was so nice of your SA to swap out the step-up for you. I think that some of the regional bag content omissions occur if that particular store doesn't stock that particular line (larger higher volume stores have more lines than their smaller lower volume counterparts). Therefore if your store doesn't sell Red Flower you likely won't be finding it in your gift bag.

      It sounds as though you ended up with a lovely bag and step up gift! What did you buy from NARS? THanks again for stopping by and commenting! Have a lovely weekend!

  14. I've been following your blog, but this is the first time I commented. I was a little nervous when I headed to my local Barney's in Scottsdale, although my SA Maureen is quite lovely and I definitely recommend her to anyone in AZ. I did comment to her that people seemed to be missing things - like the KA gloss and she seemed surprised. It was in my main bag either, But I did get it from the bag my SA made up along with some deluxe sample sizes from Hourglass, 3Lab, and Eve Lom.

    I did get the eyeliner from Sue Devitt (and heard why there may not have been many of them). I didn't get the Red flower lotion, but I did get shampoo samples from Oribe and Davines. I also missed a couple samples from KGD, but got a sample of Juno from SR and a couple perfume samples. I added a few new things from NARS and my SA was willing to swap a lip pencil for the body bronzer as a step up.

    1. I love Davines and Oribe!! I hope that you enjoy the products that they gave you!

  15. I did not order anything this time around, mostly because they charge $85 to ship to Canada (and that's via USPS - not even a courier service, which is usurious), and I figured I would just wait and buy the Tatcha products I want to try the next time I am in the US. Not feeling badly about it after hearing about what was in the various beauty bags and that the Tatcha supply wasn't good either. Though I did have a call from Barneys in NY on my phone on Friday - no message left, though. Kind of odd. It was like they couldn't even be bothered.

    1. I don't blame you one bit-- I wouldn't be willing to pay such an unbelievably high rate for shipping-- this is beyond usurious! I don't think any amount of step-up gifts, gift bags or other enticements would make be willing to pay such a fee! Not only would i not feeling badly about passing- I would feel good about not wasting so much money on receiving it!! Have you tried ordering directly from Tatcha? Do they ship reasonably to Canada? Very strange that Barneys in New York called and didn't leave a message.

  16. They do ship to Canada - $20 USPS and slightly more for Fedex ($35, I think). I'm torn between wanting to order sight unseen, and waiting until my next trip somewhere near a Barneys counter so I can try the products in person. I understand companies like Barneys have to charge for shipping - I just don't understand why it is so much and although they will say they ship internationally you pay such a premium to try to take advantage of events like the beauty bag.

    1. Ordering sight unseen seems somewhat tricky if it is done internationally. If there is a problem with the products, you simply don't like it (because it wasn't what you expected, or something breaks in transit- it seems as though it could be more complicated to resolve. Sky high international shipping rates don't make sense to Canada-- I have never understood this!

  17. Hi! Just wanted to thank you again for all the tips! I got the Koh Gen Do makeup I needed as well as a cute gift with purchase. The bag had 20+ samples, more than I ever received from any other store and included a full sized Kevyn Aucoin cream blush which looks promising. Although I'm not a huge fan of samples from brands I never heard of, this was rather fun! I believe Kelly took my phone order and she was professional and very nice...a pleasant experience that I'm considering repeating next year. Hope you have recovered!

    1. You are so very welcome!! I'm so glad that you are happy with your purchases, and your gift bag!! Kelly is wonderful- so I am not at all surprised that your whole experience was pleasant-- I am thrilled to hear it!! I'm definitely on the mend, but still a touch of the bug is lingering! Thanks for the well-wishes! :-)


I love reading all of your comments and interacting with you- so please do not hesitate to share your thoughts, and to ask questions. Remember that what you have to say is of interest to all of us! Always feel free to email me directly as well. SPAM and advertising links will not be published.