
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Barneys Love Yourself Bag Event Special from REN for Lola's Secret Beauty Blog Readers!! February 13-16, 2013!

As you know, I am a huge fan of REN Skincare- so it is with great pleasure and excitement that they are offering Lola's Secret Beauty Blog readers extra gifts with purchase. Their regular Step-Up Gift, with a $150.00 purchase,  consists of two deluxe samples of the Glycolactic Radiance Renewal Mask (reviewed here) and the Frankincense Revitalising Night Cream (they are half of the size of the full-size products). You, my beloved readers, will get even more than that. Of course with a $200.00 purchase you will automatically receive the Gift Bag as well!
All you have to do is call (310) 276-4400 Ext. 5613 and ask for Suzi, who is the REN Rep, and say you are a Lola's Secret Beauty Blog subscriber.


  1. Hello, longtime reader and fan here just hoping you are totally feeling completely better and wanting to thank you for the always lovely, lovely detailed posts! Also, as a token of my thanks, I just wanted to inform you as part of your NYC fan base that the current bag event at Barneys on Madison Ave in NYC has NO FULL SIZE ITEMS. I know how disappointing it can be to spend that amount and receive nothing full size for two seasons in a row and I would like to add that not only have I called up the store and spoken to my regular associate, but another friend who went there during her lunch texted me to inform me, very disheartened, that there was nothing really spectacular. Yes, GWP is GWP, but at spending 200USD pre-tax, I sympathize with your readers who would hope for a little something extra, that little lift of the guilt from the buyer's remorse that inevitably hits. So sorry to say, perhaps this is only a NYC-issue and perhaps in the BH location they have full size items?

    In either case, just wanted to give you a heads up. And thank you, again, for your wonderful blog!

    1. I'm about to answer you, but I just published the actual bag from Beverly Hills- so refresh your page and take a look while I am reading your whole comment! :-)

    2. Awe, I'm so glad that you are a longtime reader-- you just made my day!! Thank you for your get well sentiments!! I'm still sick with this stupid head cold-- hopefully it goes away soon!!!!!!! You are so very welcome, it truly is my pleasure!! It really is because of all of you that I do this!! You guys mean more to me than you could imagine! <3

      Wait, what?!!!!!!!!!! At the Flagship store?! I mean, for real- Barneys is a NY institution! It appears that BH has a full size DL nail polish and I think that there is a Sue Devitt eye liner in there! I might make my husband go pick up my bag and then I will post more pictures of the contents! $200.00 is no small amount of money- that's for sure. I can't believe that the bag in NYC looked meh to your friend!!

      Thank you for the information! And even more, thank you so much for saying such lovely things- you really did make my day!!!!!! <3


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